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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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previous thread: >>92541181

/pfg/ (pathfinder 1e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/RSt0rF0T
/p2g/ (pathfinder 2e) link repository: https://pastebin.com/1zySxwm3
/sfg/ (starfinder) link repository: https://pastebin.com/5yp9s2U3
/3eg/ (D&D 3.X) link repository: https://pastebin.com/VMRsxB2m

The T̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ Vault (seed, please!):

TQ: What's your favourite homebrew and/or houserule?
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>Tables of the 50 largest settlements in any given region. Tables of typical/most common family and given names. Tables of typical flora and fauna in a given region. Tables of local festivals and holidays. Tables of local laws and the fines and punishments associated with various crimes. Tables of random encounters. All the tables.
Tables aren't crunch.
Yeah, they should have included a ritual or some other magical component to it to explain away such inconsistencies. Starfinder does it a bit better by having Mnemonic Editor alter your brain to do it.
the alternative is like people throwing out their character sheets to make an almost identical character with 1 minor difference.
I think he is probably talking about major changes to characters not just changing some minor feature. Like sure changing fighting style via changing your feats makes sense but learning and forgetting how to craft over a few weeks is just retarded without some form of ritual or journey to do it.
Eh makes more sense to me than being at the peak of all your skills all the time without reinforcement.
You should be able to have your character camp out in a toolshed for a month in order to produce a mcguffin, but then they neglect some other part of their capability.

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Have you played it before? On what sapphic escapades did you go?

(Knowing /tg/, it absolutely won't go to hell)
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>$37,000 on KS

......... I'm becoming more and more tempted to make my own ttrpg. I mean, I'm sure a big reason these succeed are due to activists and perverts... but man, after looking at a couple of pages, that level of quality for 37k is absolutely nuts to me. I bet it cost them a fraction of that to actually make this.
I told u already... I dont like lesbeans... y make a game about lesbeins? tehyre annoyin n they sukk (not dick tho)... 2 many gams bout lesbins...
It's not "Soulsborne" as the other anon pointed out.
Why do they have large bulbus noses. What are they overweight and chubby? Why are they intentionally designed to be unattractive and unappealing. There supposed to find each other attractive right? Being a lesbian means you're attracted to women.
Why is their art always like this?
I've been on the internet long enough to know that any sort of garish "transbian" who loves PbtA games likely won't be my friend and would likely hate my guts unconditionally just for posting on 4chan ever.
It looks inadvertently bad rather than deliberately bad, which I guess is kind of an improvement.

Coyote and Crow made slightly over a million and it's also crap. Apparently all you have to do is convince people that they're morally obligated to support your game and then shill the fuck out of it.

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92607909
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>More cope
You almost there anon. Just more cope and you can may get it out of your head that he is a man.
Have you ever seen a cyoa out-of-context?

ex: printed out and stapled to a pole, as an ad page, on some random persons screen
Her family forced her to dress and act like a man and she was able to marry a woman because of it. When she made a connection with another man she was reminded about being a woman. If anything she was forced to be a troon and is just used to it now.
Strong Cleave magic is nice and all but it isn't appealing to me personally be it as an investigator, a mage exploring it's potential, or even as a clan given it's NPCs. It isn't very helpful for solving cases with any degree of subtlety. Even leaning into applying different laws and properties to them to detect something by having an expanding barrier push it away, the spontaneously flying anomaly disguised as your neighbor is going to be just as visible to the normies as it is to you. Sure if you go into Rogue Hunting, SAT, or Magic Anomalies you can sword good or set up a forward base but most every other clan has combat potential and utility besides.

From the angle of magic the only development potential I see for it is focusing on applying laws and properties using multiple overlapping internal barriers. Since by definition you can't leave the casting area of the barrier the immobility problem becomes a non-issue. Since we know you can prevent aging and death as one example there could be under-utilized options here. For example barriers to push away fatigue and strain from projection magic making it a viable long term use magic while using a series of barriers to direct it like a projectile to an opponent so that they grow more tired the longer the fight goes on instead of you. If it's feasible then with careful thought you could potentially get a much wider range of effects than just block good.

As for in-clan companions you have sad girl auctor, justice fag kin-slayer archmage, archmage's #1 fan with little to no chill, yuri ntr bait glowie who is definitely not geh just trust me bro, and Germany's professional groomer that probably hangs out with Grace to trade tips on how best to raise their latest batch. As much as I'd like to personally generate a nation's population of Aryan mongrels with Hagia, I probably wouldn't be able to put up with my own clan's 'tism for longer than 10 minutes before it goes to drawing swords.
I forgot to mention the potions she had to take to keep her from developing a feminine shape.

Empire Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>92465527

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed) (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

/wbg/ Discord: https://discord.gg/JCjYYb2E (broken)

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I think that central ocean would actually be much warmer than the rest of the world since the water largely remains there. Being close to the equator, it will just warm up and couldn't travel that far up north to cool down, cycling back into the central sea. The far western side of the western continents are probably going to be much cooler than expected, and I'd imagine its northwestern side to be one of the colder parts of the world. Remember that, on our planet at least, water at the equator is warm because of constant exposure to the sun and it will be warmest on its most western side as it takes time to travel on the equator, continuously warming up. It only begins to cool when it travels up north away from the sun.
NTA but my setting basically stems from the questions
>what if the romans lost the cimbric war and
>what if Scipio Africanus accepted the kingship his allied troops wanted to give him.
Monads: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monad_(philosophy)
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So this isn't 100% complete, and it probably sucks, but how does this look? Assuming that the planet's equator is a little further south, does everything look okay for the most part? Also, does it make sense for the circled area to be a desert? Or too many lakes?
Any idea what I should call this?

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Brainstorm Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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No one argued that. The card we're talking about is a different one.
Nah I'm with the judge on this one. It's awkward because there's a card with that explicit name. If the original Borborygmos had some sort of title after his name then sure I'd side with intention, but alas he named a card explicitly.
>can't get cards until the next turn
>and makes you lose your draw step
it's fucking dogshit, dude just use the one ring instead
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Yeah we're talking about a better Necropotence because it doesn't make you skip your draw step.

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Four feet and below edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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So….do all the different factions of Chaos God-worshippers all consider their side the inevitable winner / greatest? Like how the Nurgle-followers are super fatalistic about everything because obviously of course everything will end up with Nurgle. Do the other Chaos factions look at it the same way, just with a different emotional impetus?
No to both, but for different reasons.
Considering them the eventual winner implies they know, or believe, the gods are in active competition, which some might not. As for considering their god the best, I imagine most do, but not all.
Alternatively they'll be huge with multiple rats.
>no faction battle tactics

And the fluff just keeps on getting cut.

Thanks touneyfags
Have you thought that this might come with the actual tomes and not the index?

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
AllSync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Multiplayer Compilations: https://rentry.org/MCYOA_Comp_Comp (was I supposed to do this?)
In Case of Emergency, Break Glass: https://rentry.org/mcyoagCanary
Threadslave Rentry: https://rentry.org/ThreadKeeping2
'A new challenger has arrived?' Edition
Previous Thread: >>92606142
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Fair enough.
At least it was thematically consistent!
Rapunzel - wins friends easily, starts sing-a-longs, escaped from an evil place, ends up with a hottie, etc. Also, Gigan is Pascal.
Not really sure.. Snow White for that food coma.

>Oyster guy is clearly a terrifying foe that Inigo underestimated for too long.
I have half a mind to make him a villain build, but it's funnier to have 1-D basically slowly torture this random NPC.
>She's leading her interns into a string of animal violence!
Popsy and the team has to make another apology video after this one... and this is after Popsy allegedly kicked the Mayor's dog. Animal rights activists are on us.
>his just makes me imagine a scene where he sees Seiryu or one of his relatives in dragon form
"Who's dragon are you big fella?" "I'm here to see my cousin.."

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are there any 40k cyoas we could use other than Rogue Trader?
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this one
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Previous thread: >>92488058

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

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>Some 'GMs' are utter fucktards
>Is anyone removing their helmets? It's worse than the sewers you just trudged through. You might throw up if you do!
>Sir, this is a Deathwatch squad.
>Wouldn't want to be a Space Wolf here!
Haven't seen another GM hard set 'and then X happens' with no alternatives so many times in one session.
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Are there any blank sheets for Liber Imperium? Form fillable or not, doesn't matter, I'll just print them.
Woo! New WanG book!
Do we have any information on the contents yet? Or a copy?

Previously: >>92608403

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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The goyfim know! Pinkertons shut them down!
On the plus side, out of the 8 black players I've met at my LGS, 5 of them had zero issues and 1 lightskin used to be problematic but is better now
one stole both MTG and YGO cards and is banned from all three LGSes in my big town
>they can make gay tarmogoyf tokens
>they can't make the dimir clock-maker with midnight clock tokens a real card
The only black guys that show up to my local shop all play Dragonball
it's not like several alchemy cards are impossible to make into paper cards. they just don't want to.
>free him

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Why it failed?
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Honestly they tore themselves to bits.
It's doing fine.
Ironically, the old way of releasing content for games was the best way from an economic and commercial standpoint.
Way back when, the overwhelming majority of supplements were soft bound adventures with three hole punched sides, a few pages long, and could be run with zero prep. Monsters came in loose leaf three hole punched stacks that you tossed into your own ever growing binder of baddies, the same with spells, trinkets, etc.
The result was a steady supply of content across the board, cheap to make, cheap to buy, and easy to swing by a shop to pick up the new stuff that dropped that month.
Also cheap magazines with mini modules and stat blocks that were often written by people who actually worked on the game, or at least were involved with other games. That can sort of be replicated by drive-thru rpg, but there's a deluge of it with negative editorial oversight, so it's not as useful.
Only problem I have is that the shilling is super hardcore. Everyone's trying to sell you shit. Same reason why Shadowdark vibes were off.

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Shockwave edition

>Cyberpunk 2020 vs. Cyberpunk RED?
Cyberpunk 2020 is the second edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that focuses on simulation gameplay and has a black trenchcoat aesthetic.

Cyberpunk RED is the fourth edition of the Cyberpunk TTRPG that is set after Cyberpunk 2020 following the Fourth Corporate War, focuses on more balanced gameplay and is more streamlined but has less content.

>Cyberpunk Rulesets (The Vault) (May not have all updated rulebooks, check official sources for updates)

>Resources for RED:

>RED free-DLC and extra content

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Fellow gun combat tinkerer here, and I think this is a pretty good idea; but that you should probably not make it a hard 50%. Use it as a guideline instead. For example at close range maybe you always ablate, but at long range you don't. GM fiat.

Ideally you want combat to have as few conditional values as possible, so you never forget any of them. You could easily say that weapons with Xd6 always ablate, while weapons with Yd6 don't. Plate rating abstracted to a level that doesn't require you to continuously monitor numbers, instead just relying on broad archetypes.
>a day in the life of a TT employee where the followed paramedic shoots a guy in a bar in his downtime who turns out to have TT insurance, so he saves his life and then bills him the cost of the bullet that shot him
I love cyberpunk dark humor.
meant for >>92616272, whoops
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speaking of Trauma Team, do they all follow the same outfit design? I could had sworn they are technically a franchise of sorts so people could meet factions with different but similar-in-the-same-vein outfits in some 2020 book. I could be misremembering, but I remembered reading something about them used to be yellow.
From Night City Stories. Could you imagine if this joke was put into RED? I wonder if this is why R.Tal refuses to license out CP:R when 2020 had so much 3rd party content. Too afraid of the bite coming back.

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Are the lovecraftian abominations in your setting unintentionally adorable /tg/?
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Idk, they’re kinda funny in a creepy sorta way. I’d probably hang out with them out of sheer (dangerous) curiosity (killed the cat).
They're plenty creepy with their weird (translator-muddled) language, but I think the game didn't portray the true horror enough. I mean, Star Control has creepy sentient fungi planet-killing "terra"formers, spider monsters who worship literal gods of evil, horrifying blob monsters whose idea of good fun is trolling others, creepy Greys who have meddled with the humankind before, speak in riddles, and know a lot more than they actually say, not to mention two species whose philosophies are either "fight for us or be shut in on your planet" or "die".
>creepy Greys who have meddled with the humankind before
It’s for our own benefit
The Orz aren’t supposed to be obviously evil. We still can’t be sure. It’s subtle and ambiguous horror.
Arilou hands typed this post

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/tg/'s own Suggers, Peachy, and the Honest Wargamer linked up

Need it or keep it?
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Economically socialist, but with right-wing views on family, culture, and the ethnic makeup of society.

Why hasn't anyone tried this?
I think some form of distributism is the answer personally. The core problem with late stage capitalism is that company ownership is divorced from the health of the company itself.
>see thread
>scroll down
>some retarded pointless argument about socialism
Reminder the first thing Louise did after setting up her own channel was charge $50 for a single fishing goblin miniature made-to-order.
But now it is. Now new hobbyists are recruited into a context where The Lore is A Thing, they're taught that Canon Matters, and so most new hobbyists will conform to that culture. Further these changes are being made as part of a wider context in which political actors are intentionally trying to shift the Overton Window of the hobby space so that the old
>Hey man it's fluff, ignore it if you don't like it or make up your own
mentality is replaced instead with a baseline of
>Erm, ACKSHOLEE I think you'll find that [faggy change] is in fact Lore Accurate and the only possible reason anyone could have to reject that is if you're a hatemongering istaphobic bigot!

If you can't see how that harms the hobby, I don't know what to tell you. Like seriously even a decade ago people were taking literal actual Nazi-themed Krieg to tournaments. Was it cringe? Sure. But despite getting a broadly negative reaction and a lot of proto-poofters screeching it should be barred *that wasn't the consensus view*. Now you can't even deride shittily-painted Pride Marines outside of this shithole without being branded as Senor Mengele Trump-Hitler esq. and run out of town.

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