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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary). Discussions of a political nature should be posted on >>>/pol/. Global Rule 3 is also obviously in effect.

Note: /biz/ is NOT a place for ADVERTISING or SOLICITING. Do NOT use it to promote your business, ventures, or anything you may have an interest in. Anything that looks remotely like advertising or soliciting will be removed. Begging/asking (including tipping) for cryptocurrencies or asking for money/capital is also strictly forbidden.

Check the catalog before posting a new thread!

Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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So whatever happened to lobo? coin with some actual utility behind it but struggled to ever go anywhere, what can be learned from their fuck up? is utility actually kind of toxic for memecoins? should people just pick a lane and not try for both?
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I really don't get the irrational hatred for this coin to the point people would lie about it like this
How much did you lose anon?
That question would be better suited to you, it would explain the hate at least. If I was invested in this coin I probably wouldn't be openly posting about how dead it is.
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>Implying this isnt an intentional shill thread to try and get people to buy your bags
Not buying your bags back
Okay, don't buy anything, can we actually discuss the coin and why it failed now?

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Has it worked for you ? Why not buy an expensive car and charge $300/day and recover the costs within a year ?
Cause youll spend more on maintenance retrard
Because you can't rent out an expensive car for $300/day, the most I've seen a Model X or S-class go for is like $150

escalade going for $750/day

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It's dumping again...
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These gay ass jeet shillbots will bump get this thread to the bump limit anyways. I don't think it'll happen. Thanks jannies.
Get some FUN, it’ll start pumping like crazy soon
great, now i can buy more, and swap to lrds
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it's dumping...

a g a i n
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How is this an evergreen thread FFUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK

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Welcome to the ICP General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's first limitless full stack crypto cloud

ICP is an unstoppable, tamperproof, sovereign, and autonomous alternative to hosting in centralized cloud. No backdoors. Currently processing
more than 300k Ethereum-equivalent transactions a second, with no upper bound or decrease in performance. Built from the ground up to be a
world computer, it does not have the problems of transaction congestion, external data fetching, or relying on centralized cloud for front end or data hosting
like all other L1/L2s. From the minds of the worlds leading cryptographers came chainkey cryptography. Allowing for breakthrough trustless and bridgeless integration of all
blockchains, a net positive for the entire blockchain ecosystem. Currently the DFINITY foundation has integrated BTC and ETH, with ERC-20s on the way. An independent group is currently working on integrating Solana.

Imagine building secure Web3 services 100% on-chain with no need for traditional IT, using just smart contract software. This full stack decentralization, when augmented with
trustless multi-chain capabilities derived from advanced cryptography, would enable the secure custody of diverse crypto assets, their incorporation into highly sophisticated
value-producing functionality, and the integration of smart contract logic on other chains. New realms of possibilities would appear.

ICP is the whole package, no Rube Goldberg machine necessary.

>Price action redpill

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>I see pee
i swear to god the number must go up my basterds, dom has ruined my life
still buying as it gets lower

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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What the fuck, why is my post gone?
I did not delete this post

Did you delete this image?
No, there wasn't an image with that post. Odd

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Here's everything I own. What should I do at this point? I'm 27, not married, no kids.
I pay off the credit cards every month.
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Thank you. I'll probably go with this.

>I assumed you wanted even more moolah
How much is enough for you? $2M is game changing since it gives me agency over my own body and time, but I'd probably still try to level up to $10M nw. Either through buying bitcoin low (bear market) and selling high (peak bull), or keeping my initial 2M of dividend-paying stocks and gambling whatever I have left over on crypto with a separate portfolio.

>How much is enough for you?

>level up to $10M nw.
Well getting to 10M networth is possible depending on how long you wait and how risk averse you are. What's your expected time frame to hit 10M as is rn?

If you invest 2M into those assets I spoke of, it'll take you 14 years of growth without taking anything out to reach 10M. there are other ways to reach it faster, such as Crypto as you've seen. I've made most of my money via options
dividends are retarded, just buy spy or qqq and withdraw 3 yearly max if you want to spend some, your portfolio still should go up

this is also retarded
you need 2 million and that's it
just go 100% sp500 and withdraw 3% yearly
you will never run out of money and make some money
dividends are just annoying, just withdraw manually
If you're investing 7-8 figures, even those few small percentages can make a big difference.

the figure needed to retire and live off of growth is dependant on how much you want to use annually. if youre someone who spends 50K annually, then 2mil is fine. But if you are someone who wishes to spend 300K annually, a 2 mil investment into the SPY won't yield u such results

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I don't get how you cryptofags have the stomach for seeing your funds dissolve half the time. I tried doing crypto twice now and both times I pulled out once I saw the losses. I know rationally you can buy some boring shit like bitcoin and just ignore it and probably a few years later it'll be worth way more. But the ups and downs are too much for me to handle. I just stick to buying VOO now to track the S&P 500 and it's way less stressful. When it goes down it's only by much smaller amounts usually and if it gets really bad at least that means the entire rest of the world is having a massive financial disaster too.
develop intuition stupid ass nigger. i knew the bottom was around 17k and around here was the top.

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I'm giving up on crypto, specifically I'm giving up on LINK.
Good job brother. Put your money into treasuries instead like I'm doing kek. pepe04.png make sure to post something that will make them fight against eachother.

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I love the memes coming off this silly frog, it's the most fun in crypto I've had in a long while, and the community is working non-stop to make things happen

Is there anything I should be concerned about?
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Very wholesome indeed. I won't sell until 3b
Im back in bros. my greedy swing attempt lost me only 10% of my original position. youre welcome whales. holding until moon, the mrs should be very pleased the rest of the year with our fren purchases
Why is this shit coin still up? Holy shit and to think I only bought $50 worth just for the lukz
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I will never not kick myself daily for not buying more sooner, but that's life. My dad spent my whole savings account on the stock market in 1997, and left my middle-school ass with nothing. He passed away a couple years ago, so I'm in $45k of inheritance money in Apu. Second chance, pops, be a fren from beyond >:O
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Anon's retiring with this coin. Do NOT hold to his predictions and you will live a happy life.

Wait... zoomers hate us now? Are we all boomers here, now that the bull run is over and crypto is dead?
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The bottom is in
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If this isn't the first image that popped into your head when you watched that clip, something's worng with you
"ohhh god xD"

rolling their eyes at literally the best performing asset of the last 15 years. that would be like someone in the 50's being like "Heh home ownership.. You see... The prices of homes by the time we're old... Will skyrocket a lot more" and a bunch of roasties being like "Heh git outta here yabba dabba doo"
I bet those sheep would sell their grannies for some btc if btc had a nice mascot, like a golden bitcoin teddy-bear. not that I want those people to fomo into btc though. they can wait until it becomes so easy to use they don't even notice when they do so, like https.
they missed the boat

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crypto has gone from a bunch of high iq tech nerds trying to revolutionize money to a bunch of poor third worlders desperately trying to scam each other and you think this is bullish
>a bunch of poor third worlders desperately trying to scam each other
This is why altcoins are shit; they just diluted the market. Bitcoin is the only coin.
I suspect it's a small fringe in the crypto ecosystem that indulges in these Hunger Scams, as seen by the relatively small amounts of money involved in each one. It is however very prominent on /biz/, but that says more about the forum that about crypto itself.
bitcoin was always the only thing that matters
I see where you're coming from. but still.. bitcoin is so shit. How do you rationalize it?

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Just spent $5 for my son to get an ice cream from an ice cream truck. Holy fuck things are bad.
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is Denver a nice place? Is it full of evangelist christtards?
did your wages double?
It's Glownigger central. Almost as bad as Utah.
why wouldn't wagie cagie do this? no one is man enough to punch wagie, wagie is backed by corpo mouse, he's a God amongst peasants, fuck Chad for having sex
It's cowboy themed Portland

Will dumb money buy my ponzi coins at All Time High before the great crash of 2024?
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>just waiting for a crash to finally start investing
you're waiting for fat currency to regain its value for some reason
just think about that concept for a moment
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>they're trying to choke the exit this time (crypto)
This is annoying when there are only a handful of exchanges to convert to jew fiat and they want you to spread your ass cheeks with KYC verification.
When you only need to convert a little to pay living expenses, and you could easily start a currency exchange yourself - like "Hey I'll pay your rent for bitcoin/crypto."
But then zog will send armed people to arrest you.
It's gay.
>i wish i could be the jew
really anon? that's ur ambition? btw, if u can't beat them, at their game or join them, it is a competency/skill issue and ur coping - the point is ur spiritually jewish
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But it will dump from an higher point.
So if the SPX goes to 7000 and crashes to 4000.. so what, not that big of a deal.
wrong board

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Web3 seems to be DOA. It's all NFT and DeFi bullshit. When are we going to get Web3 doordash? Web3 uber? Web3 ebay? Web3 facebook? When are we going to admit that web3 is a sham?

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Can I make it to 7 figs this run? Or 800k at least? Fucking hell.
pls no bully
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top kek
BTC price @ first halving: 13
1 year after halving: 1,152
Total gain: 8700%

Second halving: 664
After 1 year: 17,760
Gain: 2500%

Third halving: 9,734
After year: 67,547
Gain: 500%

So it was 87x, then 25x, then 5x. And now it seems it might be even less. So at least for BTC, you will likely see not even 2x on that.

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consider that we're back above 60k is likely, even my maga seems to hold up well until November, anything is possible as long as the bear is not around
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Why's this bitch so dumb?
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Stuxnet their basic farms, same as we did their nuclear enrichment facilities
I would complain but I also make stupid decisions, like panic selling everything I had in dextools without even thinking of a plan
every good mining facility own a drone destroying laser
jep, all those useless leeches need to be forced to work in a coal mine for 2yrs after the revolution.
Civilization is the west having the money printer as opposed to fucking Iran you dumbass.

Why do you struggle against the trend? Why do you put yourself through this? Why don't you just go and have sex instead of making all these conspiracy theories about why your special altcoin is being supressed? Its over. Just sell your bags.

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Im going to put my entire networth ($500,000) in MSTR this monday after seeing this fucking video.


Fucking clown economy. Im fucking done with this shit. Im making it into 7 figures by xmas.
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Yup MSTR is my fav for an easy 3X. Also ONDO.
looking at that data, I would do the same tbf, but if you have at least more than 50 IQ, you wouldn't base your decision of that single chart, I'm telling you this because I did the same shit, only seeing truflations data, and end up losing money
Can you take a loan using your stocks as collateral?
>no fee
idiot, they have an entire (fake) company to staff and salaries to pay
irrelevant compared to the leverage you get on the upside

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