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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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Who are some rs writers?
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Based. Hail Israel.
Thats... me
shes a princess
Isn’t that the exact opposite of Houellebecq’s main point in most of his novels? That civilization has become hypnotized by the basest forms of navel gazing possible. I’ve only read serotonin but I know of his other books and serotonin definitely didn’t give me that idea. There was literally an attempted revolution in the book and all anyone cared about was that a handsome man killed himself.
Yeah it's even literally in the original french title of Whatever (The Extension of the Domain of Struggle)

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what are some 'positive' history books? Stuff like Endurance or Malcolm X's book that deal with perseverance, courage, strength, will, and the like
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Biographies of Victoria Cross / Medal of Honour recipients
The Beast Reawakens is a good read if you're a fascist and sad the good guys lost, you can just read it upside down as a story of how we're so back despite it being over
any in particular you liked?
I enjoyed The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. I read it a long time ago when I was in high school and it drove me to get off my ass and try. I’m currently reading Team of Rivals and it has the same flavor of perseverance and overcoming extreme odds, though Lincoln eventually dies
House of the Dead is about Dostoevsky surviving and thriving in a Siberian gulag. It was Tolstoy's favorite Dostoevsky book.

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"I Get Weird" edition

Previous: >>23306393

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

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Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
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Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

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How do I learn to write prose properly?
Add some description, but not too much. Don't put adjectives where they need to be. Read good prose and copy it's style.
I love the feeling of editing a scene and turning it from a good idea to a good idea with excellent prose.
intros can be shorter than regular chapters, yes. if that’s what you’re asking.
I know it's OW, THE EDGE tier shit, but does it at least read well?

"As if her decision was now already a memory, all doubt left her. Her breathing evened out as she steadied the knife in her right hand. It took hardly any effort to run it’s edge from her elbow down to her wrist. The flames that were just below her pale, scarred skin burst forth with a blinding white light."

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Wait, marxists expect the working class to read this boring snorefest of a pretentious ass book meditating on abstract shit in dry prose spamming 1000+ pages? The book just contains pages and pages of very obscure and rarefied descriptions of capitalism. It's not even a scathing critique of capitalism that it's touted to be, and It has nothing to do with political organizing or any call to action
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no no NO! FUCK! NO!
value is created by trade, you can exploit an asset all you want but if nobody trades with you youre not creating any value.
value is created through trading assets.
lets try again, you disingenuous twat.
you put theft into the definition of capitalism.
does this mean you think that capitalism counts theft as a valid form of economic trade?
or are you just incapable of being fair?
dude im not whoever you were arguing with about theft that would be >>23329563
No, only retards believe that. This book was written for those who will manage the revolutionaries.
your inability to follow a thread is sad.

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Most classic literature is dark and depressing. What are some fun, whimsical pieces of classic literature?
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me too :)
I forget who said it, but some famous writer once commented Treasure Island is probably the perfect novel: in the sense that it accomplished exactly what it set out to do, at a good pace and with great characters.
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>Mere Christianity - C. S. Lewis
>Introduction to Christianity - Pope Benedict XVI
>The Confessions of St. Augustine
>St. Thomas Aquinas - G.K. Chesterton
>Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton
>The Everlasting Man - G.K. Chesterton
>A Shorter Summa The Essential Philosophical Passages of Saint Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica - Peter J. Kreeft
>Catechism of the Summa Theologi - Thomas Aquinas
>Catholic Catechism of Saint Piu - Pope St. Pius X
>Early Christian Writings The Apostolic Fathers - Andrew Louth
>History of the Christian Church (Complete Eight Volumes In One) - Philip Schaff
>Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament RSV 2nd Edition
>The Faith of Our Fathers - James Cardinal Gibbons
>The Spirit of Catholicism - Karl Adam Robert A. Krieg
>The Complete Ante-Nicene & Nicene and Post-Nicene Church Fathers Collection

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Would you recognize Palamas as a Saint?
I'm logically led to believe yes because he's a saint in Eastern Catholicism, and Eastern Catholicism preserved what was worth preserving in Orthodoxy (I regularly go to liturgies of two different Eastern Catholic rites' Liturgies and they're great, I prefer them to Novus Ordo mass).

He was never formally excommunicated by the Church because the schism had already happened. I don't care that he disagreed with Thomism and I frankly think Thomism is very overhyped as the end-all be-all of Catholic thought.
>I don't care that he disagreed with Thomism and I frankly think Thomism is very overhyped as the end-all be-all of Catholic thought.
The Dominican domination of Catholic thought has been a great disaster for the faith and we're paying for it right now. Thomism needs to be challenged more.
Thomism already was challenged with the Renaissance resurgence of Neoplatonism. Ficino was an absolute genius but didn't really take off as much because for everything good about reviving Neoplatonism he also had some weird Renaissance-era quasi-pagan proto-occult bullshit to him too.

That brief moment of Renaissance Platonism in the spirit of the ancient world could have led to the greatest purification and renewal of the Faith ever seen, and perhaps in that moment it even was. But something about it didn't stick and instead laid the grounds for modernity in its wake.
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I really should read more about this, I never liked the Dominicans. As a disclaimer, I come from and grew up in a school that was ran by the Dominicans and nearly all of my friends now who used to be my schoolmates are either agnostic or are atheist leftists, 3/5 of them grew up in devout Italian-American families but the way the Dominican brothers who handled some of the faculty treated us was really terrible. I'm still somewhat Catholic now but it isn't a coincidence that most of the stubborn ignorance I see from Catholics are either affiliated with Dominicans or are inspired by them.

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/wwoym/ write what's on your mind
high trust edition

previous >>23324263
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>Do you feel like you're worthy of love?
No. And whenever anyone treats me with kindness it makes me feel guilty, as though I don’t deserve it because I’m a terrible person.
I think about this sort of thing a lot. I've met a few people throughout my life who I would consider "pure". They're genuinely nice, they genuinely care, they don't have a mean bone in their body etc. It makes me think about how shitty I am and how I could be a lot better to people. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm a mean person, I'm just not the best I could be.
I'd probably be dead if not for a guy who, in absurd circumstances, was never failing in his goodness in every sense, calm, considerate, trustworthy beyond belief, helpfully ingenious. The last time I saw him he was a pathetic ruin due to an addiction to which i'm apparently immune, opiates. For some reason they give me nightmares, and can't stand them for long even at mild doses. Who knows why that is.
>, in absurd circumstances, was never failing in his goodness in every sense, calm, considerate, trustworthy beyond belief, helpfully ingenious. The last time I saw him he was a pathetic ruin due to an addiction to which i'm apparently immune, opiates

Literally me.

Odds are I'm not the guy you know but I'm going to take credit anyway for saving your life. No but seriously, glad you found someone who had such a positive effect on your life.
I grew up in a big family. I had 4 sisters, 2 younger, 2 older. The best friend moved to Estes Park, the other became a High School teacher. I've never felt all that bad about the loss of any friend compared to the death of my father, which was agony to endure, and that of my next oldest sister, who I was very close to.

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It's interesting that Chesterton seems to be something of a writer's writer. A lot of the great writers of the 20th Century held him in high esteem, especially his short stories, his novels, and his poetry. All the Inklings loved him, especially Lewis and Tolkien. Gene Wolfe loved him, too. Even Borges loved him.

Have you found Chesterton to be a great writer, /lit/?
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He's hokum and likable. His prose is kind of like Mark Twain's but stylistically very English and less cynical in tone.
I can find no actual source for this quote.
I'd join him for a drink, but wouldn't spend the weekend with him.
Has anyone here read The Man who was Thursday?
Luv Manalive

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Because everything else is corrupted by the moralizers.
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Is this really what Heidegger's work says?

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Temple by the Sea edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23314259
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Can this zesty nigga write?
I meant Evan Winter, from Rage of Dragons.
he cute
As much as I hate her stuff, I'd absolutely rail her
Night Shift by Stephen King
you might be wondering "wtf", but it actually is mostly (like substantially more than half) sci-fi or dystopian stories, some that are King's finest work.
Would also recommend The Best of Philip K Dick.
Another personal favorite of mine is Daughter of Regals by Stephen R Donaldson. You may consider picking up Reave the Just after that, but it's not as good.

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This essay was published back in 1974. It argued that certain movements and currents within modern Christianity were Mormon-ifying it. It was written by a Mormon who viewed these as positive changes. I’m interested in your thoughts, given that a lot of you are interested in theology (especially old theology), ecclesiastical history, and things of that nature.
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The darkness from exmormons is palpable. You should know what I'm talking about.

What do you believe the meaning of life is?

>by mormon HQ's own admission less than 1 in 9 cradle mormons will continue attending into adulthood

Do you have a source for this statistic. I don't deny it I'm just interested
The claims of Catholicism are just as much "insane shit" by your highly effeminate "have a normal one" standards
Americans have this reputation of being egomaniacs who make everything about them. Like, if they import a Japanese cartoon or European video-game or whatever, the protagonists have to be changed to Americans, they need to be eating burgers and so on, because America is the center of the universe. Mormonism sounds like Americans did to Christianity what they did with Godzilla in the 90s. Make it all about them and miss the point.
Get your mind out of pop culture. You have no idea what you are talking about
Ok anon. I'm sure Jesus went to America where you actually had ancient Jewish civilizations and it's a special place because you just had to make Christianity about America somehow, and this one conman actually had golden tablets written in a "reformed Egyptian" language that everyone knows is bullshit but somehow this religion is true. Some times I think evangelicals make some outlandish claims, but then I remember Mormons exist, things could always be worse I guess.

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I hate the stupid fancy doodle style on the front.

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Has anyone read this book? Thoughts on it?
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You missed the point.
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ofc u don't, but the anon it was intended for will know it was about him, once he desperately comes slithering back, forced by a morbid curiously to see if any sorry creature actually agreed with him and tried to defend his inane points of logic.
Dealing with people more stupid than you is fine though. It only sucks when they have a position of power over you, like your boss at your job or whatever.

Man what the FUCK is going on?
I've heard about this multiple times now, and really want a new juicy fiction book to sink my teeth into alongside non-fiction readings. What the fuck IS going on, anon? Try to sell it to me, if you wouldn't mind. Please and thanks.
It's pretty straightforward once you've read it a couple times
It's a book about cocks and rockets. The main character's boner predicts rocket strikes, because the rocket is also like a cock and gets a sympathetic erection. Most of the book is spent trying to figure out what happened to the super cock rocket. Also there's a scene about 300 pages in where a guy eats diarrhea in vivid detail that makes most people drop the book. I personally found the book to be a bit of a slog, I had a more enjoyable time reading Ulysses.
who cares?

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