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i bit into the fork again
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Oof, for me it’s usually
>accidentally bite my cheek or tongue

>Don't involve me in your gay fantasy, anon.
Is it cool if you’re the top (in the fantasy)?
Tooth pain is worse than cancer. Take care of your teeth anons.
You're not alone in this anon, happened to me also
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>bit into the fork again
>same old trip it was back then
>so i made a big mistake
>try to see it once my way
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>bite cheek
>cheek swells up to be a bigger target
>bite cheek again
who's the daft cunt that designed the human body?

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Best brewer and breakfast (3B's) edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, make any Irish Palestine support youtubes?

Previous thread: >>20419128
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I brought my first ever coffe grinder for 10$, such a life changer, i dont need to buy grinded coffee anymore (they're expensive af here)
any good coffee brands recommendations? I can pay up for more expensive beans since i dont drink that much coffee, so a bag would last me around 2 months either way
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Magical beans, tasted like great coffee, with black chocolate notes mixed with some orange and a twist of almond puff pastry.
Fucking heavenly i tell you.
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The magic goff in question.
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>The special short
spout has been designed so as to "cut
off" the drips (A), thus eliminating a
typical nuisance of ordinary Coffee
Makers (B) (fig. 9).

Richard Sapper was visionary.
Looks like shit anon. Try again.

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*elevates your risotto*
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I've done that with vigo yellow rice, it takes a few times to get it right. There's the amount of water, the pot, all sorts of goofy stuff so the base instructions on the package are never quite right.
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What kind of arancini does everyone like?

I tend to go for the ones that look like truncated cones because I know they'll be traditional. The round ones, they tend to put all sorts of weird stuff in them.
I made these once from leftover mushroom risotto so it wasn’t Sicilian authentic but they were great
You gotta make rice the day before for good fried rice, too. But every Chinese takeout and buffet has that shit in spades, so it's not like it's unreasonable.
>sit on it overnight
Imagine the smell.

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It really is impressive how they managed to make chicken taste like water.
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They hated him for he spoke the truth
Keep seething and coping, niggers LMAO
>Per capita
You did this to yourself. Now bear with it.
Brown people are ugly and stupid and they all smell bad
>"Dr" cornell west
What else do you call someone with a Ph.D?
>another thread devolves into white people baiting other white people and talking about fucking kids
never change

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Sup, /ck/! What is your favorite hamburger style/variation? For me, it's the patty melt. The buttery grilled rye bread, the caramelized onions, the melted swiss. It's a pretty big divergence from your classic american diner burger, but not any less tasty. In fact, I tend to think it's quite superior.
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EVERY thread we have to explain that Louis Lunch in New Haven Connecticut, which INVENTED hamburgers, and in fact the German city of Hamburg was NAMED after Louis Lunch, serves their SIGNATURE ORIGINAL HAMBURGER hamburger on sliced white bread toast. The "bun" is an abomination and btw if your state wasn't part of the Original 13 Colonies who fought the British then you aren't even really American, you're basically Mexican as far as we're concerned, so OPINION FUCKING DISCARDED flyover cunts.
For cheap shit I like the double cheseburger x2 deal from the mcdonalds app. Comes out to $1.50 per burger so it's similar to the old dollar menu.
Nothing beats a double double.
Based In-n-Out.
No you have it wrong, the meal of lunch was named after Louis Lunch.
Mayo and Ketchup, smeared on the bottom bun then smack the top bun on top before removing it, putting salad, patty on which I melt what ever cheese I have, usually gouda, masdam or provaletta, sprinkle some caramelized onions and eat.

What are the benefits to deep frying food? Anytime I tried something that's deep fried I always regret it on taste alone.
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For most of them it's just a job I guess. He made another video where he basically made the same thing without the bread and it looked unpleasant too, but it was probably one of his most popular videos and earned him the most money.
>being dishonest for money
There use to be a word for that
this but without the youtubers
says more about the voyeurs giving him attention(money) for the pleasure of watching it
>looks like cheap craft singles cheese
>isn't even melted
I can forgive everything else

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what are your favorite drink mixes? alcoholix or not everything is welcome
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A few drops of that green Cholula can hit the spot with a V8, the red is all over but the green can be hard to find.
Champagne, lime cordial, and absinthe
Bloody Mary's are typically made with watery, gross tomato juice. Not based and epic thick V8.
I'll have to take a look around. I do love the flavor of a green salsa.
This green tabasky goes great in a V8 with stuff other anons wrote.
Toss in a couple heads of bruised garlic cloves, and a bunch of herbs and you have a breddy decent marinade there.
Unfortunately, I can't even make my favorite mixed drink anymore since Duhwane Johnson fucked up his own energy drink. But a few nice ones are:
>110 proof vodka, ice, Apple soda,(real sugar like mundet,) and a splash of Sprecher's spicy ginger soda
>A taco: a decent macro beer of your choice(Hamms is great,) and a bloody Mary/Maria with celery salt and a good dash each of Worcestershire and sauerkraut juice, hot sauce or squirt of sriracha, Fresh ground black pepper--also 110 proof vodka
>Just drop 2 oz. of 110 vodka or rum into a bottle of Frostie pink lemonade(the other flavors are sadly Pozzed.)

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Are you a picky eater, /ck/?
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The only things I don't like are certain candies and snacks
I can't think of a single actual food I wont eat
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I don't have dislikes to the point of me not being able to consume them, but I have an aversion towards peas and corn in food, and also cooked vegetables like bell peppers and bamboo shoots.
>I have an aversion towards peas and corn in food
Damn, same. I don't know how to explain it. Would never throw it out or anything but meal would be considerably worsened. Meanwhile, corn on a cob is fine
I don't get picky eaters. I logistically cant wrap my head around it. Like just eat around it. You dont need to pick every piece out of your meal and make a huge mess. I don't particularly care for goat cheese. If I get a salad with goat cheese I just don't eat the goat cheese. In something like spanish rice you aren't even goinh to taste the red bell pepper.
red bell peppers have a mild an inoffensive taste, retard

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Second one of mine that's broken, and so I look it up and they don't even use forged steel blades.

These are garbage.
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Unironically if you're going to get a $50 knife I think the best bang for your buck is buying on aliexpress from one of the big chinese kitchen knife companies with a brand reputation to defend in their domestic market
$50 gets you 3 layer laminated stainless steel and HRC of 58-60
Just do a little research and look for reviews on youtube or r*ddit to see if the company is reputable, and make sure you're buying from the official store on aliexpress
NTA but investing only in full tang knives are the way to go tbdesu
Uni :3
i broke a set of six of those over a couple months
No it's not. My hidden tang Japanese knives are far superior to everything my full tang euro knives can do in everything except cutting things that can chip harder steel.

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>quick and easy
>non pretentious
>get shit done
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>>quick and easy
>>non pretentious
There's faggots out there who brags about liking instant coffee like it makes them quirky
>>get shit done
>in burned bean water
consoom harder coffee connosoyeur
i don't recall shitting myself after drinking hello boss. and i've never had mr. brown. just bought it on a whim.
>quick and easy
just like getting your balls smashed with a hammer
and yet instantfags always brag about how much time they save and how "you can't even taste a difference", curios
>get shit done
if you meant this literally, yes it will make most people shit
Ok mr advertiser, you got me.
I bought one of these
Real coffee is getting pricy, and this is actually pretty good. It's no whole bean jamaican blue mountain, but its got a much better aroma and flavor than the great value instant coffee I've downgraded to in these trying times.

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for 58 cents i cant complain but...why is it pure yellow
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Thats not a british date format and there are lidls in the US
date's retarded
weight's in ounces
you're a niggerspic, paco.
>for 58 cents i cant complain but...why is it pure yellow
because children. They expect it to look right or won't eat it. So, there will be fake something here, probably fake color or a butter flavor that brought in th yellow. Next time understand, the only reason why floppy fastcook noodles and crappy powdered seasoning tastes good at all is that you didn't bother to go name brand, or that your butter had fridge taste. The entire time your noodles cooked could be enough time to make a mornay sauce from scratch. Heck, the back of the box barilla recipe cooks the noodles in milk and chopped onion, and is one pot easymode. Just fold in your cheese choices.
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forgot about this...it turned orange like magic in fact

however 1 box has 90% of your daily sodium which i did not realize

it is presently the next day and i havent felt this salt-bloated and dehydrated since the last time i had papa johns...impressive
in fact the only reason i got it is because i was just under $30 at lidl which i needed to get to for a new member discount which didnt even work in the stupid app anyway

you wouldnt catch me dead with barilla...garofalo, whole foods 365 store brand are both cheaper and 100x better

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20409957
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There are tens of thousands of different teas on taobao, im sure some are particularly good
Marry that one
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I had a dream a few nights ago in which I met Scott Wilson of Yunnan Sourcing and discovered he was shitposting on 4chan. I think he was making fun of his own shop but I can't remember for sure. Anyone else ever have any /tea/ dreams?
Nothing wrong with your setup, it's just a different experience than plain tea. For what it's worth, I enjoy both the dirt-tasting chinkshit and English Breakfast with milk and sugar. If you are looking to try something different you'd probably enjoy Masala Chai or Hong Kong style milk tea.
I buy bulk amounts of loose CTC Assam from Indian brands. Brew 3-4g for a few minutes and strain into milk. No sugar. Tastes better than anything bagged and it's roughly the color of a cardboard box.

What's for breakfast?
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Three-egg cheese omelette with a little minced chipotle in it.
Oats with dried fruit, protein yogurt, covfefe. I'm a simple man
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hash brownies on a friday afternoon
Even a stray rabbid squirel wouldn't run off or into a tree with that sick looking slice of 'za.
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Beginner cooker here
whats some healthy tasty stuff thats easy to make
right now I just default to stacking some form of carbs (noodles, pasta, rice)
with some meat (usually sausage or chicken thighs)
and frozen veggies
the only seasoning I do is salt + pepper
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One has to be a stupid silly cunt to let some bitch cook for you.
What's could be worse, some bitch cooking for you or cleaning your dishes or both?
Try out the family size, it has 2x the meat.
Spar out with Morticia for the last bite.
something to improve flavour i guess
its not bad but I feel like i could be doing better
i was thinking about the different kinds of sauces you can put on stuff like curries or some pasta sauce
I basically only buy canned pasta sauce
Sauce based things generally are generally pretty hard to fuck up so that might be a good place to start. Curries are easy if you can follow instructions and there's tons of video recipes on YT if you need further help.
If you're looking for quick/less prep, grab some simmer sauces from the grocery store. Patak's brand is good for Indian, Frontera has good Mexican flavors. Find something you like and then learn how to make it from scratch.

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I've been hooked on hotdogs lately. I ate like 9+ in the last three days. Started with some white hotdog buns with Hebrew Nationals, and now I've moved onto Martin's potato buns with Johnsonville Brats. Cut em down the middle and grill them two a time. Top with slice or diced onion and hotdog relish, they're great.
How do you like your hotdog and what's your favorite brand/toppings?
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Grey is an option, my go-to is that chunkier stuff with the little German dude on it.
they make these natural casing hot dogs in rhode island called saugy's. i like them boiled in sour kraut and put on those martin's potato rolls with mustard. they're also good with cut kimchi and siracha.
Hot dogs and sausage are a staple in my house. I discovered this Hill's brand recently and everything they make is great.
For toppings, kraut, raw onion and deli mustard is king for me.
Nice I'll have to track these down. Kimchi is a great idea for a topping too, never thought about that. I'll give that a try too.
after you slice your kimchi take the broad side of your knife and squeeze out the excess juice against the cutting board, that way your bun doesn't get all soggy.

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