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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Reject the powershitter 1/2/3/4. It will not help you make it. Embrace the aesthetics 1/2/3/4

>1 pl8 curls
>2 pl8 incline press
>3 pl8 pull up
>4 pl8 dip
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>just replace the former strength standards with even higher strength standards that are even more dependent on self awareness and good form to mean anything
>but also don't include any lower body strength standards
genius thread OP, 10/10
This is the dumbest phrase that exists in lifting culture. Everything is "ego" lifting, your ego propels you to look better or lift more.
Not being concerned with performance metrics = eternal wheel spinning dyel.

It's a cope, the original meaning is someone lifting like a complete asshole for the sake of more weight on the bar. Hilariously enough that retard will make more progress than someone who thinks pushing the envelope is egolifting and thus bad, peak retardation
You can skip lower body.
The more lean mass i can maintain, the better.
>heh yeah I wouldn't want my strength to be applicable to any real life situation

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While you were walking for "exercise"
I was returning to my primordial being I was destined to be.
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My man is doing subhuman slave maxing. He crawls on the ground before his master, giving up control, honor and dignity.
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you posted this yesterday
it wasn't any less gay then
go shill somewhere else fucktard
buy an ad kike
can someone make a parody of crawling with your ass really high in the air

be sure to wear tightie-whities and to write /fit/ on your left asscheek in marker

also wear cat ears if you can
>go shill somewhere else fucktard
Shill what? Something free anyone can do?

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the average european mogs 90 percent of americans for a reason besides a healthy diet
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>leaving the office at 2pm on fridays
yeah? where are all of these cushy office jobs? i have to pretend to care for another 5 hours until 5:30 then i have to dodge the junkies until i get home. ireland btw.
so just live outside the purple areas? case closed
It's about priorities, I mean if you have a safe environment, good friends, plenty of pussy and a happy life why work tripple as hard for a mcmansion and all that crap?

If I convert my currency to USD I make about 140K a year and that is pretty high for europe, but I just save most of it as the best things in life are free or very cheap.

I save around 5K USD every month
>feeling safe
The niggers being imported into Europe are changing that. The murder rate in Germany for example has at least quadrupled since the mass importation of niggers.
true but in the poor areas. So the answer like always is just don't be fucking poor.

The police patrol constantly in the white rich and upper middle class areas.

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can you homosexuals please post on /hm/ instead if here
what da thumb doin?
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Do I have good looking hands or are they ugly?
Skeleton King

You must be over 18 years old to post here.

your hand looks like veiny dicks and you make women uncomfortable. Mogging hard bro, respect.

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Someone was DEADLIFTING in a Smith Machine earlier. Should I have said something?
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alright /fit/, who was in the wrong here?
The retard in gimp gear who takes 30 minute rests in a commercial gym
Yea it was fucked up for the dude to hog the platform like that but still, would never just smack a manlet on the head like that.
Its kinda sad too because i think if the manlet was 6'2" instead then he wouldn't have gotten smacked
Very true tbf, it wasn't a strong slap by any means but it was very disrespectful. Still, imagine having to deal with this every time you go to the gym, anyone would snap at some point.
It's pointless to do but not exactly a bad thing

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Natty bros, how tempted are you to take test?
Are there any negatives to taking it in small doses?
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>am I ever tempted to take kind altering chemicals when my natty body already mogs majority of my cohorts
>are there any negatives
Yes, your gains are now beholden to a needle.
That's why I need to be set up financially and know I probably won't run out of money
I tried it, pinned 250mg of test and gave up continuing the day after, just isn't worth it. I felt disgusted by the thought of pinning my ass 2x a week for years and years.
It sparked the natty inside my head, just stay natty if you aren't competing.

Bars open, what are you having tonight?
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a coke.
horrible last few years. I was always lucky growing up as things always seemed to work out in the end and I think I've carried this mentality all my life. Cut to now and I'm the worst shape of my life, about to get expelled out of college after 6 years because I just can't finish the degree and I'm also diffuse thinning balding fast and I have a deformed skull (actual deformity with medical name). It also goes without saying that I've also made no friend nor touched a single woman.

I always figured things would work out and that I would bloom at some point but now it looks like the dice have been played and there's no turning back. I was gonna go on with a list of more unlucky things that happened add on to the terrible outlook awaiting me but you get the gist.

Still i somehow started improving a little, been exercising for a month, eating better, getting more protein and watching my calories. I figured, worst case scenario, if it's not just dismorphia and I look like and actual gay alien ogre I just go into nature and tedmaxx. It somewhat comforting, I can't even imagine what I would do if I was a woman in this situation.
Also, thank you to all the khhv, neets, losers, etc on /fit/ that don't give up and post how they keep going despite it all. I would have probably given up long ago without you
Pathetic larp faggot
feel like shit lads
threw away the pack of cigarettes 24 hours ago
haven't feeled this good and productive in ages
fucking thing was like heroin to me
>have her always fear losing you to another woman
the last girl i was with had only ever been treated like shit, but i think the jealousy drove her to submission with other guys. all in all i can see she was an unactualized person but it still hurts to be treated like that. she confessed she was worried i'd leave her so i'm certain it had nothing to do with me. i still think it's worth holding out hoping someone with some agency comes around but i get the urge to just drop the idea that you could ever trust a woman. otherwise you're pretty much guaranteeing you'll only ever have shitty people in your life

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Post lean pill motivation and green texts.
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I wish more black women looked like her
She seems to have some white admixture too
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Are amphetamines good for losing weight? They suppress your appetite and increase your metabolism at the same time
It shocks me everytime how much better everyone looks lean.

How much muscle is too much?
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In her newest post her face has changed completly to the typical steroid face...bloated lips, deep texture on the forehead and square jaw.
Any visible muscle on a girl other than cute abs and a juicy booty are too much.
im genuinely curious about what you guys find attractive about overly muscled women
you like these women for their masculine features you faggot

>No evidence
>no studies
>no long term observations
>opposes all concrete nutritional science
>everyone shilling it is a non-practicing doctor or chiropractor selling supplements
>entire movement fueled by personal anecdotes of 40 year old yoga moms and roided out bodybuilders

Why is this a thing again?
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>everyone not in my cult is a vegan
..doing everything I can
Dude, stop it. We all know your posting style by now, its as obvious as a fingerprint. You've been doing this for years at this point, don't you think its time to move on?
I've tried your diet, you haven't tried mine. I know more than you
How many animal species have a natural diet that's complicated to follow?

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how does this guy have pronounced abs even when he's fat? is it all genetics, or a camera trick?
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>how do I know if my form is correct, in the gym
watch some youtube videos, and you should "feel" your abdominals working, start light, maybe extra light since you hurt your knees squatting. Start easyish so you can practice technique that doesn't F you up.
>calorie intake
don't know, but 500 calories less then what you are doing now, or 250less if you do some 1-2 hours of cardio.
are online TDEE calculators reliable? I'm gonna do 500 less than whatever one of those suggests
What do you mean? How would they be accurate/how would they not be accurate?

You understand that someone that works consctruction might burn 4000kcal day. Someone thats office worker might burn 2000kcal day. Someone thats way overweight might burn 3000kcal day. Someone thats underweight might burn 1800kcal day.

Someone thats a teacher for example burns generally 200-300 more calories per day because they spend time standing up. If you walk to grocery store instead of driving the car, if you train at the gym 1,5 hours isntead of 50 minutes, theres gorillion variables that go into this.

The calculator can be pin point accurate, if it by the luck of the draw represents your life PERFECTLY. It could also be thousands of calories off. Do 500 less, and take weekly average for the next month. If its working, ok. If you didnt lose weight, eat 750 less or 1000 less depends how badly you stalled or let alone if you ended up gaining weight.

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How do you avoid getting the gymcel body type?
Is the secret just to not get too strong?
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it's literally just be lean and have some muscle. The moment you're obsessing over putting an extra inch on your bicep or quad, you are entering gymcel territory
learn to maintain
all you fags complain about plateauing at 2pl8 bench dont realize that's a good thing
I look like the left guy but no girl comments on my posts
this board has been completely ruined by the influx of gynocentric brown incels
If you swapped their faces, the physique on the right would get more compliments
it all comes down to face

Do you use the showers at your gym? Do you feel comfortable in the gym locker rooms?
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Go to asia
i'll get naked to change idgaf
its a changeroom
>i asked him if he wanted me to call the cops, he said no and proceeded to walk out the gym crying.
He never came harder
you don't just get raped in a shower.
he asked f0r it
i wear tons of sunscreen and get outside daily. i guess technically i do tan but my skin burns before it tans and i don't want to deal with the consequences of hundreds of sunburns even if it means getting marginally tanner

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We all know that most gays frequent the gym, most steroid bois are gays, I don't hate gays in general, but going to the gym as a straight man sucks because they all stare at you all the time, doesn't matter where I look some gay dudes eyes will make contact.

I don't care if they look at me squating and such, but it's the constant starring that fucks up my rythm/excercise.

They never tried to talk to me probably because they see the lengths I go through to avoid them.

how do you fuckers cope with this stuff?
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>maybe I should mention I am not a muscle monster just a normal guy with a very beautiful face and cool style
Ah yes of course saar, very sorry saar, you are very beautiful I believe
there are no gays at the gym i go to.
maybe go to a more normal gym
I am not obsessed with it, I a also pissed off at the women doing weird shit next to me for one simple reason, it irritates me so I can't focus on the lift I am performing.

There is no fucking reason to stare at a guy for 50-60 minutes constantly regardless if you are gay or a woman.

I like to walk around between the sets but at this point I just stand by the rack looking straight into the wall like some kind of fucking autist

look every now and then, that is fine, but don't stare like a fucking psycho
>like some kind of fucking autist
Good thing you aren't one haha
dood you are soooooo gay. You are self conscious about the gay attention because you do want to admit it to yourself. Just embrace it.

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