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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Previous thread: >>973562
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>detailed anus
Anon, we need to talk.
How do I get this layout? I know how to make the 4 viewports but how does he get the ui all clean like that. I can almost get there but not quite, still a few buttons for me.
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I swear I attached this, I blame moot
also is there a way to onion skin or like lock a frame in a certain window or things like that?
I want to bring a character from maya into blender. obviously I can't bring the rig over and will have to re rig it, but is there anything else I need to do in either program to prevent shenanigans?

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I made product renderings for a client and it went great but now the client is asking for an animation like vid related.

I tried the (newly updated) particle simulation in C4D to try to create a body of liquid and also tried xParticles but both runs like shit on my M1 MacBook. I tried my best to optimize the simulations following multiple tutorials online but I cant get semirealistic results.

Now that I am thinking about it I might be vastly overcomplicating things since I basically just need to raise the product from a plane that somewhat sticks to the object.

Does anyone have an idea for a method I could use to achieve the effect in a much simpler way? I must be missing something.
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or you could just do sdf booleans and never have to render a pass and maintain more control over the geo with less friction

thanks for the essays and the 1980's techniques though
VFX just means you do it as compositing in a videoediting software. You render out your mesh and a depth pass and inside your video editing software you'd set up layers to blend it all together to make a transition between your CGI and your other layer using your Z-depth.

I work real-time stuff so I haven't touch any videoeditor in years but 'adobe premiere' and 'after effects' was what I used back in the day and it was really easy to just jump in and use those as it's basically a photoshop for videos and I already knew my way around photoshop inside out.

There's probably better suites available, all the VFX tryhards used different software back then too but I can't recall their name.

How's that discerning eye of yours now you sad fuck?
pretty good, man; feels great to be better than everyone else. how you doing?
Is this even particles and not a plane intersecting with a special shader?

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - "We're going back to our roots" Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>977313

List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB (embed) (embed)
/3/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gbYCEBPuK2
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I'm still learning how to manuever the iTaSC solver. I'm trying to do an uncommon walk cycle. I'm also not very motivated today but maybe I'll make it work eventually.
this >>981899 is not >>981638
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Successfully reverse engineered an eye rig. Want to make a mouth rig using similar techniques, but a little more expressive.
Still needs textures.
Good job including movement in the eye lids when the iris moves

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We have this over in /ic. I'd like to see anons portfolios and works. Post your socials.
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Reminder that I'm a hobbyist and I will post my work if I fucking feel like it.
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Just when I thought you couldn't get more based
Oh no don't get me wrong it's just group of lawyers and surveillance enthusiasts that profile, detect and denounce acts of vandalism by leftards. Wéve also dismantled a couple of groups just by using their 'hate speech' jargain against them.

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Previous >>959310

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
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What's this supposed to be a tutorial for? I don't really understand what the result is supposed to be?
cloth fold
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To do this. I made a nurbs circle and placed it about where I wanted the ponytail to come out, duplicated it and used maya's "live surface" to move the CVs of the circle onto the scalp in the irregular shape it needed to be.
Then I lofted between the 2 curves, and extracted another loop out of the middle of the surface. I adjusted the CVs of that middle loop to be in a better spot, then lofted another surface on all 3 loops and did the same thing 1 more time.
alternatively I've offset a sphere I sculpted to intersect with the head where I wanted and did a boolean subtraction.

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I am now much stronger, and now have mastered AI as well as 3D and 2D.
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If you are beginner i think it's okay but if you already did some programming it's way too long but still cool keep working on it.
Cris, check out this Godot tutorial:
i coom
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more progress.

Transition made.

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Do they take a special computer graphics course in Japanese only? Why do we westerners have to be content with a subpar anatomy tutorial with ugly bodies?

My answer: Topology over anything else. After extracting 3d models from multiple japanese games myself, they were simply made by hobbyists with no background at modeling. It's the information they had available at Japan which is something I need to obtain.
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just hit the retopo button in zbrush a bunch of times you fucking monogloids it's not even an arform

oooo I did it I'm yellow now I'm a little japanese man I'm a SAVANT i'm a genus. eat my shit trump 2024
Are you ok anon? You seem in distress
Do it with this model: https://3d.si.edu/object/3d/1903-wright-flyer%3Ad8c62e5e-4ebc-11ea-b77f-2e728ce88125

I know you can’t because the scanner messed it up and become impossible to use it.
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same way they mastered pixel art:
by being a country of obsessed pedos
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It's all in the texture

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So....that big AI image or video to 3d mesh never materialized, did it? Its mid april. We should all be free of modelling by now. All this big AI talk, but nothing delivered. No image to model, no video to model, no ai texure, no ai uv, and github copilot stinks on ice.
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It's somekind of redditor handshake I think
There's this project that applies the ideas of noise/diffusion based image generation, like stable diffusion and combines it with gaussian splatting.

The results are pretty good for what is essentially first gen. It even has browser based demo. https://gsgen3d.github.io/ if you can use this to generate a mesh, you could then use another program to retopo, and use image based ai to generate extra maps, or change texture styles.

It wouldn't surprise me if some dev starts using this kind of workflow for background assets in the next 5 or so years. Especially with nanite allowing unnecessary details.

Things like the fruits in a fruit stand in the next elder scrolls game, which is probably still run a gamebryo derivative...
AI will temporarily die the moment someone wins a trademark case. AI will have to be retrained with data that is not trademarked eventually
Not a single strike won because AI training on copyrighted data is legal and will remain legal. And what do you do when AI is trained on AI that is trained on copyrighted data? This shit should have sorted out in 2022 and the fact that it didnt fudge even an inch is sign that it will remain that way forever.
>And what do you do when AI is trained on AI that is trained on copyrighted data?
ChatGPT and other AI networks already degraded because it's a cycle of shit, this doesn't work.

Creating garment assets for game environments.

Seems it's a bit niche?

Pivoting from a Rhino + SolidWorks / Blender (to render) background.

What should I know?
Do you have tutorial/ resource recommendations?
**yes i have checked the intro guide**
program is simple. you can learn 100% of it in a few days.
pattern cutting, depending on what you want to do, is not. you can learn 30% of it in a 3 year university degree.
Does it make more sense to texture in CLO or bring it to blender and texture it there?
No. Marvelous has a view to layout uvs, just do that, export and texture wherever you normally do. Marvelous will export stitching at geometry iirc. You're better off building that into the textures with something like substance painter (or redo the stich geo procedurally in Houdini or geo nodes if you need autistic levels of detail)

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blender idiot here

I'm making a model for a vrchat avatar and for some reason some bones are moving around on their own after I export as an FBX then reimport. I've searched all over the internet for a solution and a lot of the threads on various websites talk about animations and making sure that the armature is set to the correct frame of the animation, but I've never touched any of that. I may have fatfingered some hotkey during the whole process, but I have no idea if this is a bug or if I'm just retarded. I've applied all the scales and rotations etc too, so I don't think it's that.
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I have zero issue?

I opened the clean .blend exported just the base mesh with the stuff with bones and armature and re-imported it.
if you mean the bone length that doesn't mean anything.

FBX doesn't keep the length of the bones, so blender just guesses the size you can click the armature, go to edit mode hit A to select all then S to scale, then G to move it, then go back to object mode Ctrl + A Apply All Transforms.

You really need to work on communicating your issues.

as when you say the bones are moving that could be anything.

Finally you don't need to export out of blender until your done editing? why would you export if you haven't finished?
or you can just export just the mesh and just parent it to the armature that's already there if you prefer the look of it its a hassle tho



This vid will burn after 2 days.

But shows you a quick way to export and re-import the mesh and then re-use the armature that's in the base blend.

But I think your been a Grade SS+ Autistic as you don't have any reason to export out and back into blender.

Past this video I'm done here.

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Why does his VFX feel so cheap, lads?

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>using blender
>Two more weeks bro!
>dude couldn't even be assed to take his fucking glasses off so they're just clipping underneath his "cybernetics"
Fuckin lazy.
bottom of the beard is just photoshop clip tooled out. At the chin area you can see he tried to keep some of the feathering in the beard but the left side is just completely smooth lol looks like a bad edit that's why.
Because this is rushed and done poorly by a gay Yootoober CG grifter/imposter/indiefag and not a genuine industry graphics team.

Shocking, I know.

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Why do we have to go through a pointless process as westerners while nips get a freepass?
they just 3d paint their textures and the uv can be any crazy nonsense as long as it's optimized.
You're most likely looking at a ripped model that some poor soul had to piece together themselves after ripping it.
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japs often use anime cartoon shading
the texture is essentially just an atlas
with various color gradients and some small details
but there are examples of them doing outstanding UVs e.g. FF XII
Because it doesn't fucking matter if you actually put soul into it and not just revert to kike PBR slop

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Desktop PC Core i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 240GB SSD, 24" monitor.
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It doesn't come with a GPU included, but I plan to buy one at Christmas, a GTX 1650 16GB.
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i have a question, could I use the 16GB for rendering in Daz3D if I specifically use 3Delight? I'm not sure if anyone knows about this.
>Core i7
that means like nothing. What version? I had a i7 "Bloomfield" back in 2009. So what gen?
Decent amount. Speed and performance is not that important here just the amount. 16GB is a bit low if you also have a chrome tab open on the side and such but this should be OK.
i have a question, could I use the 16GB for rendering in Daz3D if I specifically use 3Delight? I'm not sure if anyone knows about this.
yes, the 16GB will be used as video memory if you run without a gpu.
if you are talking about the GTX 1650 16GB (did not know they such a large VRAM version) then ofc you could use all that using any renderer as its mostly down to the amount of shaders and textures in the your scene.
> I'm buying a custom car for (I don't know if I'll use it as an uber or a rock crawler), and these are the specifications it has. How well would it run?
>Car with v7, holds 16 seats, hauls 1 ton, 240kg in the frunk, it has 24" inch wheels
>The car doesn't come with a drivetrain but I plan to buy it at christmas, a gold one.

>Could I use 16 wheels for going places with my car? (I don't specify if I'm going to run for a yard or 1000 miles in rocky terrain)

You clearly don't know shit about computers. Of course it will run daz3d. Do you think modern software is still prohibitively specked? Asking if a vanilla pc will run a piece of software is idiotic.
Get, at least, 32 GB. And a NVidia GPU with 8 GB or more. If can't get a good GPU, just get a old Xeon with shit loads of Cores in Aliexpress.

A thread dedicated to CAD, the chad's choice and the working man's choice in 3D production.

What projects have you been working on lately? What kind of work do you do?




>Tutorials and Guidebooks

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well, that settles it
I have been putting off giving this a go. I might have to just nut up and try it.
>don't use FreeCAD until you have at least 5 years experience in CAD (this is for your own sake, you will quit if you try to start with FreeCAD)
I started by using FreeCAD because I am on linux and I don't want to pay or have all of my models uploaded to someone else's server. It is very buggy, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I have a project that I made currently printing on my 3d printer.
I've also been following the development of FreeCAD and it is currently on the brink of being downright usable. The next release looks like it's going to be pretty decent, thanks to the development that has been upstreamed from the Ondsel project.
>using files with lots of solids
Admittedly, I haven't gotten this far yet. My project only has 8 parts. The new assembly workbench is pretty nice, though.
The next release will be significantly improved. It's worth checking out as I believe it will see a lot of improvements in the near future.
in autocad how can I use the current position of the mouse as the relative coordinate instead of the last clicked position?
when i paste something, can i set it to automatically drag by a certain point, like at the center instead of the corner, without of having to reselect it all over again?
What websites do you guys use for selling CAD files?

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