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Want to learn something new?

The /int/ Wiki is a language learning guide created by /int/ users like you.

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Flags of the world

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Honestly looks a bit too derivative but it"s an amazing attempt. Thoughts? Are there other countries not known for animation who've made good animated movies/shows?
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Aladdin was never set in China.
The men in the poster look brown
Most self-insert anime school boys are black haired black eyed
they were islamic state from the beginning
>>on January 25, 1948, Jinnah, while addressing the Karachi Bar Association, was asked what the future constitution of Pakistan would be like. He found such a question annoying. He said that the constitution of Pakistan was given 1300 years ago in Islam and the Sharia will be the main source of the constitution
No fits perfectly actually. It is a shameless rip off, further proving that they are incapable of anything other than bomb throwing

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the fuck ivan gon do?
U just posted a Mongolian dude getting dropped by a Russian doe

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Nyymit tienaamassa -painos
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>ole suhahtelijaneekeri
>puhu jostain striimaaja andrew tatesta niinku kukaan muu ku suhahtelijaneekeri tietäis kuka vittu se on
mikä vittu niitä suhahtelijoita oikein vaivaa
jotenki satuit tietämään silti kuka se on
joku tsou rouganin kaveri
mä luin tosta ylen otsikoista. sitä en oikeen tiedä miks yle tekee uutisia jostain hemmetin somejulkkiksista jotka tekee tyhmiä videoita mutta niin olivat tehneet.
juon sitä vasta sitten kun on kurkut syöty.

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stoppa du den i baken? ...
är du eller din fru gravit???
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Jag kommer bara gå runt och fråga om varje officer röstade på S eller M. Vilket parti de känner sig närmast. Sedan blir det fragging á la Vietnam. Det finns inte en chans att de kommer välja att ha med mig. För jag kommer göra detta om jag blir tvingad att strida för den här horstaten.
Gå på drop in.
fick du en hiv-bebis av daddy?

brazils most wmaf couple got back together, who's the most famous wmaf couple in your country?
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>he dumps the ugly chinky for a spicy white lass
>white lass leaves him for being an autist
>he has to get back with the chinky that he doesn’t even like
>cos no other woman will put up with him
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apparently he browses /fit/
Kek, he was hitting on trannies on tinder after he broke up with the chink.

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Edição comemorativa
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primeiro nós precisaríamos passar por cima dos milhões de fetos anencéfalos que votaram nele e que só faltam lamber as bolas dele por tanta adoração
É pecado andar de ônibus e usar gás de cozinha?
Extermina-se essa escumalhada da escória cretina, ao mesmo tempo que faremos a nossa contrarrevolução higienizadora celeste.

(Sei que tem muitos literais animais sub-humanos que votariam nesses quadrilheiros hediondos, mas nem fodendo que ele ganhou na limpa essa porra última fraudada dessas eleições).
O sistema cia tirou esse bandidaço da cana pra meter na presidência na base da mutreta.
fiz uma cagada, terei de ir no churrasco da sala na facul
nao queria ir mas ja paguei e marquei com os amigos de ir

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What makes the Europoid behave like this?
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>Hugh Despenser, 1st Baron Despenser (c.1287/1289 – 24 November 1326), also referred to as "the Younger Despenser", was the son and heir of Hugh Despenser, Earl of Winchester, (the Elder Despenser) and his wife Isabel Beauchamp, daughter of William Beauchamp, 9th Earl of Warwick. He rose to national prominence as royal chamberlain and a favourite of Edward II of England. Despenser made many enemies amongst the nobility of England. After the overthrow of Edward, he was eventually charged with high treason and ultimately hanged, drawn and quartered.
>The 14th-century court historian Jean Froissart wrote that "he was a sodomite", and Adam Orleton, the Bishop of Winchester, also levelled the accusation at him (although Orleton's accusation came when he was defending himself from having claimed the same of King Edward). According to Froissart, Despenser's penis was severed and burned at his execution as a punishment for his sodomy and heresy.[14] In 1326, as Isabella and Mortimer invaded, Orleton gave a sermon in which he publicly denounced Edward, who had fled with Despenser, as a sodomite. The annals of Newenham Abbey in Devon recorded, "the king and his husband" fled to Wales.
>Queen Isabella had a special dislike for Despenser. While Isabella was in France to negotiate between her husband and the French king, she formed an alliance with Roger Mortimer and began planning an invasion of England, which ultimately came to fruition in September 1326. Their forces numbered only about 1,500 mercenaries to begin with, but the majority of the nobility rallied to them throughout September and October, preferring to stand with them rather than Edward and the hated Despensers.
>The Despensers fled west with the King, with a sizeable sum from the treasury; however, the escape was unsuccessful. Separated from the elder Despenser, the King and the younger Despenser were deserted by most of their followers and were captured near Neath in mid-November.
mucho texto
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He has this thing inside his tummy.
Humans are animals
We are disgusting animals who act on the most awful emotions of hatred and cruelty imaginable
All you need is the crowd cheering you on and then everything becomes possible
Humanity disgusts me, we are vile disgusting creatures

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my countrymen are very frustrated by the existence of lithuania and i dont know why
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your post is text text text
2ch isn't dead, it has a few hundred million posts, it might be the last real live forum you have
i don't speak russian btw, i use google translate to lurk it from time to time for fun, i love watching your pride collapse and your shame rise in real time
>health and hair
Ain't no way your ass is balding over 4 chan 0__o

>no u argument
>2ch isn't dead
XD say you make shit up without being so obvious kurwaaa !
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im a real lithi, as real as it gets.
but it really is insane with u guys, theres one pisstonian whos became a drug addict, and one latvian too whos dabbling with drugs in baltausnz from time to time... and now u...?.. imho its insanity to take this place so far that ure in need to take opioids.
still, THOUGHEVER, even after all these opioids, WE OWN YOUR GOOFY ASSES. lithies own u xDDD >>196546758
their choice of colour for their flag is an esthetic i struggle with desu
they're literally african colors lol, google it. green, yellow and red

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That was what boomers and millennials did in their teens, zoomer girls think anyone 6 months older than them is a pedophile
this image is fake, uniting the north german federation by 1846 would already by quite hard, not even mentioning conquering entire austria hungary and wallachia
Most 30 year old males are virgins.

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Would you rather date a brazilian or a swedish girl?
I'd date them both
swedish women are shit
Brazilian. Ones I have met on the internet were beautiful. Beautiful round tits, beautiful asses. I love brazilian women

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Just learnt about the genocide and forced deportation of ethnic Germans from their homelands in Central and Eastern Europe after WWII.
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>Volga "Germans"
No such thing
Well said rabbi

ofc they are part German, Russification doesn't change that.
We let our german pets live in Tyrol and they are still salty about it (?)

>but hey, at least we're not speaking German

>man, we sure defeated the right enemy

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Fattest ass of hungary
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It's supposed to download a short video
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doesn't open on opera :/
Imma go full trianon on that ass if you catch my drift.

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Doggo edish
No brown psychos allowed.
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Could never bring myself to timmypost, even for (You)s.
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>Don't care, still voting Labour
cant wait for this fucking weekend to end
can't go outside without needing a shit. i have to get my groceries and takeaways delivered and even simple tasks like going to the gym i have to sit right by the toilet just in case
women love posting their Ls

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Es ist Sommer und ich will Sex uezs
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katze hat nichts falsches gemacht :D
Fresse du Untermensch
Nettes Kopfkino. Ich hab trotzdem keinen Bock auf teure Preise. Es ist simples Wasser, nichts besonderes. Nur eine gute Quelle und da halten diese Gierschluende auf einmal die Hand auf. Scheiss Hartkernkapitalisten.
neues kopfkione meine aufnahmen sind wirklich, die preise inflantieren nicht du zahlst mich weil die gesellschaft es gezagt hat.

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