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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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You are insane. Canada has strict immigration policy, only allows the most skilled
He has a kike nose
That's a Roman nose you retard
I mean they are, i knew guys from Bangladesh when i lived in NYC who would live 3 per bedroom and pay 500 each. Illegal apartments of course. So 4mm jeets is still 1mm bedrooms they occupy.

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Asahi Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)

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I have a 100k portfolio with 15% in metals, which includes 40% gold, 40% silver, 10% copper, 5% platinum, and 5% palladium.

Is this a good allocation?
sir, this is a coin shop
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I'm assuming the percents you gave are for fiat values, not mass ratios.
For allocation, I'd say you're heavy on the copper. I'm guessing you got a good deal, or robbed a house of its plumbing, so maybe that doesn't count. I like your other ratios.
If I were starting over, I'd go more heavily into gold. I'm at 66:1 for Au:Ag mass ratio. You're at 43:1.
>I'm at 66:1 for Au:Ag mass ratio. You're at 43:1.
D'oh - Ag:Au.
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crypto nerds will seethe

in your opinion?
dead shitcoin
Absolutely not Kusama. It's a testnet for a dead, almost impossible to use shitcoin.

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Now what?
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we keep buying memecoins on pinksale in the hopes of making a pretty penny and making it? dont get your trousers confused pal the strategy and the whole world hasn't changed a bit, it's still a winner takes it all situtation, always has been, always will be
people who don't understand this are doomed to failure
This makes absolutely no sense. In capitalism there have to be buyers and sellers. If we reach the point that nobody can afford anything, the rich have no one to sell to.

Calling this "capitalism" is lazy Occupy Wall Street tier rhetoric, don't do that. It's not capitalism, it's a function of having a central bank that jacks with interest rates to "control" the economy (except if you study this, it doesn't ever really work like it should). It doesn't even have to do with Biden/Trump, even though one or the other will get the blame because average people are stupid. During COVID they sent the overnight lending rate to nothing in order to "encourage spending" because a mild case of the cold was circulating and the government forced everything to shut down. Then when the cold mysteriously didn't matter anymore, they sent the rates back up to "control inflation"...except inflation will never go back down and now people are stuck making even less and things costing more.

This is bad for everyone. Another Anon cited Japan as an example, which is somewhat relevant. BoJ I believe had negative interest rates and the problem was, Japanese people are notorious for saving their money and avoiding debt, which meant there was no economy to "stimulate". America is worse off, because people spend no matter what, they just use copious amounts of debt. This means prices are overinflated but have no reason to go back down because people still buy the same shit. This is why iPhones are $700+ but nobody complains, they're paying $30/month for it instead of buying outright.

This will eventually come to a head, once people can no longer make their monthly payments and everyone will get burned, lenders and debtors. If you want to fix this country, regulate the Fed AND regulate consumer debt, and let it crash appropriately.
No it’s capitalism. You just ignore the shit side and focus on the ideal
Capitalism is only the system based on capital. Capital tends to consolidate and eat itself until collapses
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Thanks for college freshman economics 101, you didn't understand the nuance of my point. Feel free to consult the following image and fuck off back to a site where your basic bitch opinions and insights will be accepted, such as Plebbit.
This is someone who paid attention to lassiez-faire practices in their economics class

I emotionally traded and attempted to time the market for the last two years. I was here when btc was 15k. I literally made no money since then despite having 100k to play with (still have just 100k).
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If any of you feel fucking retarded I boughted $SUPER at $1.
pic was me until I bought MUMU and my life changed... a 10%, but a bit
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>If any of you are feeling stupid
all the time, even though I've been here for 3 years I don't understand how most things work, I just put money in my retardio and call it a day
you can still just buy and sit on your hands.
100k is a lot of money

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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Player 23 connected.
>insiders dumping shares at record pace
Why Bros if they know it’s going to a gazillion per share why do they think $10 is a good price to sell?
>>insiders dumping shares at record pace
Wow if only we didn't know they sold for tax purposes. Something easily found out if one looked, instead of clickbait headline grabbing posts like this!

kek you fucking retard
>it’s muh taxes
Kek baggie. If he believed the stock was a good investment at this price he’d pay the taxes and keep the stock to sell at a later date for more money. Selling for taxes still shows an insider believes $10 in cash will have a greater future value than a share of GameStop, and these sells are far too large to just be for taxes. Rats are fleeing your sinking Jewish ship
104k in taxes is still reasonable for a CFO's RSUs.

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Team is shipping so many things and there's zero mindshare atm. It's insane to think AVAX is literally couple of months away from being years ahead of the rest of the market (HyperSDK+Firewood+Vryx+ACP-77) yet CT and socials prefer to circlejerk around the newest shitty L2 that isn't even at whitepaper stage lmao.

I'm much more bullish than i was at $8

>That's a good target for this bullrun.

That's suicide tier target, Meant that either AVAX completely scammed or that bullrun never occurred. AVAX could be worth $200 right now if it matches Solana marketcap, And Solana marketcap is probably going to x10+ from here anyway
I wish I knew lol.


A lot of this stuff causes my eyes to glaze over and my brain to fart when I try to read about it but one thing I do understand is 100,000 TPS. Also excited for some AVAX gaming.
i swapped avax for bonk and the swings have been mint
Dang, good call. I was perusing the top MCs and saw Bonk has had a crazy week, up 80% or something.
I own 3 AVAX that I purchased for $7 a piece
unironically one of my most successful crypto buys kek

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Is there a hidden reason that central banks needed to raise rate other then the official " inflation bad" let's raise rates to fix it.

Negative interest rates was already strange enough but it went for so long... That everybody seems to stop caring. If it can run for a decade without problems why not a century ?
>If it can run for a decade without problems
your absurd house prices are very much a result of low interest rates.
As for who benefits from high interest rates: people who have already accumulated wealth.
>who benefits from high rates?
It’s the fuvking banks. They make more profit on every loan.
High rates increase profit margins for bankers
Simple as
ill put it in words you can understand. raising interest rates is the finishing move for their greed.
1. print (borrow) money from your friends, your friend can just create the money
2. buy anything you want, preferably stuff normal people don't buy like planes, land and commodities
3. once people catch on (inflation is basically the normal man figuring this out) claim that there is X crisis and that is causing the inflation
4. keep printing until inflation gets to around 10%, past this point you get runaway inflation as the price of normal goods requires people to borrow creating more inflation (a lot worse than step 1 because they buy normal stuff like bread)
5. claim there is a major inflation crisis because normal people are borrowing too much because of step 3 crisis.
6. start raising interest rates to make it impossible for normals to borrow, at this point your assets have gone up in price so much you can sell them and repay your friends (hence the market crash) and keep a profit. at the same time you can tell normals that there is a bullrun coming to give you liquidity to sell.

also do not raise wages, this way your businesses can sell products at an inflated price while normals are forced to work at a discount.

rince and repeat.
3. or create a crisis... ehum covid ehum nordstread ehum ukraine ehum

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Apu is back at 170m marketcap, meanwhile /biz/ has committed suicide

Face it, apu won
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>thinking ur going to 20x off of >$100m mcap and not trying to 20x off of <$1m mcap
the absolute state of bizlets
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They just announced ANOTHER exhange for it. Apu is now on 4 exchanges, and it's only a few weeks old, totally insane.

I'm finally getting a bag of it as we speak.
where are they announcing this and is it too late to buy more?
I sold my 90m bag I bought for $65 after the tg was deleted for just $350. Literal sui stack.
they can win the fight but not the war, as long as I have my MAGA by my side I'll keep standing
I'm the captain of my soul and master of my destiny.

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A father owns a very successful business. His children work for him in management positions. As he reaches retirement age, he debates a question:

>should he sell the business to a competitor, getting top dollar for the company's value and being able to retire easily, but leaving all his children basically unemployed


>should he pass on the business to his children, getting pennies on the dollar from his children who obviously are unable to afford it, but giving them the chance to keep the company going for future generations

what do you guys think?
this is a real world business problem I am dealing with in real life IRL
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Why would he not keep the business within the family? He has no retirement funds? Then open up an advisor role for him so he can get a salary for next to no effort.

>the man wants to retire lavishly and giving it to his children would prevent that.

Hmm... under what circumstances would he feel comfortable not selling the business outside of the family?
>I mog you
okay but I'm straight so I still win
now kys
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Okay, look.
Lot's of people in this thread said the father could do whatever he wants with his business. We all get that, hopefully.

The idea that somehow government would or should mandate anything different than how it works now WOULD be fucking socialist.

That's what would be socialist.

Do you get that now?

Also, this whole "you didn't build that" discussion came up under our Socialist dictator Barrack Obama who still secretly controls a sad, old man named Joe Biden now, illegally.

You wouldn't remember it because you're a young fuckhead.
You've never built anything.

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what about the case where the kids were dragged in and actually helped build up the business.
Im in this case, and honestly got kindof fucked (on the value of my time by my father)
he needed tonnes of help and i sacrificed alot to help him
now a decade of my life is gone. Ill inheriet his money (well half) but I lost years, and gained very little besides doing the honorable thing. Im primarily salty because my sister got loans from him at the bottom of the real estate market to go buy some rentals, shes almost retired off of it. I was busy running his real estate for him. Now she will get half of my labor for nothing, while she also got that huge leg up for nothing. So it goes.
I don't talk to the cunt for many reasons, this isn't even one. Wouldn't bother me if she wasn't a woke liberal who hadn't crossed me a few times.
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Congratulations. You were born in the most prosperous era in American history, and what will you do with your newly acquired wealth? Perhaps create an investment trust that could spawn generations of wealth as well as passive income? Be heralded in the family as the pioneer to a new future without struggle your bloodline? Nah. Waste it on those flashy slot machines and some cruises. I wish covid finished the job on some of you old fucks. This has nothing to do with socialism you bumbling oaf. YOUR generation built this shitstorm of inflation, shutting down economies, and mandated janbies. What will boomers say when you stand before God?

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>imagine fading the Bitcoin full moon effect

>Tfw successfully rode eliot wave that I charted for the first time

Am I pro trader now ? Ta actually works ?!
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I can check the graph while I'm working, and usually set stop loss if pattern is obvious and breaking it would mean wild waters, or if BTC jumps around too much I don't do stop loss and instead try to do martingale, ie when LTC drops on BTC move, I buy double the size of previous bet.

Since we are in bull market, stonks go up and it's relatively sure thing that LTC will recover from the dip.

If not, of course I would get fucked, but I own like 2300 LTC on spot and gamble with 200 on coinm Futures
>Part of risk management is choosing LTC, it literally cannot go below $69.69

oh you sweet summer child of course it can go there.

you are only one (1) black swan scam wick away from liquidation.
I am, not gonna go all in with rest of my 2300 LTCs, just a gamble on the side, also if history repeats, after retest of MA(99) we can start LTC bull run
Current situation for illustration purposes only
After retest of this cup and handle, I would suggest we are going towards 90-95$

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they need to get outta LINK quickly after they rug the shit outta them
>Blackrock confirms what everyone else already knows
that they are the masters of the world?
first dead rather than getting into a LINK stacking
>and neither have we

Except they have: >>58429190
Vaporware projects in crypto do this type of shit all the time. Open 50x long with tens of millions of dollars, announce a fake partnership with tradfi giant that is open for interpretation, ride the scam pump up 100%, lock in profits before it inevtiably gets out that the news was based on false information, claim it was a misunderstanding, wait a few months and then do it again.

Crypto being the wild west means it attracts a lot of snakes who can’t do this with stocks without going to jail. They know exactly what they’re doing and they’re profiting immensely from it

HBAR full retrace
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Welcome to the XRP experience, enjoy your stay.
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thank god i solded and inmediately proceeded to buy orbs and apu, memecoins saved my life again
Shorting this HBARUSDT.PERP ticker with no survivors.
remember what that one anon said, till you see the word "customer" these news stories don't mean shit.

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>/biz/ shut down
>literally zero posts about CCIP on /r/cryptocurrency
>mass legal assault against ETH
>new SEC commissioner vacancy opening up
>Sergey saying "legal clarity is coming soon"
what is this all coming to?
where did serg mention 'legal clarify coming soon'? I feel like i'm in purgatory anon
/biz/ is fixed. Preferably I would like to be the only person on this board.

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avi testnet when? I was promised a testnet.
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Keep in mind that they are seemingly doing a lot of testing internally, so by the time they release it, there shouldn't (hopefully) be as many bugs around. I was annoyed af by the things they did but the way I started thinking about it was like this. Let them iron out all the obvious fixes first before releasing it to the public. The testnet should be for people to find the hard stuff that the team overlooked or couldn't find during their testing. It shouldn't be for people to find basic shit and then claim rewards for it. It's a waste of money. It would also have been a headache of having to deal with all of those bounty claims on top of having to deal with the fixes on top of everything else they're doing. My guess is the downtime and delays would be more than what we're dealing with now and people would be even more frustrated. The more I think about it, the more that it makes sense that they didn't release it right away. I think the bridge will go live sooner than later and avi will be on Base by the end of summer.

The market is shit btw. Lots of other tokens doing -20%+. It's just how it is atm. And just to annoy you some more, another "soon" post just dropped kek
>months or even next year
theres no way. its coming next week.
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>I-I'm j-just stating facts
>not f-fudding, just facts
You'll never get your 0002 entry back, faggot.
stixil cell anemia

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A $500b asset manager just tokenized their blackrock funds on hedera, and theres not a goddamn thing you can do about it. You could say hbar and br are linked up. Cry harder incels
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Blackrock not giving approval =/= Blackrock having no involvement at all.
They were made aware of this thing happening, and they probably had to sign off on the press release.
That was their involvement.

At no point did I say Blackrock had literally zero involvement.

>can you even provide a smidgeon of proof to back up your claim?
That the hbar CEO lied?
Right here >>58430909
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blackrock ics us money market fund is tokenized on hedera. I would like to congratulate myself on triggering the retards of biz who cannot accept this reality by absolutely neutering them and their retarded drivel. First a trickle. Then a flood.

i cant believe some idiots are still holding my hbar bags holy fuck HAHAHAHAAH
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weve already been through this dumb bitch. you refused to read the parts where you are proven wrong. they approved the tokenization and the release. blackrock is officially tokenized on hedera.

i am now perfectly poised to drift off into a blissful slumber. blackrock is on hedera and theres not a goddamn thing yiu can do about it.

>they approved the tokenization and the release
So they didn't actually do the tokenizing, like Shayne claimed in his now-deleted tweet.
Meaning Shayne lied, as I said.

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Threads surviving days with barely no replies just after the halving is crazy kekekek good job jannies.

Anyway, give me some TA on LINU. The only good thing that came out from this board in the last 4 years
I doubt there's a single person in the world who's spent more time on /biz/ than I have. Used it as my main board since 2015 and I don't lose a moments sleep for all the shitcoin bots that have just been wiped out
You idiots everyone's gone to /bant/, go see for yourself
TA on fucking dead shitcoin?
Moron coin
shitcoins ruined this board
It's an improvement. The board sucked when it was 75% bobo faces with little-to-no substance.

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