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>benny hill intensity rising
Thought that was Herschel from The Walking Dead for a second.
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The wind turbine was made up to spec and passed multiple inspections without any issues. Just like all other turbines around it.
After the incident investigators found out the controller has been rewired to feed back electricity into the generator, making it act like a motor. And there were bite marks on the housing.
And yet there is not a single news report about it. Who hides the truth?
is this car loss?
Free range popcorn

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Why do these guys trigger my fight or flight so badly? Am I a pussy? Or should I be afraid?
I see these out my window every night except they’re a little taller
Are you scared?

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/an/ bros. My 9 year old tabby unfortunately got attacked by a juvenile pit. She is limping, after the initial attack she was limp in my arms and panting heavily; something she has never done before. Right now she is laying in my bed and breathing normally, ate a good amount of food, and only growls when I touch her leg. I inspected her and found no punctures or lacerations, but she can't walk on her back leg. What do I do? Vets are retarded expensive. I'm scared. I should mention that I saved her before the kill grip, but I'm worried. Do I let her rest? Do I take her in? I did little PT exercises with her limbs and she didn't wail in pain or anything. What do I do?
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don’t forget this
total pit death NOW
>The American Pit Bull Terrier is a white man's dog. I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Sounds like someone's trying to die.
You're literally indian
I also own a beautiful dog. You pitbull owners are faggots and need to get laid or something. You aren't tough having a fucking abomination of a breed. Go to war if you want to kill and be killed.
Take it to the vet, stupid

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Come home, white man
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never mind i realize what he’s trying to say now lol
>middle eastern shit rats with no pack instinct revered by brown people
>domesticated European wolves that would fight to protect their family
>makes shitskins seethe so much they’re haram

yeah it’s dogs for me, sorry muhammad
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VGH.... the savior of the White race...

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So true
For what it's worth. I'd talk to orthacanthus and deinocheirus.
Yeah I don't want to speak to any Chinese data centers, sorry

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For the past week my cat has been losing her shit occasionally banging on glass at random periods throughout the day. I finally figured out why and there’s this other cat that’s been talking with her. I don’t see a collar on it or a tag. I’m worried because I live next to bobcat and coyote infested woods. I don’t want to feed it partially for that reason, it would suck for it to get snatched by something. I do like the socialization my cat gets with another cat she’s been raised inside her whole life.

What do I do? Do I talk to my neighbors and see if they have an outdoor cat? Do I warn them if it is their cat? I previously lost 2 previous pets by letting them roam outside. It’s a really pretty cat…
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>Isn’t FIV way less lethal than human AIDS though?
Yes, but you still don't want to infect your other kitty. Long term treatment does require extra vet care and usually drugs. On the other hand, FIV isn't quite as easy to pass along as urban legend has it. Still a risk, but can be treated and most cats will live most of their lives as if they didn't have it, albeit with slightly to somewhat compromised immune systems that can make them vulnerable to other disease & infection.

There's also other diseases, FIV is just sort of short-hand for "ferals may be sick with something that can infect other cats." Not necessarily always FIV. There are also parasite issues, internal through diet and of course external like fleas & mites & such.

Of note, scratching a cat at the base of their tail is pretty intimate. I'd usually start off with a couple light pats to test the waters and slowly get a feel for how an individual reacts to it. Strays/barn cats aren't always socialized to "go there" immediately and should be approached slowly & gently. It's a big leap of trust. Thus the attack mode. But she seems like she chilled out quickly, so it's a good start. You might consider trying to initiate play, such as simple string or something else that's interactive to hep initiate bonding & trust (beyond food & friendship scritches).

Good luck anon, to all of you. Hopefully this will turn out so everyone has a happy home together.
> Still a risk, but can be treated and most cats will live most of their lives as if they didn't have it
Yeah, my cat was diagnosed with it but he’s more or less as healthy as can be otherwise, I guess it would be especially noticeable in ferals that are always getting into fights and stuff with a lot of cuts/scratches.
I’m kinda worried I haven’t seen her tonight. I put out a fresh bowl of food and some water. There’s supposed to be tornados tomorrow so I pray she’s safe. I let my neighborhood know to see if anyone is missing a cat but so far the consensus has been she was probably dumped here. I’m going to buy a trap this weekend and call the vet to see if they can check for a chip and get a routine checkup. Looking back at
>>4782118 if she is a female she looks like she’s either old and has a tummy pouch, has been recently pregnant, or is pregnant. Or she’s just a bit fat.
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I think the cat is sick it’s looking kinda different
That's a dog

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/dog/ clothing:
For work and play
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise.

/dog/ training:
[YouTube] Why Mastering Reinforcement Is The Linchpin To Reinforcement Based Dog Training #196 #podcast (embed)
[YouTube] I REFUSE to Be the “Alpha”. What 4 weeks of Positive Reinforcement looks like with an Untrained Dog. (embed)

Be nice to /dog/s:
Just because hurting them works faster, doesn't mean it works better.

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Yeah, I feel so bad, it was just a little baby

Dog training general.
>toxo out of nowhere
Don’t get so defensive toxotroon
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Need recommendation for STRONG leashes/collars for STRONK doggo. Boerboel/Neapolitan pup is closing in on 70 kg (currently 67 kg) and still growing but his equipments are starting to get too tight. Most other “XL” equipments are too small and the companies that sell “XXL” products are just not very durable I.e made for giant breed but pets not working breeds. The collar on his pic rel is the biggest one on the store near me that fits a 27” neck.
Also looking into harnesses with handles and stuff but they’re mostly for medium sized malinois/dutch shepherd or other shepherd type dogs and what have you.

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>this confuses and enrages the cat owner

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Sleepy edition

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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brush cat instead
little eyes?
There are so many cats out there that need homes, and yet I let another give birth to 4 because I couldn't get her fixed due to having no transportation and no place for her to recover. I just hate myself. Now I have 4 more kittens outside to worry about.
the people who post here are cats
This is Ruby
She's been my cat for 6 years, I've picked her up randomly from some lady at the local flea market who was giving her for free. She was in a really bad state but I've nursed her back to health.
She's incredibly intelligent and closer to dog when it comes to how attached she is to me, always waiting me outside when I return from work, sleeping besides me for days when I'm sick. Talkative, likes people, when she plays she never uses her claws.
I need to euthanize her today because of leukemia I didnt even now she has, but it just sprung up last week aggressively and it's actively killing her.

Sorry for the blogpost bros, she is in my lap right now, numb, almost unresponsive, I cant describe how hard this all feels. My biggest regret is that she livid in an (spacious) apartment for 4 and a half years, but the moment I moved where she could roam and play she got really sick.

what is the most alien looking animal you can think of ? for me it's those guys, that's the kind of stuff you'd find on some exo planet

>giant ears
>a hose for a nose
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Nudibranchs are so cool I wish they didn’t have hyper autistic diets and release giga poison upon death
you're just a stupid mammal
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this is real btw

runner up
I had a couple ideas but settled on these.
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What was the Silurian landscape like?
In the past, it was assumed that it was basically dry and "dead". without a significant number of living organisms that stand out for being multicellular, eukaryotic, and that carry out photosynthesis and bla bla.
Well, today it is said that the environment was more perished with a "proto-forest" (or lawn) with high quantities of plants and even small worms living in the ground
well paleoanons, can you give me some light???
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Lawn is probably a good word for the land ecosystems. This is when non-vascular plants like mosses and the like gave rise to vascular, larger upwards-reaching plants, surrounded by fungi who would have co-evolved with plants, providing scarce nutrients to the plants and getting plant waste products in return. One thing to note is that at this time, even the vascular plants would highly resemble what we would think of today as fungal shapes. a bulbous head and one or very few stems. This is a common Silurian plant form 'cooksonia' and there were others which would have had filaments, thorns, or other protrusions not quite yet resembling proper leaves. Photosynthesis was done in the stems, and not yet in secondary structures to it except incidentally early on.
Earthworms are about half as old as the Silurian period, and their ability to eat soil and process nutrients relies on rather fertile and well tilled soil. There would have been worm-like myriapods like millipedes and some silverfish-like arthropods scuttling around, certainly.
Scorpions appeared more or less as they are in the Silurian.
Thank you guys!
And about the land? Just a ugly desert?
In your logic, there was not earthworms

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the neck is long
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Saw two young herons while I was out running today. Not as huge as the adults, but still pretty big. Didn't have my phone on me so no pictures... but I drew this picture from memory
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/a/ told me today was World Penguin Day. I didn't bother to look it up to see if it was true but let's just post pengers anyway.
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It is true. Or was, I guess. It was yesterday. Late thread.
this kinda puts them in a new light…
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Noot noot
Happy feet 3

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banana trees are kind of freaky THOUGH.
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It's an /int/ meme because some mexican schizo kept basedquoting anyone who ends their sentence with though.
it’s well beyond /int/ now doever
he's explaining the origin since anon didn't get it DOUGH
true just pointing it out and taking amusement in it
This, I got stabbed for asking once.

Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
For me, it's the pygmy marmoset
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haha you kiwitards think you can stop the sauce please we're just finding new flavors we just won't share it that easy. Kiwitards thinking they won they won nothing yet
none can stop the Florida Man
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>you have no proof
You are asking for fresh monkey gore to be posted in 4chan, which is a bannable offense.
Just enter one of the anonymous pityfag telegram channels if you think you're so brave.
In 2ch (now 5ch since the Hiromoot incident) they keep talking about new material being released:
>we just won't share it that easy
Good. Please refrain from sharing it or posting any evidence that they even exist. Thank you for complying.

lol Nothing there except old and lame Facebook and Niconico videos.
Some people experience some kind of satisfaction or immense interested in seeing baby monkeys in distress. Pityfags tried to justify feeling like that by coming up with absurd theories and rationalizations, like saying they want to see baby monkeys being crushed because they resemble the closest species that could compete with humanity in a biological sense. Some take the route of justifying the abuse because they see babies as heavily dependent on their mothers to the point they become loud and demanding when they need something, which is seen as annoying and worthy of the abuse.

Any justification for this kind of stuff is ridiculous and if you are feeling like this is okay, you should probably stop watching those videos.

My bet is that this satisfaction people feel is actually a black op conducted by CIA niggers to imprison as much people as possible and then wipe them out, effectively causing a huge population drop which might make the global economy better. Do not fall for the trap and remember that CIA niggers glow in the dark.

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