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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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The global version launches soon. How bad is it if I'm starved for DMC content?
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agni rudra/blazing tempest dante is apparently a fire support

actually i think every dante in the game has been a support
wonder if it's worth replacing fists of salvation dante with him or not. if not I really have no reason to roll for him.
He would probably bench spark igniter if anything.

Non s rank hunters in this game are basically filler outside of having niches like devil crusher being the best shield breaker once you get enough shards for sss/ex and knight nero being a slightly weaker devil bringer nero which still lets him shit out damage with brand stacks.
Thanks bro. Managed to get Count Thunder with a Fists of Salvation dupe along the way.
>trigger game comes back
>it feels like it was nerfed hard compared to the first run that was giving out a ton of mats/roll gems

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You thought they were mobs but they are in fact five stars!
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Is that Thomas any good? Besides having a sexy belly.
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Sadly not, just a typical high-cost and pretty shit guard unit. I don't think we'll be seeing something like Chabo for a long while again.
For some reason they even gave him a vanguard passive, not sure why they hate guard units so much. But that's ok, he's here to get dicked anyway.
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>axe covers belly
Wow, what a sadness. Sad harp noises.
THESE HIMBOS ARE SO CUTE! Charlette is lucky to have them as party members...

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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I'm in Server 149
Settings -> Others -> Character Switch
>Krueger definitely over Koko
absolutely no
I see no point in upgrading him, he already survives in Dream Realm with low ascendancy
Koko is fundamental to push stages and Abyss
you clearly haven't faced later DR
Koko meanwhile shouldn't be receiving much damage to begin with since you plop her far away. Most of her use is achieved through leveling up than ascending.
>later DR
you mean Endless Mode? I have a Kruger epic and he survives
you do you
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Previous thread >>1047742
Recruitment guide: https://purindaisuki.github.io/tkfmtools/en/enlist/filter/
/vmg/ v2 guild code: 91853176 (feel free to share your own, too)
anon's recruitment code: 9QV8KT (again, all encouraged to share own)
No current promo codes, but we'll share when they appear!
Summer event is here again (or will be in a couple of days)
Who do you want? And who do you got?

>>1202460 #
The used to be one for the Demon Spire and a lot of levels overlapped but that hasn't been updated in ages. https://sys.4channel.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftkfm.wiki%2Fthe-demon-spire%2F
Who's giving you trouble?
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from the ultra stacked banner you want
[one that makes your dick hard] > Bride Baal (important) > Harvest Fiora > xmas Shizuka > Caesar
From Eternal/Recruit you only really want Emily
Daphne Bloom from your 10 day selector

Best team you can possibly hope for from the start would be something like
BBall, Tyrella, HM Friora, Daphne, xShizuka
only Baal is hard to replace, exceptional leaders are rare, for everyone else, you can run any healer over Friora and Minayomi over Shizuka, which will be a bit weaker, but you have time
dunno who's your favourite so far, but you can probably easily work them into this shell
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since challenge stage 3 is fucking unfun to do trial and error on:
I recommend running lead Ritsuki cuz ulting reduces boss dmg output by like 24% and it gives you more breathing room than dancing through whole first phase with no ults, if you also use Aiko and Emily, you get to do 2 ults every turn which makes the stage much easier, if you have Shuten built for some reason, she ults every turn too
mgBritney can be about anyone cuz Aiko and Elizabeth will probably heal enough, it's also probably better if its not a green unit in hindsight
Daphne could be any shielder, she makes the stage easier if you don't kill yourself by having shield on turns 2,6
I guarded Ritsuki on every turn she wasn't ulting cuz she's green and I am not dumping more potentials into her just for hp buffer

turn 1, 5
hits positions 1,3,5, can be shielded and guarded but if you use 2+ ults you don't need to. Do NOT use Daphne ult on those turns.
turn 2, 6
aoe that turns your shields into damage, if you inspect her she is supposd to also hit guards harder, but if you use ults, guarding still works fine, guard your shielders or die
turn 3, 7
100% hp damage on positions 2,4, pierces shield have to guard those
turn 4,8
big damage on lowest max hp unit, just guard with it, save ults that don't instantly refresh for turn 10
turn 9

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Thanks for the tips anon, I ended up beating it with a team similar to yours but with Geneva instead of Britney since she ults at pretty useful times for this stage and I don't have mgDaphne anyway.

Of note, direct attacks do slow down Caesar's power ramp a bit (-2.5% per hit), so I used Ritsuki and Geneva to attack her whenever I could get away with it, which helped me narrowly survive on turn 8 (my Emily was the weak point).

What a pain in the ass this was, even with a guide.
I don't know if I'm retarded or what but I hate this stage and can never figure it out
I scraped through with a Juneau team, sacrificing slot 5 at the end. I'll come back for 3 stars later if I care enough.
I'm stuck on Geneva. Haven't been able to work out how to damage her yet.

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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I don't understand why these styles are so anti-fun in their design. I think both hers and Megumi's should have been aoe, have Megumi's numbers instead of Miya's even without any self-buffs, and also have 4 uses. Resistance removal+weakness addition is much more conceptually broken than adding diminishing returns defence downs, and it's not nerfed or limited in any way, why did they went so hard on perma debuffs instead.
Are our youtubers obligated to be as disingenuous and shill-like as possible?
They seem to forget, that you (by now) only replace, never just add. So additional debuffs aren't a thing, it's something you use instead other debuffs.

So take this case and compare it with Isuzu. I.. don't think I even need to continue. And Isuzu isn't even limited to use in ice teams..
Maid Aoi was the second GW banner last year, so I expect a style like that again.
Some popular character, such as Yuina, Karen, Megumi, Tama etc. Then something to hard sell the style, like broken gameplay, super fanservice theme, unison, or anything like that.
Leave it to Japs to be the most disingenuous shills ever on the planet

Considering how much they spend on garbage like FGO shows how far gone the Japanese race is as a whole

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Last week of the Half-Anniversary
>Both Easter Banners still up until April 21st.
>Barret Banner up until the 28th.
>Highwind is here!
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>But if we get a Lightning Arcanum or new outfits for Yuffie/Matt
Did you already see the leaks? That's what we're getting, along with Seph and Red.
Might be Seph long datamined thunder arcanum too.
I started building barret and matt. I feel they're needed for the harder difficulty
How many crystals does a new account get?
Who knows
Between Uninstall and Quickly

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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>story will never finish
I will never recover.
I'm genuinely worried now, even moreso cause I just joined about a month ago. Fucking shit why can't this happen to homobait like Star Fags instead.
Not a gacha (well, it did have gacha), but PSO2 took like 8 years to release an english version, but it was almost an asset flip while preparing for NG (which was a mega flop)
Speaking of it, just a quick reminder that our 4cc team is now playing in the true babby cup starting out for us this Saturday. Dates are here >>1454676 and more information at https://pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Thanks for your support.
global soon bros

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100 years of 'mana training' with the forgotten sorceress! Becoming a powerful SKKmagus with Arkhangelsk! Playing VR RPGs with botes (and TB) in the port! This is a mobile video game about naval warships, BTW. Discuss!
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I think it's the absolutely jarring difference between the characters in story-mode and "your wife waiting for you at port" mode style of dialogue. Watching these girls act semi-seriously is so fucking weird when it comes down to it, on top of all the other issues you guys have mentioned. They talk like completely different characters.
honestly one of the recent problems with the writing is they don't seem to take the botes personalities into account when writing (granted this isn't true for all but still), take Memphis for example were they decided to be skks assistant on his diplomatic missions even if Brook would be a far better choice in that context
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this is what i used, i had to fine tune my soyuz rld fleet tech and use a +7 autoloader for the orbs, but i think a dive bomber CV would be better since Soyuz glacier spawns in the center of yukikaze and if she's is not in the center of the screen it will miss an orb
Show me those planes, b0ss.
And I assume Soyuz has a HE gun?
3 HVAR rocket fighters only +10, and a tenrai on york, i didn't bother adjusting timing for them, DDGs did all the heavy lifting while uniporn kept them alive
DDGs have the chink PR DD gun (harbin's) to break yucky's shield asap

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Ultra Golden Frieza is here and he's MID.

/dbg/ guild: h7ygsygw

April Fool's Day soon. Anniversary is 2 months away.
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>downplaying s17
I'm not downplaying him
I LIKE that he shuts down ultra faggotry
I wish he was more broken and just downright cancelled out Unique Guages
mexican detected
>>He thinks ultra gohan is more broken
Well, yes, but the important thing is that it's a fact
See >>1457367.

>Ask yourself this.
>>What does his opponent do once super 17 gets priority
>The answer is
Git gud. Or at least try to get better.

>>sit there and watch as something either dies or takes critical damage
That happens with Ultra Gohan btw, who gets priority far, FAR easier than S17 because that's how it is with AoE greens. If your tap attack is even 1 action late, you're in for a world of pain.
Refer to my post in >>>/vg/dbg (which I'm sure you've already read), I'm not going to copy-paste it here.

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Thread for MonmusuTD as well as other Kumasan games.
>Twinkle Star Knight
>Girls Creation
>Flower Knight Girl
>Mist Train Girls
Also other DMM tower defense games.
>Millennium War Aigis
>Oshiro Project: RE ~CASTLE DEFENSE~

Next chapter in Monmusu is coming along with the shop girl who is in fact Mammon.
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I'd say monmusuTD is the best in diversity as a monster girl game. I think the others to be very boring and the scenes being incredibly samey.
I think out of all of them monmusu is the only one that sees the protag take it up the butt.
Do I have to actually get the Premium dungeon skill before unlocking the associated H-Scene?
For anybody who cares, Castle is rerunning a bunch of events that gave 10 rolls for up to 63 or 630 rolls total. Though I feel like generic rolls aren't too valuable on that game.

Lissandra is here!
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The more I read about Demacia, Petricite, and he Mageseekers the more I like. I know Demacia in LoR is supposed to be about weenies and buffing them but a Mageseeker spell that counters either abilities or spells would be fun. The LoL mmo better have them as a faction or class I could join. There's also the fact there are literal shit logs of Petricite from imprisoned mages makes it funnier
Actually, now that I think about it, if they keep releasing new-old champs like Lux do you think there'll be region switching? Like if Jarro was a champ instead of a follower, EZ would be in both Demacia and P&Z.
It's odd that there are no mageseeker champions, they're all normalfag knights or some form of mage themselves.
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Hey, you're on to something there, champs having alternate versions that are in a different region with new keywords/effects/abilities could be interesting for example Noxus Poppy will be a Bandle/Noxus champ with a different keyword/effects/abilities from her Bandle/Demacia version, because Noxus Poppy is supposed to be an alternate universe where she joined Noxus instead of Demacia.

Don't other cards games already do that? I think Senna count as she has a Demacia and a Shadow Isles versions of herself.
There's gotta be some. From the top of my head I snow variants (particularly Swain), tons have Hextech versions (would be stuck in P&Z though), and hell even if we're not restricting to skin lines you can always just go with their past adventures, most of them are pretty well traveled.
Again, assuming they keep adding champs.

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new freya sexo skin is out
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deserved. being able to have ult CC immunity to everything except suppression while she runs towards you at the speed of sound is retarded and i hope that rat fuck stays dead.

glowing wand and necklace of durance now being merged again in advanced server

deserved. he was simply too oppressive being able to sustain that well alongside his max HP based damage on ult, vs most if not all of his exp lane matchups.
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>East EU server
Are you sure? people said it's just China,Brazil and Global.
I'm from eastern yurop and most the players are middle eastern and turks
Non humans are based
I thought so cause game is available to us as well kek
So now that they fucked the defence items how do I deal with high penetration heroes?

Thread for discussion of the global server of Blue Archive
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>first gacha reaction greentext
classic. Yeah I originally came for the lore, story and cute girls as well. The characters have been great enough for me to push through the gacha bullshit despite how much I despite the egregious mechanics
Seriously, just keep going sensei, they'll come around. They always do
they're a legitimate part of the story you have to read Aru's momotalk to see their origin
One thing I found kinda strange about wolf god Shiroko is how everyone easily tells it's Shiroko when they barely look alike.
where do you think we are?
Speaking of it, just a quick reminder that our 4cc team is now playing in the true babby cup starting out for us this Saturday. Dates are here >>1454676 and more information at https://pastebin.com/nr9ujDMN
Thanks for your support.

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Accessories/Character Information/Pull Simulator/DPS Sim

Character Rankings

General Information and Guides

Misc Wisdom

Do not be afraid to ask general questions you may have.
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>Future Society
>seasonal Nnoitra
uh... based?
Definitely. I would have killed someone if it were another Grimmjobber.
So what did you fags get from your 6* ticket? Tensa here, he was 4/5 so pretty good pull.
>Future Society
DoA already
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Arena Halibel (Azul Assault version Tier Halibel)

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