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/cgl/ is a board for the following:

• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing
• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

Our board rules are simple:

• Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above. Off-topic threads and replies will be deleted.
• Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban. 4chan is not your personal army. The singling out rule applies to vendetta threads and replies being made to attack a specific person, as well as predatory behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

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I cosplayed as the fnf nigger pedo

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In December last year I bought some blue contact lenses for a convention. I didn't use them because I didn't have time to put them on. I want to cosplay any character (I don't mind cross-dressing) with blue eyes so I can use the blue contact lenses and the money I spent on them does not go to waste.
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a couple characters in .hack//sign or the .hack// saga in general with blue eyes
johan liebert and anna liebert from monster have blue eyes
several characters in geneshaft with blue eyes
also in a lot of anime, eyes change from blue to purple depending on the scene
Whatever this is. It's adorable.

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Is it ACEN yet? edition

Previous thread >>10910795

May 17th-19th, 2024
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

Are you going for the whole weekend?
What are you cosplaying?
Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
Going to the rave?
Favorite part of the con?
Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
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preliminary Day 0 gull meetup going on right now Hyatt Room 677. Everyone's there.
Shit, count me in too
Billy boy laying down the pipe while reisen gets cucked again by a 3rd gull, everyone clapped in the smoke pit for celebration
I've never actually gone to a con (or come to this board outside of looking for good cosplay). I have a few panels picked out, but what else should I be doing at ACEN? I'll mostly be wandering around on my own. Is there a bar that I can retreat to? How much booze should I bring? Was making a hot costume a giant blunder?
Not having a schedule scares me I want to pretend that this is just a business trip.

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>cosplayer starts while taking the hobby seriously
>does props, full costumes, sometimes sexy but only if she genuinely likes the character
>she notices her few sexy cosplay gets insanely more popular than the non-sexy stuff
>eventually, she does more ero-cosplay than non-ero
>starts selling content but is non-risky stuff
>then goes full erotic with risky angles
>some pictures have little glimpses of her areola
>she is still against nudity
>after constant begging (and because she already sold some pictures and knows they would eventually leak anyway) she post her tits
>then full nude
>cosplay is set aside and most of her pictures now are lingerie, nude, ocacionally cosplaying the waifu of the month
>at the end, you can find hd pictures of her spreaded pussy

Why does this happens so much?
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She always had it in her.
i saw the before and after webm, you can tell how even in her early 20s the light in her eyes is gone
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This girl went to sexy cosplay to outright porn in record time
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Any gals here?
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This is why I hate stuff like liberal feminism, what exactly is feminist about having sex with men for money? I can kind of see the argument for lolita being feminist since it's pretty exclusively for women and nothing about it is really that sexy but gyaru? Only if you're a libfem who thinks having an onlyfans is totally enpowering and not completely degrading for young women.
I'm not a liberal feminist but I understand the viewpoint. It's about sexual autonomy. You decide what to do with your body, you decide if you want to have sex with men for money or sell content on OF.
If you're prostituting yourself by choice, not because you would starve otherwise and not because someone else is forcing you to, that is sexual autonomy. What I've seen/read about gyaru from japanese sources regarding stuff like compensated dating is that often (but not always) this was a way for gyaru to earn some money to spend on luxury goods their parents understandably wouldn't buy for them. In some cases gyaru were doing compensated dating and other forms of prostitution in order to survive because they had run from home.

This was of course pretty dangerous and degrading, and will probably lead to regret and trauma down the line.
But lets also not exaggerate the amount of gyaru who did compensated dating and other forms of prostitution. It is well known that the japanese media blew this way out of proportion during the early 2000s when this was covered a lot.
does anyone understand why tanning is racist now? is it because of the woke weebs reducing blackface to skin color again? i am sick of random white girls apologizing for ganguro and saying japanese girls are only allowed tan x amount. what gives?
It's not, you just don't go outside enough. Nobody in the real world gives a shit. People squawking on Twitter or tiktok doesn't mean shit.
What is there to clarify? Obv everyone in here wears the western variety

Btw ageha often features a famous tranny

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“Shit, only 2 months left?”Edition

65 days to go

Previous thread

>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved?
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?

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Now we play the waiting game to see if these flop harder than that IKE concert from 2019
they actually gave you a fairly large room. that might be a sign of there not being a ton of panels during that time period, or during the convention as a whole.

in general terms the night crowds are much smaller than daytime crowds because people go to eat, party, or relax after the main halls close, with some doing the evening panels and events. there's definitely a possibility that your panel will be dead.
Why should I fly to Los Angelistan?
Because you want to see something there? And if there's nothing there you want to see, then you don't have to go. Amazing, isn't it?
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>You Preregistered?
Yes, badge came Monday
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
No, I got an Airbnb (actually the exact same one I got last year)
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
It's looking pretty mixed. I've already had a fairly expensive year so following AX I'm going to be dead broke (in terms of spending money). Hoping to not spend over $2,500 between food, board, and merchandise.
>You got your work PTO approved?
Collegefag, NA
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
Already have had a friend drop out and expecting another, narrowing my group down to me plus three others. I don't mind the fewer people but it means the price of stuff is going to go up for everyone as the costs for the Airbnb and gas are split less ways. I'm hoping for the best, and especially hoping for gas to chill the fuck out this summer.
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?
Only bringing/doing one cosplay: Sakuya from Touhou; my group is going as Touhou characters and she's long been my favorite.
Pretty high, I had a great time last year. Hoping for some more people at the meetups, however.
>what are your dream guests that you are hoping will get announced the week before AX?

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Post cosplays you're working on, plan to work on, or want feeback on, and motivate each other. Let's get back to our roots and away from the softcore porn, or at the very least survive alongside it.
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forgot to add. yes this costume is 100% fabric glue lol
update: tried lighter. the fabric burns and disappears instantly, i would not be able to control it
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I don’t really feel like modifying finished and stretched pants since resewing stretch fabric is a paint in the ass but I need suggestions for getting 12mm attached to fabric. I will be reusing the paints for other cosplays since it’s a two piece body suit.

Anyone got any ideas on how to attach “floating” parts efficiently
you don't hold it to the frays directly, hold it a little bit away from it so that it gets hot and curls in. look up a youtube video on it
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doing last minute plate armor. canvas panels with slits cut in them, i push the fabric strips through and fold them so i dont need to use up any more fabric glue.

i'm almost blind, tried and i cant do it, the risk of burning a hole in the costume is too great. if i have time after the whole rest of the costume is done i'll try to figure something out

I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
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Scrotes are too sensitive to handle the concept that not everything is meant for them. Nothing new. Now back to our regularly scheduled program
these are very good though
>t. scrote
ok gulls, I know you're too sensitive I won't bother you again for a few days
>when you stab someone with your nails
Does anyone order nails from specific places? I know a lot of people like to make their own, but I was wondering if there were also gulls with favorite press-ons.

Anyone goin
do you like it
idkfk how to post
ACEN is currently on-going right now?

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Old thread hit bump limit.

My comm president is having her 40th birthday tomorrow. Wtf, I would have guessed she was like 25, but she has 2 kids who both cosplay Sonic th Headgod chracter
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Just tell her she'll never do better than you and if she doesn't at least try it, she'll regret it for the rest of her life. Then when she's isolated from her friends you can start up an OF for her and really make bank. IT's what a did with a few of my gfs. The dumb whore is already giving you nudes, it would be so easy to make some buckaroos off her while you blow her back out.
She's actually already done some OF-type stuff, when she was with her ex-husband and they were desperate for money during the pandemic, the nudes she gave me were actually from that. She has a rare and, to some guys, desirable body type (basically a legal loli) and I'm a former pro photographer so I've talked to her about doing more of that sort of stuff at a higher quality level than what she had before, and we've moved a bit toward more risque stuff in shoots we've done together, but she doesn't want to do full nudity again.

>Just tell her she'll never do better than you and if she doesn't at least try it, she'll regret it for the rest of her life.
This conversation has already been had and she actually agrees with it herself, tells me a lot how much better I am than other guys she's been close to in her life and stuff too, but she's really traumatized from bad past experiences and abusive relationships, and is really fixated on the idea of getting closure for some of those things and becoming independent and self-sufficient before getting into another relationship, and also has pretty fucked self-esteem and is convinced that she ruins the life of every guy she gets with and will do the same to me if we get together. (Thing is I actually know the details of her last couple of relationships and the guys in question were already fucked up loser manchildren with drug problems etc. and in reality she's just beating herself up over not being able to fix dudes who were already lost causes and horrifically inappropriate partners for her.)
Ah, gotcha, one of those. The next time she's opening up to you when she says "Oh, I could never be with you even though I want to" just give her a solid smack. Nothing too hard, but hard enough to sting and leave a red mark. It will activate her to be submissive to you. Then see my previous suggestion.
The holiday is getting close and it's going to suck as usual. I should have fled to a different country.
I won't do anything with my classmates. I did sign up for hot dogs though, but it's an open event for people who study the same as me, so going there means nothing and I'm not close with any of the people I study with either, there's a real, great risk that I just end up being alone, not included with any of the smaller groups talking.
The worst day of the year.
And it's not just this year either, I have never spent the days with friends, and I have been alive for many years.
It really shows where I actually am socially. The people in my class were talking about their plans, and I think everyone had something with people who actually want to be with them. And if anyone didn't, I'm sure this year is an exception and they usually do.
I may actually never have met anyone who's less liked than me, and this day illustrates it so well.
I was kind of considering asking a jfashion community in a different country for a last minute meetup, but I'm not really a part of any communities anyway and no one would have wanted to, and it's not that fun to spend the whole day traveling either.
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Got accepted to a PhD program on the other side of the country and invited to Los Alamos National Lab for a month to get up to speed with research. My lifts are up; my weight is back down. I'm also doing the cornball heritage trip to Ireland with family in at the end of the month.

I still got it. I'm still a colonial cavalier yeehaw punk rock n roll Irish nuclear cowboy '80s tough guy.

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who's going? what are you going as?

this'll be my first con since like 2007.
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wait a minute.

they're hosting all of the cons on the same floor?

I was under the assumption that they would be taking place in different sections of the building. What the fuck?
Short answer is YES

The main stage at the very top of the map is shared by all of the main events of these 3 cons.

Anime Impulse is basically just vendors mingled with K-Pop vendors. They have very little programming of their own, just a place for fans to gather and create their own fun.
Also 2 dozen Vtuber guests because they take up no space, just a monitor.

The con is also using the rest of the 4th floor, including the outdoor park space. At least weather is decent enough in May that it's likely not incredibly rainy or windy or cold like at Sakura-Con.
it's actually a fairly small event. all of their "road show" versions are like this. that's why they're able to have so many of them across the country.
crap. i was so blindsided by that it was gonna be my first con in over 10 years that i missed this fact. i hope the people there are awesome because between the travel, hotel, cosplay, tickets and food i am paying way too much for this thing...
I'm local and I paid $300ish for 3 tickets a single night at a hotel. (I'm going with my husband and brother) I'm hoping it's at least decent.

We're doing dumb ass dungion meshi costumes so it should go over well?

What's the best community? If you could just magically wake up already living in the city with the comm of your choice, where would it be and why?

Are there any comms that you feel are too far gone and better left given up on to dissolve by their own internal squabbling?
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>I don't think it's clothing brand standards that give people this belief, I think it's culture that comes up with these beliefs.

It's women that come up with this stupid stuff all by themselves and then blame everybody else for it. Always has been.
I should have said society, but sure. It's mostly women that do this.
anytime! it's my fav brand and i'd love to see more people wearing it.
Would MM look bad if you’re actually small chested then?
i wouldn't say it looks BAD, but i will say a lot of flatter girls i see wearing it do have issues with the fabric bunching up at the back where they're tightening the lacing more than most, but it looks completely fine from the front and in photos, so it's not an issue unless that's something that bothers you. it's one of the only brands that can actually complement a fuller bust, which is nice. if you definitely need something that works with a smaller bust, they do also have plenty of options that aren't made that way-- like the aforementioned babydoll cuts, the sundresses, and a few of the natural waist and drop cuts will look best on a small chest. there's a sundress cut on mercari right now actually.

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Last thread >>10900041
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the thumbnail made me think she had stuffed pillows up her cardigan.
This has to be edited right?
steampunk lolita grandma seems pretty cool to me tho
Ita but fun
Even more kekworthy are the comments from ftm troons standing in "solidarity" with this fetishist

Gosh the lolita subreddit gets more embarrassing by the day

Looks suspiciously the previous OP pic but with a new account
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The "and" was for the fact that these people exist. Try to learn reading comprehension.
Has anyone ever had closetchild send you a completely different item than you ordered?
This happened to 2 people in my comm, so yes.
Not CC specifically but one of their sister shops, yes. They refunded me and let me keep what I was sent rather than exchanging it.
>I don’t think a lot of you guys appreciate how good you have it with LM compared to the old LJ sales. If LM didn’t exist we’d probably be stuck with the terrible user experience of Facebook sales groups like a lot of other hobbies.
This so much. Lm is godsent

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