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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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>king jewie the billionth disagreed with pope kiddiefucker the tenth on whether jesus was transgod or cisgod
>gorillions died, gorillions blacks enslaved


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Those armor designs was stolen from Tocharians
Could you explain more about the tocharians? I have heard about them before but frankly I am not well versed on their histories.
That looks like shit though
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This is how chink armor look like before they came into contact with Tocharians
If they had shoulder armor before the tocharians then why didnt the tocharians ever figure it out? No wonder they went extinct.

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What's a Vahaduo model I can use to model my ancient ancestors?
t. sperm donor child
You are just descended from boring old English peasantry. Sad!
Time for you to compensate by LARPing as an Aryan chariot driver and obsess over PIE fan-fictions and haploautism, like every incel on this board.
Hello Lord Miles
Try Barcin_N (neolithic farmer), Corded Ware PNL_001 (Western Steppe Herder with Forest-Steppe Component, Ganj Dareh Neolithic (Zagrosian), Kotias Mesolithic (CHG), Natufian_Israel, Iberomaurusian, Onge, Devils_Cave and Villabruna mesolithic

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China will collapse soon
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See >>16555225

China is letting them leave. They can't do cheap manufacturing anymore when the average person is making middle income. In the China 2030 plan, they aimed a diversification of the manufacturing sector to other industries like domestic tech and services, a drop from 85% to around 50%. They were planning this shit before Trump soured relations with China.
Changs's problem is that there are way too many of them. They should have been first world the their growth rate and the number for Fortune 500 companies.
Instead it's just the first-tier cities and everyone else
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you faggots talk like there's too many jobs in china lmfao
it's pivoting into a death spiral cause zoomers don't want to work just to keep pensions alive
They have their own little twitter NEET trends and everything
They don't have enough enough jobs for zoomers. Youth unemployment rate is like 20%.
It will be painful transition for them.
Even their leadership don't want them to get rich. It's in the state's best interest that they have a bunch of low wage workers
Lol good luck with your transition
Line will never go up

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"Why Do We Oppose the Jew?" by Dr. Joseph Geobbels


Did he have a point?
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The real photo.
The words "Grocery Store" are not necessarily political on their own, but the context and environment of the surrounding area must be taken into consideration.
I'm not. You're just seeing contradiction where none exists.
>he so-called holocaust was only in response to the November Revolution that the jews orchestrated and the Wiemar Republic
The Holocaust was carried out in Eastern Europe though.
Ok anon, so what would you do? Would you export the jews or just round them up and kill them?
If you mean on this site, unironically, yea.

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How come italy had fuel concerns in ww2? Didn't they occupy lybia? Doesn't lybia have a lot of oil?

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What's creates the difference between a JW, and a Christian (say Catholic)? Does it come from the different translations of the bible, or from their different interpretations of the same bible? I've been searching online about what theologians think of JWs but I can't find anything. Since Christians shit on them, I wanted to see what actual scholars think of them. Is there even a consensus on that topic among scholars?
It feels that since JW are such a small and new sect, there'd be people "debunking" them, but I can't find much. I'm not talking about finding a debate between a Christian and a JW, I want to go to the root of the difference, look at original text and translations maybe, etc...
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Lara, why are you pretending you aren't a JW? Are you ashamed of your cult (as you should be)?
The main difference is that the JW's are a fucking multi-generational, state approved, scam. This cult schismed off of another Doom's day cult in like the 1920s(?) which itself was just a continuation of another grift.
Why would I pretend I'm not JW if I'm one on 4chan? I know people that are JW, and we often talk (it's more they try to get me in). I'm not even that religious. I was raised catholic.
>they try to get me in
just tell them you're not interested in a cult run by a conman who tried to predict the end of the world and got it wrong
I care about the difference in scripture mostly. What did they have different than christians at the root of their religion that made them grow into the cult they are?

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Call me a Gnostic or not, but the more you look into all of the horrible and senseless misery and cruelty of this world, all of the agonies and tortures, the mutilation and sadism, with all of the slaughter and rape, children being abused and soldiers torn apart by drones, you will find the figure of Jesus Christ. And he is not the cause for all of this horror, it is the direct opposite.
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>Such as?
The Jewish tradition surrounding Jesus is the best example.
Jesus even quotes the Talmud before it was even written down.
>Well yes, Jesus resembles the people who invented him.
Well no, he doesn't. You've already forgotten that the teachings of Jesus were written down long after his death. So the fact that his description fits in with the demographics of HIS era over a hundred years prior points to him being a historical figure.
On the other hand Joseph Smith's claim about native Americans being the descendants of the Israelites is just complete bullshit pulled out of thin air.
>The Jewish tradition surrounding Jesus is the best example.
Actually the "tradition" of Jesus predates his "birth" by a pretty long time. Jesus just so happens to fit all the mythical beliefs about a coming messiah and "firstborn of creation" that preceded his alleged birth.
That should be a clue that he's not a real person.
>Jesus even quotes the Talmud before it was even written down. The Talmud is a commentary on the tanakh.
> You've already forgotten that the teachings of Jesus were written down long after his death.
He never died. So the first (indisputable) texts written about him would be the Pauline Epistles(written before the first Jewish Roman War). Notice how the Epistles don't actually mention all the materials you find in the Gospels? In fact, Paul goes out of his way to say "Jesus didn't die on Earth, no one was there to see him die, he was killed by Satan and his demons" and goes on to somehow omit every single Earthly detail of Jesus' life?

Now until you start bringing specific evidence to the table, I'm gonna leave it at that.
gnosticism has been a dead heressy since about 400 AD, you cock sucking faggot, the idea that it is suddenly being pushed here is normal is retarded, but then again, discord faggots like yourself should just go back to talking about how you want to chop off your dick
imagine being this butt hurt that the existence of a historical figure is widely accepted among historians because him being mythical is a better own to your parents you're eternally mad at like a forever man-child
>Actually the "tradition" of Jesus predates his "birth" by a pretty long time. Jesus just so happens to fit all the mythical beliefs about a coming messiah and "firstborn of creation" that preceded his alleged birth.
>That should be a clue that he's not a real person.
Are you such a dumbass you don't know there are more messiah claimants than Jesus in the historical record? How fucking uneducated are you that even this idea is so novel it must not be real? Where did you learn about history, r/politics?

How is it possible for people to believe in communism?
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recession = shat the bed = can't go on forever? I thought the liberal democracy thing saving capitalism from itself was inherent to capitalism, since the capitalists run the government too? If anything it would be absurd to claim that an economy can go on growing uninterrupted forever
ignorance of true human nature or the intellectual inability to confront both matters.
communism is also a religion with its own sacred books, patriarchs and prophets. people hang portraits of communist leaders in their dining room like it's Jesus or Vishnu.
publicly doubting great leader is perceived as blasphemous.
they also lead inquisitions and witch trials...

if you outlaw religion you become religion.
It's extremely funny how the same retards that say that capitalism is flawed because growth can't go on forever then claim that capitalism doesn't work because it has phases were it doesn't grow and that we should dump it and embrace their retarded systems that won't have those phases were there is no growth.

It's insane how can so many people be so stupid and contradictory.
enjoy your wholesome gulags
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>That isn't actually a response to how it's possible to believe soviet/chinese communism, it's just reeing at "rwers".
NTA but I think it's possible that those regimes were catastrophes (and I think Stalin was a paranoid maniac who physically eliminated his opponents), but that much of what Stalinism/Maoism did also had a certain rationality in a terrible world and given a broad set of assumptions Stalin, Mao and many communists shared and were not, like, insane. The issue that bogs down discussion in both anticommunist propaganda and in tankie brain is: being a mostly rational actor = good person who does all the good things.

This doesn't get brought up much, but there's also a world of difference between pre-1991 and post-1991 histories of communism with the later (good) "revisionist" histories like Fitzpatrick, Getty, etc. being a lot more nuanced. A reader is still very likely to come away from reading those post-1991 histories as viewing those regimes as a tremendous disaster, but the historians benefited from the Soviet archives opening up and more tolerance in the field for histories that while still anticommunist do not set out to simply demonize them as was the case during the Cold War.

What complicates the history more, and goes back to your question, is how ordinary people coped, survived, or made-do during these times. Or how many people actively participated and accepted having everything taken from them in the hope it would lead to a better future. What's especially vivid is how much local activism and pressure there was coming from below on the regime to radicalize (especially crazy and out-of-control young people), even sometimes against the will of the political leaders. (From what I've read recently about Nazi Germany, a rather similar process seems to have been at work there as well.)

The average Western "Christian"
This must be a white woman
Seems reasonable. I'd rather have have the love of people i know than of a distant, unscrutable creepy deity. Not that it does exist, anyway. Are you a muslim OP? I bet you are, i can smell the stench of kebab from here.
It's so weird to me that the lesser races don't love dogs as much as their master race does.
They can’t take responsibility for them, same reason they can’t take responsibility for the commons in general.

Why did Sao Tome and Cabo Verde become independent from Portugal? They weren't connected at all to any of the Colonial Wars(Cabo Verde was somewhat, but they were only nominally connected to the Guinea-Bissau war in name only) and their populations are/were completely Portuguese culturally given the islands were uninhabited before Portugal discovered them and were/are integrated highly into Portugal economically. Was Portugal's post-Carnation Revolution government just that high on decolonizing everything, even if it made no sense regarding Sao Tome and Cabo Verde which had always been Portuguese?
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>A sudden reversal in policy by an imperial state barely hanging on was very unlikely.
The thing was it'd make the crisis surrounding the Retornados much easier, very similar to how Frenchmen on the mainland African colonies fled to Reunion and turned it into a hub. The former colonials would have a de facto colonial area to settle down and make the transition back into the new Portugal far smoother. It'd also result in an influx in a large influx of skilled human capital into the islands to modernize their economies and re-integrate them.
Portugal had a very different relationship politically and culturally with its colonies than any of the other European Colonial Empires did, hence why they fought tooth and nail to hold onto them. Look up the concept of Lusotropicalismo if you're interested, it was basically the Portuguese equivalent of American exceptionalism and was a cornerstone of it's national identity up until the Carnation Revolution.
Portugal in the early 70s did try to get a bunch of deals done in Angola to try and get the war under wraps to focus on Guinea. For a number of reasons it didn't work, much like Rhodesia's late-stage reforms to save itself politically.
>There's a lot of differences. It's like saying Afrikaners and Dutch are the same.
In all fairness "Portuguese" as an identity has always been far more fluid ethnically than other Europeans due to their small size, vast geographic spread/diaspora, and Catholic influence regarding race/ethnicity. In Portgual a Jeet from Goa is no more or less Portuguese than a Lusatian from the Douro valley or a Mestico from Mozambique.
Lusitanian, I mean, lol
What it could've been...

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Which Roman era Germanic tribe or state had the most impact? Hard mode: Besides the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons that is.
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So the tribes that populated England came there from Denmark?
>It's a shame they abandoned their ways and got soft in Iberia.
Their biggest fault is the infighting. Had they created a stable monarchy with quality institutions, they would've probably defeated he arabs, the the country's history would've been completely different.
Anglo-Saxons were dogshit irrelevant, the dominant tribes were the Goths and the Franks at the time.
Among the germanic borrowed words in italian, Lombard is by far the biggest source.
>No one among the Germanic tribes achieved as much in a military sense
The Alemanni were destroyed as a political entity in the 8th century and integrated into the Frankish system completely and stopped existing as an independent people by the 10th.

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>was a backwater shithole for most of its existence
>somehow the only non-western country to industrialize, develop and become on par with the west
How did China, India and the Middle East failed where Japan succeeded?
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>After the Ruso-Japanese war, William Elliot Griffis declared the Japanese the most "un-Mongoloid" people in Asia, and suggested they had much "Aryan blood in their veins".

It's hard for me to believe it's an actual quote, but if it is, it shows how much more popular and widespread was the discussion about genetics and its impacts.

And also, given the Portugeese black admixture, it's no wonder they regarded the Japs as whites.
>somehow the only non-western country to industrialize, develop and become on par with the west
They aren't on par with the West. If they were, their military bases would be in America instead of the other way around.
>One can only speculate if the white admixture were higher in them, what would they be able to achieve.
We need to export Scandinavian women to Japan, STAT!
>After the Ruso-Japanese war, William Elliot Griffis declared the Japanese the most "un-Mongoloid" people in Asia, and suggested they had much "Aryan blood in their veins".
It would make sense, considering that they lost the war and are now the servant of America.
>Is what way?
Socially. There are problems for sure, but I know if I was walking down the streets of Shanghai, I wouldn't have to think about being accidentally shot during a drive-by, or worrying about my kids being mercilessly slaughtered by a school shooter. On top of that, Chinese people are more decent and less pornographic than basically any Western country, which means they have stronger families. There's a reason why Chinese people are more nationalistic than Americans. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm not Chinese, it would probably be better to live there in almost every way.

Why does she trigger so many chuds on /his/?
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>She also had sex after having Jesus. Something else Catholics don't want you to know about.
I don't understand why this is an issue, surely sex within marriage isn't a sin?
You DO know carbon dating isn't exactly perfect right? Plus there's evidence that the body it was wrapped around literally just dematerialized
>it was all a big conspiracy so they could supress the real truth Christianity, that of Pastor Joe's Church of the Holy McMuffin of Idaho!
This but unironically, Pastor Joe is based and you're seething.
>I don't understand why this is an issue, surely sex within marriage isn't a sin?
Cathtards invented the idea that Mary was a forever virgin as a dogma. They also doubled for political propaganda reasons already brought up in this thread, namely discrediting James the Just and Jude, the brothers of the Lord's previous high position in the Christian hierarchy.

>antony beevor le bad cause he only picks german sources and is german biased which is hecking bad
>david glantz le good cause he only picks soviet sources and is soviet biased which is hecking good
Why do people still take this guy seriously?
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He's not an actual historian, he just makes quirky videos for clicks. He's as bad as that whatifallthist guy. They both just create (clickbait) narratives and cherry-pick information to suit said narratives. These people are easy to pick out because they never try to falsify their own claims.
>david glantz le good cause he only picks soviet sources and is soviet biased which is hecking good
Show where the clip that justifies this comment.
If I did clips about the Glantz stuff it would take too long, just watch his videos, the dude can't stop obsessing over Glantz.
Is Glantz having a pro Soviet bias news to you or something?
Here's his claim that Beevor is pro German anyway:
Thanks for the clip. No, Glantz is not 'pro soviet' he simply doesn't fall for the lazy old tropes and memes about the soviet armed forces and doctrine that traditional German contemporary sources so often parroted and includes a range of sources from both sides in his work. And in that clip you sent me Tik still recommends reading Beevor as an introduction while recognising some of its weaknesses. Your strawman Op said otherwise.
>Not even s philosopher
>BTFOs hegelians

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