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Spanking thread: corner time edition
Previous thread: >>10937371
(please keep AI slop posting to a minimum)
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Can be a teacher seeing MC sneak around the school suspiciously (aka just standing near the entrance for more than 2 seconds), and deciding MC is a delinquant student skipping class.
Can be a clerk seeing MC stare at the hairbrush a bit too much, and deciding to try her chance, especially if MC has a short skirt and keeps bending over to check the prices. Spanking might be given in a soundproof changing cabin, or in the back of the shop, or even in the middle of the aisle.
Can be a neighbourhood watch committee seeing MC snooping as usual, and one of them deciding to take the matter in her own hands.
I already have plans for some discipline committee scenarios, but I don't want it to be too simple.
Can just not openly make it a discipline committee, with spankings being what they happen to do, but not what they claim to do.
My advice is not to make another RPG maker game. There are already enough of those.

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muscle girl thread >>10911133
previous thread >>10913834
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>I can't take it anymore. I hate like 98% of all hyper muscle content. How do I exchange this awful fetish for something else?
all things considered you should be glad this is your fetish and not something completely fucked in the head. as long as you have it at least turn it in to motivation to lift.
>If you stop watching porn and masturbating to porn or while thinking about porn, all fetishes eventually vanish.
this is mostly true but from my own experience and what i have observed in others muscle fetish and to an extent bbw fetish are permanent and if anything >>10978768 is right and nofap/noporn only makes them more intense
Self deprecating ass mf. Fuck off with your negativity
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"From Internet Cult to State Religion" Edition

A thread for the fetishization of power... any depiction of the use or display of extreme power, such as possession, transformation, giantess growth, super strength / muscular bodies, soul vore, godhood / ascension, physical dominance, widespread destruction and others, are all welcome.

Previous thread: >>10869227 (https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10869227)
Archive of omnipotence stories: omnitopia.bplaced.net
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Oh wow, I didn't know there was a whole website for this stuff now. This will be fun to revisit; thanks anon!
I'm so glad you're doing even better than just okay! And I totally understand why you'd put this silly fetish on the back burner while you have more important things going on, which, however, goes for right now as well. As long as you're still short on time please don't feel pressured into writing more just because a few Anons got attached to your character and long for a (hopefully happy) ending for her and her page.

I compiled that originally, although the version on that site had all of its line breaks removed, making it less than readable. I'll have to see if I still got the document lying around somewhere; if I do I'll upload it to a site that preserves the formatting, hopefully.
>goddess likes surprising worshipers at really awkward or inappropriate moments
>humans frantically scurrying about trying not to seem disrespectful is quite amusing to her
>be at home, masturbating
>suddenly your goddess materializes in your room
>"Don't mind me and carry on. Oh dear it seems my presence has made you orgasm uncontrollably, how adorable."
>fap to lewd art of her
>cum a dozen times once she appears, dressed in what little was in that picture
>some of it gets on her
>"You're not the first to materialize in this room, and you won't be the last."

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What's in the box? Edition


Previous: >>10956823
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>be elf
>hundreds of years old, you're no archmage but you know your stuff
>trying to enjoy your ale at the tavern, but there's a human witch there
>can't be more than 20, if that
>you've literally spent more time mastering a single spell than she's been alive
>she's obviously had too many Dwarven stouts
>she's swaying on her feet and ranting about how evil elves are
>calmly try to explain you don't shrink humans, most elves don't in fact!
>she's not having it, challenges you to a magical duel
>fine, whatever, you'll knock her out easily
>go to the alley behind the bar
>hurtle a few gentle knockout spells at her
>no effect?
>she blasts you against the wall with a flick of her pinky
>spell is super simple, but holy shit she's powerful

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>new thread
Nice I recently finished a mini gentle comic too. I'll post later after corrections.
>witch takes odd adventuring jobs
>always picks a fight with any elf in the party
>"I do not have a problem with conniving knife ears, some of my best friends are elves!"
>she usually pulls you out of her cleavage to prove it
>maybe she has some trauma with elves?
>did elves shrink her family?
>"Nah, I just don't like how smug you are"
>now and then there's a threat bad enough to get her wasted so she can just blast it with her OP drunk witch magic
>this is always followed by a wild night of crazy witch on tiny elf sex
>and some apologies the next day
>you don't want to admit it, but you're starting to get off on how domineering this crazy human is
>you're really not a great elf
>might have to do this again in a century or two...

Theme questions:

What women are used to appease low status males?
What role do women and their submission play in religions?
How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
How does the system of social status/class play out between men?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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Arcane magic is primarily studied by men, primarily as a matter of combat. Therefore, because it would offer them extreme power unbecoming of a woman, it is an uncommon type for to see women performing. However, when they do demonstrate a talent for it, it is not wasted. Such are instead almost completely restricted to protection magic and life magic, schools entirely focused on the service they can provide to another being. On rare occasions, they may be permitted enchantment magic, too, but this is often thought of as being too subversive.

Arcane talent is usually detected around the ages of 10-12, for which if magical talent is noticed they will be sent to a magical college (should their father deem it). Legally, they are considered slaves and on graduation enter into military service, and the date by which they are required to find a husband is pushed back to the end of this service. By the time they enter magical education, they are practically illiterate. At the very least, they are next to incapable of reading their spellbooks themselves, having mostly learned whatever vocabulary was deemed as necessary for them. Instead, their spellbooks are controlled by their tutors. Remembering the incantations for these spells is incredibly difficult due to sounding like gibberish, and most of them aren't that smart. Between that and not being able to read their spells, they're taught pneumonics to remember the important ones. It also seems to act as a motivator for the soldiers when they say such strange and lewd things on the battlefield
"Alright girls, let's review your incantations for the day. Teat Licker, how do you cast Protection from Poison?"
"Uhm, right... poison... P... P... Right! 'Playing with soldiers is a sorcerer's purpose, you want them to cum quick, use your spit and tits! Playwi Solis Asorpur, Yuwanthe Toecim Quigyu... Yorspantid!"
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After graduation, they are placed in mandatory service for the same amount of time as men. Since this is usually 7 years, they also usually finish around the age of 25. Prodigies may finish earlier, but if a student had to retake so many classes as to not have graduated by the age of 20, they are considered a sunk cost and simply thrown into slavery. This time in the women's colleges also gives them comprehensive classes on performing womanly duties, though often expanded to include medicine and other subjects a more 'educated' woman should know. In this time, they do not meet men. They are instead forced to focus on their studies. They are, however, taught much about how a man should be pleasured - they simply don't get to experience it. Because of this formal education most girls lack, arcanists are considered the cream of the crop when it comes to wives.

The mandatory service they perform is often either military or direct employment of a state official. Either way, they are far more than slaves. In the case of military, they will be placed under a commander or general. This is invariably treated as a for excellent performance on the battlefield. Because they don't have the same social stigma as slaves, they are treated far kinder. That said, this usually just means their time 'getting to know the squad' only comes as either a punishment, or is almost consensual. Non wartime mages serve a variety of important functions. Not so much as men, but still important. Life wizards can help to grow food, enchantment wizards often become spies or very high class prostitutes. This, too, is under the purview of a man, though often a state official who functionally incorporates her into his harem immediately. When their service comes to an end, they face the same problem as all other women - finding a man or becoming slaves.
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These graduates of magic college are considered very dangerous, though. Women who attend get a taste of power, and that can lead to a desire for freedom. As such, every graduate is marked with a magical tattoo on their crotch. It records all uses of spells, as well as the mage's name. Additionally, skilled divination mages are capable of detecting for a mark, for every single one is unique to that mage.

Unfortunately, there are still ways women manage to escape from the loving embrace of the patriarchy to perform profaned rights to the dark goddess. There are organisations outside of the patriarchy within its borders. Two of these are directly formed of women who have rejected the patriarchy, the worse of which is the Cult of the Unfettered Lady. The Cult is an organisation of druids, who quite firmly reject the worship of Padishah, citing that the women are the ones who truly created everything. They worship Sharbanu as their primary goddess, employing beasts and monsters as their allies.

The cult is not wholly matriarchal in structure, but its worship is - and this is an afront to the patriarchy. Foreign states are considered backwards and misguided for allowing women to be free, but at best the cult are misguided and harmful, at worst actively malevolent. Their terrorist and subversive acts include kidnapping and indoctrinating women into a pro-freedom mindset, consorting with otherworldly creatures, organising raids and monster attacks, murders and destruction of temples and holy sites. As such, they are one of the primary targets for the Inquisition.
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>>10980378 (You)
Members of the cult of the Unfettered Lady are to be punished to the highest degree. First, though, precautions must be taken against them. The cult is well known for its wealth of capable mages, after all. To prevent them from casting spells, they spend most of their time with hands bound in sleeves behind their backs and with a cock gag placed into their mouth. While this leaves them incapable of magic, they are also forced into locked, high heeled boots. After the threat they pose is eliminated, the first priority is getting information out of them. Torture is still the preferred method for this. Inquisitors have been known to employ sexual methods, but pain is the most prevalent. After this, they must begin their atonement.

A druid must be branded. This brand is always visible - either on the face, neck or breast. Second, to ensure they cannot runaway again, they are given the concentrated extract of an addictive flower local to the area, constantly making them aroused but making it incredibly difficult to cum. Unfortunately, one of the long term side effects of this drug is the degradation of much of the brain. Within a year, counting past 10 will be an impossibility. While constantly unable to cum, yet nonetheless stimulated, the girls receive lectures on how much the patriarchy loves them. Unfortunately for them, this is one of the cases where it is lying. The patriarchy hates them, and it will for the rest of their lives. It only has one use for them: parents with a magical spark beget magical children (more often, at least). They will never again go more than a week with an empty womb, as they are turned into breeding factories for the future mages of the patriarchy.

In this time, they are still slaves. In addition, they are told what their futures will be. Some of them try and escape and are given domination collars, but others see how much better things are in submission and beg passers by to purchase them.
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Previous Thread: >>10907626
Same exact deal as the last one. Post blimps
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It's nice, I like it when inflation comics/videos end with them. Inflation is better as a over the top and cartoony goofy fun rather than something realistic, esp. if the explosion is completely harmless (uncomfortable/embarassing at worst) and leads to the character returning to their original form. Although gory explosions aren't my thing
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Good as orgasm analogue.
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My name mentioned :D
Here have this as reward
Would keeping a girl on the curp of popping but never crossing that link count as edging or orgasm denial? One of my favorite fantasies is of getting a girl to the zenith of her growth (preg/inflation and then relentlessly "pleasuring" the FUCK out of her with toys in every orifice and nonstop rubbing and groping and squeezing, a proverbial waterboarding of stimulation that goes on and on and on until her normal senses have been so overwritten by the experience that being breeding cattle or an inflateable toy becomes both her greatest pleasure and part of her identity.
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Thanks to some mobile order deals, I was able to replace the Jumbo Helium Tank that's halfway out for 20 bucks.

If y'all wouldn't mind posting some Helium Inflation, it would help when I start inflating again. Full Body or Belly does not matter.

Narrow edition
Previous: >>10964808
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>She accidentally sends a potion off
>Comic ends
There is a potential for a sequel there, goddam
What happens next, /size/?
Obviously she grows huge, but is too tired to notice
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Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. If someone starts hrt for feminization, cool. If you're not about that life, also cool. Just post porn so this thread doesn't get too chatty.

>Question of the day
Trannies and/or femboys, what are your standards for tops look wise if you bottom?

Tops and/or chasers, what are you standards for bottoms?
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i started at 25, and it's worked out like, wayy better than i expected would be possible for me, so far. i doubt 28 is much different. don't lose hope!
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it's never really over until you hit like 35 or were built like a linebacker since early on puberty
So sweet, humpf!

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the rarest fetish
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This thread is awakening something in me and I don't think my feet are handsome enough to be worshipped.
And grossest
>he says on /d/
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Large cheeks and wide hips
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I'm sorry, it was a moment of weakness for me, I really need to stop my porn addiction.
So I won't write it
Teasing me like that is very rude
I don't think it's rude, this whole thing is very unhealthy anyways
>It has been almost a year since you started to notice IT.
>Dieting didn't help
>Exercising only made it worse
>None of your old clothes fit anymore
>You're currently wearing the largest sweatpants you found at the store. They're ridiculously loose around your waist, yet uncomfortably tight on the seat area.
>You can feel the fabric squeezing each cheek within, you'd think you were sitting on a thick cushion if you weren't deeply aware it was your own body.
>You're breathing too hard again.
>You shift again, trying to hide the raging erection you got the moment you sat down in class today.
>Shifting was always a bad idea.
>You can feel your ass accommodating inside your pants, rubbing against the chair, almost like a massage.
>You try lift a bit of weight off it, only to fall back too hard, barely suppressing a moan.
>You're actively squirming now, left, right, up, down, repeat, it just feels soo good.
>You know what is coming, you need to get out.
>You jump to your feet and thee jiggling starts, the huge masses giving you an unmistakable pear profile shake with the sudden motion.

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Boys who have had their balls, cock or foreskin cut off. Futas allowed.

Last thread: >>>10933818

Less talking more porn this time around ok? I was hoping that by combining the various fetishes that more content would be posted but I guess I was wrong.

Would it be worth making a male/female thread for partial/complete genital removal fetishes?
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And that's all I have on this computer.
Please, do post new things, I need to refuel...

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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>10953075
Belt Thread: >>10900184


>Lock Tracker & Guide


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Its the opposite for me
The smaller the better
So inverted cages hit my fetish pretty hard

I hope you keep us up to date with your experiences

Would love to see it too, but I'm not sure if this board is the right place for that
I want to start wearing chastity all the time (been wearing chastity only for anal sessions until now) since my GF shows far more interest in chastity recently, but I’m yet to find a perfect cage. Most comfortable one for me is a nub one from AliExpress, though it’s not that comfortable without catheter, and I’m too scared of UTI to wear catheter for too long.

So here’s a question - my cage came with flexible catheter, and it can be easily disassembled, leaving really short (>1cm) tube that attaches to the cage and can be used as a really short catheter. Can cage be worn with that thing for a long period of time (day or more)? I’ve been thinking about it since Prince Albert piercing enters urethra the same way, and I’ve never heard of UTI risks after that piercing
i mean anytime something is inside of a part of the body that isnt meant to hold something there is a risk of infection. i think even cater ones say they recommend removing every few days to deep clean and sanitize
How is the peeing experience with it?

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Thread for hardcore mechabare or robo-ryona. 2nd edition
Post and discuss mechabare that feels abusive or cruel and destructive treatment of robots.
Stories, edits and manips are welcome.

Last thread:

For mechabare that feels tamer you can use the main robot thread:
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Now she can suck your dick from a greater distance.
I wonder what happened to this anon. They just disappeared.
Wanna fuck her broken body so much

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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread:
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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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Granted. After many long years of scanning the cosmos for intelligent life, NASA finally made some contact with an alien race. By using the radio signals we've been outputting for decades, the aliens were able to make their way to Earth, but what we couldn't have anticipated was the way they would choose to interact with the human race.

You see, the aliens are parasitic in nature, no bigger than a quarter in their initial forms, and they possess a galaxy-wide hive mind that seeks out other species to assimilate and mutate. They descend into the planet, practically invisible and undetectable, seeking out suitable hosts to attach themselves to and transform. They typically seek out the females of their host species for the purposes of breeding and incubating more of their kind. Once attached, the transformation will progress in stages.

>Stage One
The alien parasite will enter the woman vaginally, attaching itself to the inner wall of her womb and injecting the body with a retromutagen that will transform the host over time and tricking the body into accepting this foreign intrusion. The host body will begin mutating internally, developing organs that will aid in the production of more alien larvae. Outwardly, the woman's physical appearance won't change too drastically. All that happens is her skin will clear up and her health will improve.

>Stage Two
The host body will begin putting on more weight, typically in her chest and thighs, and her body temperature will raise slightly causing her to sweat more. This sweat releases a pheromone that induces sexual arousal, and causes the host to slowly start going into heat. The desire to breed starts to take root in the host's mind, compelling her to start seeking out sexual partners.
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>Stage Three
The host's bones start growing longer and stronger and more muscle starts developing, causing her to grow taller and thicker. Her lips, both vaginal and oral, will start to plumpen, and her nipples will start to grow and puff up. Lactation begins at this stage as well. The host's mind will become overwhelmed with the desire to breed, overriding her sense of modesty and decorum. If she doesn't have any sex by this time the parasite will detach itself from the host and her mind and hormones will eventually return to normal. If she does have sex and gets impregnated, she moves onto Stage Four.

>Stage Four
The parasite starts absorbing the semen and produces eggs of its own. The chance of the host getting pregnant with a human child is low, but never zero. The host's body will bloat even further to provide a suitable environment for the eggs to incubate. This process takes four weeks, after which the brood will hatch and pour out of her womb and up into the atmosphere to find more creatures to assimilate. The host's body will revert back to Stage Three to repeat this process a few more times unless she has a human child, in which case she goes right to Stage Five.

>Stage Five
The parasite, unable to produce more young, dies and detaches itself from the host. The host woman's mind returns to her senses, but her body will remain transformed, precision engineered for breeding and little else. It's likely she'll pass this down to her human children should she have any.
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>I wish for a world where everyone has inconveniently hypersexual bodies and everyone has a humiliation fetish.
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You wake up next morning with a huge rack of tits an absolutely enormous cock, and the beach balls to match. I'll let you decide what all exactly you are, be it futa or busty boy, but your situation stands, quite literally. Having a dick that's four feet long and another wide isn't exactly going to hide under a blanket and whisper good morning. You'll be able to move around with them easily enough though, nothing about yourself will feel especially out of place or uncomfortable, well not until you start dealing with doorways, but we aren't quite there just yet.

You'll get up and take a look out the window to see the streets mostly empty. A few cars here and there, a bus or two maybe, and of course someone orgasming violently just up the road, being recorded and masturbated over by a horde of would be passers-by.

If you can't already, it's that everyone is as big of hypocrite as they are complete sluts for being shamed.
You could see a woman with a pussy 8 times larger than her head literally gushing a river through her pants while pointing and laughing at a woman you could mistake for her twin because her pants had ripped and exposed the needy folds of her vulva as if anybody walking by couldn't already see everything about them but their color before hand.
There is a sort of rules system though, and the humiliation only ever starts when someone breaks one. They are as follows,
1)Be fully dressed at any given time while in public.
2)Who ever cums first loses.
3)Never ask for help getting unstuck unless you are clearly immobilized.
4)Outlines don't count.

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>I wish I ran a sexercise course with lots of hairy (and horny) futa MILFs!

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