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Opinion on the Seed Freedom english cast?

Amalee? Isn't she a youtuber or something?
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I think he sounds fine. I haven't heard Shinn's actor in NYAV Destiny. I liked Matthew Erickson in Dynasty Warriors.
Feeling old? Or do you need a voice actor for a 16 year old kid to be at least 25?
He was always great in Destiny and the games, helps he's a Mecha veteran as he was also in Zoids and Betterman. The Remaster guy was horrible, he had the type of deep voice where your throat feels itchy hearing him and his screams were awful, literally ruins Shinn's more iconic scenes.
He was Amuro in Zeta and did a decent take, albeit radically different if you were expecting something similar to Swaile's Amuro.

Especially obvious in Zeta vs since you'll go from one to another.
Suzumura was 30 years old when he voiced Shinn , Erickson was 26, Phillips was in his 30s

Previous thread: >>22577763
SEED (now featuring Cross Ange) HATE GENERAL
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Inaho would've worked if he was more like Kira in his personal relationships.
I just love that unlike Kira, Inaho didn't get the princess in his story.
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No more Ed, Edd n Eddy jokes.
Compass is done. World governments lost faith in the organization. The last known action was them stealing Millennium and being declared renegades.

The only way they can continue operating is if Millennium becomes a pirate or rogue ship. Being supported behind the scenes by Terminal and Orb.

Shinn would be Team Leader for Mobile suits team. Destiny Gundam gets famous for continuously attacking and stopping conflicts.

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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

HG Huckebein Boxer info
A Portable Plus - rebalance hack v1.1 update:
Bravern - Courage Single Blade-Style Special Attack Brave Slash

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Depending on if it's Union or non-Union there's probably going to be some recasting. Even then, if Nadesico is in the next game, I don't Yurika's ADV voice actress has done anything in years. Not to mention we won't be hearing the old Canadian Gundam actors ever again like Brad Swaile as Amuro or Scott McNeil as Duo.
Play-Asia doesn't have the (Multi-Language) label appended to Super Robot Wars T. Does that storefront not carry a copy with an English language option? I know it exists, judging by Youtube.
That may possibly be the Japanese version which is not the same as the SEA version.
Damn it, I really have to settle for eBay then and cross my fingers. I haven't played it yet but I like enough of V and X to forego the high seas and buy them. Supposed to be the "International" trilogy so why's the first two with English language options while the third is seemingly Japanese only. Even the digital version on the eShop labels it as such. Different release windows?

Why wouldn't they animate this for Zeta's 40th next year? What reason could they possibly have not to?

What kind of lame bullshit are we actually getting instead?
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Most people don't buy directly from stores anymore so stocks are low. You'd have better luck getting them offline.

Also, 'if I buy it, maybe they'll animate it"
Typical American stupidity.
How is voting with your wallet stupid? Money talks louder than anything else I have to say. No, but you're right. They're going to animate the shit nobody buys.
Whatever you say fag
Where's the Ridden anime? Thunderbolt? Crossbone? Astray? All have sold millions across all volumes each. If wallets talked wed get shit now. Shit the fuck up you ignorant fucktard

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I'm curious. Bandai has tasked you with creating a Gundam entry for global appeal. Where do you go, and what do you do with it?

The goal is to make it easily accessible and to get people into the IP. Do you start a new AU? Existing continuations would be a challenge. What does /m/ say?
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>Where do you go, and what do you do with it?
I'd refuse the job.
SEED was handled like shit but it was the single biggest entry in the entire fucking franchise. Really? Couldn't have been THAT bungled. I mean christ, look at the film. It's absolute ass and IDK how it made as much money as it did, but I guess stupid shit sells.
it's bungled in a way that only pissed off the old-timers and autistic hardcore fans. New audience like the kids and tweens that the show was made for either don't give a shit or don't know the context about what it fucked up. They're not grading the show based on how deep it is, they're not comparing it to old Gundam stories they've never heard of, or how much a lore dump enhances the story and characters. They are solely just looking for entertainment.
The only thing that seemed bungled to me was the blatant stock footage. If you take out knowing any of the supposed drama that happened in it, then the show is fine. Beam spam did its job.
Gundam Deus Ex sounds like it could be fun actually. And also like something Bandai wouldn't touch.

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what are profoundly Pro War Mecha anime? im tired of pussy shit I wanna see people who Fucking LOVE killing people and destroying cultures and history
Legend of the Blue Wolves
MD Geist
Turn A Gundam
Megaton Musashi.


THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

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Yes, I did. Quality control is worse (more frequent mould lines, parts not always fitting each other, much tighter joints and connections sometimes need to be widen) but thats nothing modeller can't deal with. Most of parts are undergated, which means that you are less likely to leave damage on visible sides but need to clean them better to make proper fit. Design is similar but with more Chinese touch you could see from their Gundam models - more fancy details, more sharp edges, more of everything. Hilariously enough, most engineer solutions are straight copied from Megami Device (probably coming from same factory).

On the plus side, Chinese are very generous on runners so you build both girls instead of one (so its actually two kits in one) and have lots of spare parts for future projects (including blank copy of every faceplate, which is a blessing if you want to paint everything, skin included), plus each next project from this series and Eastern Models in general is better than previous - early ATK Girls are reported to be quite odd and janky while I also have Quinlong from this series and was honestly impressed by her quality - and this one have it better as well, requiring far less adjustments and fixing. Price is also lower, at least in Europe (40-50 EUR compared to 70-100 for Koto models, on Mandarake they have similar or even higher prices). Overall, I would recommend both her and her sister model.
Thanks, after looking around their website I think I'll try to order one of their newer models, the Camilla vampire one. Just need to find a retailer in Canada or willing to ship to Canada.
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Within Cells Interlinked.
Is there still no kit of this?
meant for>>22600689

Every Gundam pilot takes a joint. Who gets the best fix?
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I don't see Kai selling weed on WB but peddling something better, something more stimulating.
Next year I will have a Gundam model painted in rasta colors with a 420 decal ready in time for the festivities. I promise.
PLANT wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant. I'm movin like Oppenheimer, no N-Jammer will limit me.
Job John would be the one selling crappy weed at the WB and any populated location they visit to pay for his AE college tuition.

Boys likes Mazinkaiser
Men likes Mazinger Z
but only giga chads loves Great Mazinger
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Haha I can't wait for Tetsuya and his pals to show up in the next one

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WHAAAAAAT?! Hayato, my old comrade in arms, what brings you here? You want to tell me how much you ENJOY FUCKING FRAW BOW?! And you want me to TEST THE NEW BETA GUNDAM?! I won't even get to fly it, instead my OXYGEN-DEFICIENT FATHER will create a special device that will increase its performance BASED ON HOW MANY TIMES I PASSIVELY WATCH YOU RAIL FRAW?! You will install hundreds of screen in my house that I WILL NEVER LEAVE that will show nothing but YOUR MEGA-BEAM CANNON destroying Fraw's DELICATE HULL MILLIONS OF TIMES ON REPEAT?! You and her will repopulate entire colonies and your children will grow DESPISING me for turning from a WAR HERO INTO A PATHETIC KEK to the point the entire human race will call me the FIRST EVER KEKTYPE?! What's that? CHAR AZNABLE WILL COME HERE TO LAUGH AT ME?! He will also describe in EXCRUCIATING DETAIL hundreds of his sexual experiences with Lalah before I VAPORIZED HER and we will communicate with her psyche scattered throughout the cosmos so she can tell me HOW DISGUSTED SHE IS BY ME?! All while footage of YOU UNLEASHING YOUR WILDEST SEXUAL FANTASIES upon Fraw's TENDER BODY plays in the background and I can't avoid looking at it?! What can I say? LET'S DO THIS HAYATO! AMURO! IKIMASU!
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>lose your GF and baby
>go on a mission to the Earth to find yourself maybe
>meet Amuro, your greatest rival
>feel something for once in your life
>he tells you that he's going to sacrifice you to the gods of politics for absolutely no reason
>fuck off again and become space hitler
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There's Zeta Define, which is a direct sequel to the Char's Deleted Affair manga. So far it is a retelling of the Zeta Gundam story with differences here and there, no idea if they'll go beyond that to cover the ~5 years between 0088 to 0093. If they do, it might take another 15 years to finish as the CDA manga ran from 2001 to 2009 and Zeta Define manga started in 2011 and is still ongoing as of this point in time.

There is an -unrelated- manga called MSV-R: Return of Johnny Ridden, set in UC0090. It doesn't focus on Char, but Char and his Neo Zeon faction show up 14 volumes into the story as another group chasing after the story's treasure that everyone wants. It's a little bit related to what you want because it includes two characters named Arlette and Danton in Char's group who are recent additions to the UC lore, introduced as loyal friends of Char. I guess someone at Sunrise realized that going by his actions, Char seems like a loner psychopath and needed friends who were normal. They sometimes use the characters to talk about Char from a different perspective. For example, they have this conversation to frame Char as less of a pedo (which is so commonly thought that it's even an joke within the franchise) and more of a person lacking motherly and womanly affection.
>Zeta Define
How far into Zeta it is already?
I kinda hope it will cover Double Zeta too.
They just got to the Dakar speech.

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Belated Birthday Edition

>KimiNozo Kickstarter Server
https://twitter.com/age_soft/status/1640550456203300864 (embed)

>Magazines on Steam
>JP version gallery
>english (can whoever hosts the mega archive upload these?)

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should I buy, put a generic steam crack, refund and upload it here as a final fuck you to Age? judging from the news they're getting rid of online only right?
it's literally not even worth playing
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holy fucking kek why are there badly animated vtubers here. Anyway the crack works but i have no idea where to upload it (9 gb)
Movement is janky as fuck, I don't know if I'm shooting the gun or not because the sound mixing is fucked. A lot of voice acting surprisingly? I'm getting FPS hits even though the Gundam games on PS2 looks better than this
5years in the making, but I finally got my friend to commit to Muv-Luv, and we've just started Alternative. Hilarious to think he thinks Kasumi is a time-looper too because she knew about the game guy
The Vtubers are apparently characters from Kaseki no Uta, one of Age's earliest games.

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It is time to make a thread about some less known anime.
less known by who
By general otaku scene, I mean.

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Outsourced Edition

>Power Rangers Cosmic Fury:
Currently available on Netflix

>Official YouTube Channels:

>24/7 Streams:

>Boom Comics Recent Releases/Announcements:
- Ranger Academy
- MMPR: The Return

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Thoughts on Mr. Weenie and his power ranger videos?
he went off the deep end

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Picking up chicks edition

>Symphogear XV+AXZ music

>AXZ HiBiKi Radio Archive

>GX Pastebin and Mega folder

>XV website

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I'm licking the monitor.
Miku chico.
peak femininity

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