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I'm primarily a manga fan. And while I can admit a good chunk of manga is total slop, the reason I love it way more than western comics despite being fundamentally the same artform is that, with websites like myanimelist and anilist it's super easy to find manga that are actually good and appeal to me based on the consensus of what's the most popular/most acclaimed manga, what's most similar to other stuff, sorting by specific genres and subgenres, etcetera.

Every time I try to get into western comics I fail because there aren't any equivalent websites or resources. I mainly use Goodreads. Which is fucking god awful because of how skewed the demographics of that site are but also just in how badly designed it is in general. And so every comic I've read has just been underwhelming as fuck because it's not what I'm looking for.

How do you guys find the comics you guys like? If recommendation threads are against the rules, this isn't one. I'm not looking for the stuff people like, I'm looking for how people FIND the stuff they like.
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>Anything that actually has a focus on being well written beyond just looking mildly cool.

So you’re talking in meaningless generalities and just are pissy that everything isn’t catering to your entirely narrow, subjective tastes.
Where can I find good manga? Most of the ones I read are slop
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You hope for articles and mouth to mouth tips.
Look for them by demographic, manga written for older audiences are written as ‘seinen’ and tend to be much higher quality than ‘shonen’ meant for young boys.
For starters I’d reccomend ‘The Climber’ a semi-biographical manga based on real-life mountain climber Buntarō Katō and his lifelong journey dealing with loneliness, solo climbing, and depression, in pursuit of his dream, conquering the most difficult mountain to climb K2
I would also recommend ‘A Bride’s Tale’ or ‘Otoyomegatari’, a historical manga focusing on the lives and lifestyles of different geographic settlements along the Silk Road in the late 19th century, giving special importance to the positive role that arranged marriages played in culture across South Asia
Though of course Sports, Biographical or Historical may not be your thing, in which case the boon of the demographic system is that it includes any genre you prefer such as fantasy, adventure, romance or comedy, but those are simply two that I enjoyed and would recommend for the impressive artwork
The truth that OP won't talk about
Recently I read the bulletproof coffin, it was good. And I discovered it in a recommendation chart posted here. Same thing with /a/ and some shows I liked, because the websites you posted truly hate them (it's not like /a/ isn't mostly like that as well)
Use the archives, 4chan wikis, etc.
Hey, you're posting watchmen because you did read it, right? It's a good comic, read it if you haven't. I also recommend miracleman.

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I remember watching the first season all the way back when that released and I thought it was fun, but I never got around to the 2nd and third seasons. Are they any good?
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Kid's reward for being a good sport
Apparently Kid Cosmic was originally a Disney Television cartoon. The pilot pitched to Disney got leaked a few hours ago. >>143353758
>all the good stuff is only in thumbnails
where is the rest of it?
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Makes the sexiest Rosa drawings so cute.
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Anon discusses the behind the scenes of Wish. Possibly BS but interesting if true, saved it from a dead thread as provides context for the shittiness.
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Never meet your heroes I guess.
I have to say this is part of it. She probably did suck, but also bad ideas are still bad ideas.

The real culprit is movies made by committee. So many people getting their hands on things just smudges things.
Guarantee you the committee was out in full force for this one on Iger's request. He was desperate for a successful run.
freudian slip, perhaps?
Would you even want to bang Asha? She's a cunt and her braids are annoying.

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Hilda (the Series) Thread
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wym whole version anon?
Clearly they just went on an adventure, when Frida and Hilda tripped and went tumbling down a slope leaving them exhausted and their hair a mess, and now they’re using David as a pillow because the adventure left them tired and David’s the sturdiest of the three, but also the tent is too good at trapping heat so they all went shirtless
All easily explainable, no full version needed
funny detail when Astrid goes to the Fairy Isle and she left David in charge of the house and looking after frida instead of anders, kek
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Can’t believe we only saw her like this once, she should be dressed like this in the Rain book also
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That's good, but what I really want is some Johanna and Frida /ll/ to mix things up

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Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

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As likely the only one in this thread who actually watched it:

This is Family Guy with an N-Word pass. Seth MacFarlane's name is the only one that matters, because he's the only one who had any visible input on the product. Also I liked about the N-Word Pass, they censor it even though they don't censor "fuck" earlier.
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>Seth MacFarlane's name is the only one that matters, because he's the only one who had any visible input on the product.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Seth wasn't a credited writer for any of the episodes, plus he has a history of slapping his name onto projects he otherwise had no part in creatively, only financially. Remember Dads?

It's not clear what role he played in the show (and with all that backlash, he probably won't ever acknowledge it), but I don't think he had much to do with the final product. I do, however, wonder if he's the main reason this shit went into development in the first place. What was his relationship like with Norman Lear? 'Cause I am confident it wasn't Steph's idea to make a Good Times cartoon.
That's the fucked thing: there ARE NO CREDITED WRITERS. Look at IMDB. Nothing. There's writer's assistants that's it. Nobody wants to admit they wrote this shit.
And all writers do is write the script. They don't come up with the concept. They aren't the creators. The writers didn't decide that the family had to be a stupid dad, hot mom, rebellious daughter, stupid son, and evil baby.
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You really shouldn't be so reliant on IMDb, my dude. But I just checked, and the writers ARE credited, both on that site and in the actual episodes. Ranada Shepard developed this show after Carl Jones walked away early on, and she's been VERY proud about it throughout all this controversy. Her, Cree Summer, and the mom's VA. There were even a couple other writers who defended and promoted the show. None of them are ashamed.
Well they should be. Shit's animated worse than the Red Ape Family, too.

Man, this was fucking worthless dogshit on just about every level. But at least it's finally over after four grueling years.
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"Dark" Leo was a big joke. He just a edge boy but not allowed to do anything so it's a waste of time. Brainwashing is always a lazy writing. This means they have chance to be saved. There is no real character development.

What's even more ridiculous is that In the ninja magic training arc, the writers told us Dark Leo is actually Leo's real dark side, and Kitsune just awakens it. It's like they're trying to tell us that Shredder and Kitsune never brainwashing Leo.
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So did this useless cunt ever come back?
I am not arguing that it ended up great.

Everything post intro of Venus was a shitshow.
The whole triceraton storyline had so much potential.
I jumped in to IDW right after finishing the mirage collections, and the no kill rule makes 0 sense.

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TLDR leaks happened for a lot of shows. Last thread reached bump limit, so let's move discussion over here.
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oh my fucking god.

I just realized it. After ten years I only NOW get, tat Sylvia in Wander over Yonder is essentially name wise a golden girls reference
Martin and Yolotzin (the one from previous thread's OP) https://files.catbox.moe/gnyjeg.mp4

Don't blame you for not putting it, it's the most forgettable one.
any information on the terror that flaps in the night?
>Randy Cunningham
pilot Heidi is cute as hell wtf
My guess is Darkwing Duck reboot did not even get storyboards.

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i don't know if i should laugh, cry, or vomit. i think i'll do all three, thanks.

>be jewish
>in contact with demons
>have sex with the queen of hell
>keep the hellspaw on earth among humans
>child has only demonic features no human resemblance
Unironically what the FUCK did they mean by this???
She's young now, but her human features will begin to come in as she gets older

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9 Days to episode 2! Also, beware the physics system.
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>for a show that is just a pilot and an upcoming second episode
>still being wrong
wow, 3 for 3.
ListenI watched it seriosly, genuinely. Not half assed speed watching or anything, but it was just to confusing for me. I didnt even know there was some totally not Marker Necromorph Robot Lovecraft thing responsible for all of this untill I asked here months ago. I just assumed it was some kinda virus or bioweapon in the drones.

Most of the time it was the characters doing slaughter shit with vauge lore stuff mixed in to keep me interested. All I got was that the SCP logo lookalike symbol the drones get sometimes was important and caused stuff. Maybe im getting to old for this shit but halfway though the series I was just confused and wondering why the protagonist became an apathetic killer like the murderdrones she hated. The sheer amount of apathy and casualness regarding all the slaughter also really doesnt do the shows any favors. It was morbidly funny at first, but after the 100th scrimbo jimbo drone gets obliterated like he was an insect I got tired of it. I liked it better when the show was setting up the idea of normal worker drones vs these robo-vampire murderdrones, not whatever its going for now with the glados maid robot being a cosmic horror.

I found the initial concept of "normal robots with sentient AI vs vampire robots made by humans to purge them" to be really neat. Cant say I like what the show seems to be going for now.
I think you two are just bad at watching shows
It's not villain-centric in the sense that the main characters are villains.. the antagonist is the entity that is manipulating them and that they are trying to figure out, why are you even saying anything if you haven't even watched it?
You seem to be an ESL or something, which probably plays into why you struggled to get it.
In any case it's just not your kind of story, and that's fine.

In any case, the plot was always the cosmic horror mystery. The setup of the Pilot episode is that the "Vampire robots vs worker robots" is part of the Absolute Solver's machinations. The "eldritch glados maidbot" bit was always a part of the story from the very beginning. The Solver, as well as Cyn's name coming up, shows up in the Pilot (granted, in blink-and-you'll-miss-it segments, but still).
Basically, you just didn't mesh with it and couldn't get into it. The mystery becomes gradually clearer as it goes on, but it's the kind of show where you have to rewatch episodes to catch things you may have missed and really put things together. It's a mystery show afterall.
The Amazing Digital Circus, seems to be at least, comparitively more straight forward. If that's more to your liking, it's clear why you'd prefer one over the other.
>why the protagonist became an apathetic killer like the murderdrones she hated
she isn't, you're fundementally misunderstanding a major point and your confusion over that is guiding your overall thoughts. she is a host of the entity responsible for the murder drones.
I don't want to derail this thread or anything by getting into in depth discussion so it would be better to talk about this sort of thing in an actual Murder Drones thread whenever one comes up

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Multiple pages of suffering!
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That just makes it sound like a challenge
I wish I knew who drew it. I've always assumed it was KC Green, because it was just too perfect.
Looks similar to Plastic Brick Automaton's style
Almost certainly was him.
I agree.

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Mags, easy on the purplepills.
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Quit screwing around and poison his food.
Of course they had a Jewish old man say this.
Mutants are weak and they only get away with so much because the rest of the universe ignores them. Hulk at moderate strength would tear through Magneto like wet tissue paper. Whenever the X-Men piss off Spider-Man he mops the floor with them. Most of them are no more durable than an average human and could easily be shot to death.

This is actually a really goody way of No-Prizing why the X-books seem like their own continuity most of the time. Like Apocalypse, his Hishorsemen and the big flying pyramid they rode up in are a quiet afternoon for the Fantastic Four, Dr. Strange could handwave away Belasco or Selene, telepath jamming tech is standard SHIELD issued equipment, Spidey can beat down any given frontline X-team solo, and most of Wolverine's rogues gallery can and have got their asses handed to them by the likes of Daredevil and Iron Fist.

The rest of the 616 mostly just leaves the mutants alone to rag on each other, because in-universe they're not really a threat to anyone else.

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Why did they decide to become the bodyguards of their enemy's head of state?
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shouldn't Mai's wrapping be like black or a darker red? why yellow/gold?
>who gives the best head
Fire Nation aesthetics are just too based.

>Avengers #13
>Batman: Dark Age #2
>Chilling Adventures Presents: The Cult of That Wilkin Boy - Initiation #1
>Conan The Barbarian #10
>Dick Tracy #1
>Predator: The Last Hunt #3
>The Army of Darkness: Forever #7
>Universal Monsters: The Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! #1
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Good job, Anon who called it.
There's actually more covers than that which upsets me.
I think at least two or three more.
Thanks, I guess.
what is it russal and trolley problems?
I don't understand why Titan Comic forced Zub to do with this overlong Black Stone story arc. was it was it just to force crossovers with other REH characters?

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what the fuck flash bros i hope he's ok
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>there were at least six
>Dinah Drake (sex)
i only count 4
I liked Shipp as well but he looked better as the third AU Flash he played, the Jay version versus the 1990s Barry, because that suit was more akin to his natural body.

I finally found some of the remastered episodes of the 1990s Flash on Tubi, I think a few years back, they are a bit painful to watch since I had never seen before, in comparison to modern stuff, but the speed effects look good and he was excellent but it's very obvious the suit was padded. I think they were trying to make him look like the Burtonverse Batman movies but Batkeaton needed the padding. Shipp didn't need THAT much to look decent in a more form-fitting suit.

Every time I see Gustin on TV, I still want to go into a convenience store and buy a few breakfast burritos and offer them to the dude.
I actually consider season 1 to be the best. It felt like they had a 5 year plan for Arrow and the backdoor pilot for Flash just veered them off in a different direction.

Arrow could have been much better as a standalone show. However there were definitely some great crossover moments. If there was some solid writing involved the shows could have turned out much better
>If there was some solid writing involved the shows could have turned out much better

Whatever do you mean? Arrow's later seasons brought the prestige format to network television.
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sure was

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