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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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My mum's around 62 and I've noticed that she's become 1. Very irritable 2. Gets easily triggered. 3.Cannot control her mind and just argues on and on once triggered. 4.Is always anxious or angry. Being around her is like being on egg shells 5. Doesnt get logic or cant shut herself up. 6.Has become very emotionally manipulative and harmful to others around her. 7. Just keeps thinking me and dad are her worst enemies even when we have helped her always when its other people who keep fucking with her. She keeps running this story in her mind 8. Just too difficult to live with. Keeps arguing with everyone all the time. family, friends, maids. Is there some old age disease that can do this and detoriates her mind? if so what and which doctor should I go to?
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Is she fat
She needs to eat cooked liver. Her quick temper is a sign of a certain malnutrition and eating liver is the easiest way to correct it. Old people tend to eat less and have shitty diets, thus easily leading to this.
it's likely this >>74142685 her diet probably sucks. my mother is around the same age and sounds very similar to yours. she eats like shit, barely any meat at all, eats a lot of salads. I've tried convincing her so many times to eat more meat but she's so convinced her diet is fine and I'm unhealthy for eating meat.
I'd be irritable too if I had an adult incel son living in my house

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Post your post workout meal
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You disgust me
You from Denmark?
E du fette retard? Satan altså
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>E du fette retard? Satan altså
kom till hemköp om du vågar

I eat healthy, eat alot of red meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables and try avoid junk food

How to deal with forced Food consumption?
>have a diet going
>eat as little calories as possible
>seemingly going to steadily lose fat
>you eat at your mom's thrice per week
>almost exclusively fucking soul Food dretched in oil and sauces
>Singlehandly wrecked my calorie balance
>pushes back my progress by 3 days every time
>cant do cheat days anymore
>the Food isnt even that good to justify
Bu.... But just ask them to cook healthier Food?
>guess what? Even if I did that it doesnt matter.... because...
>drags me to shitty resteraunts I dont give a fuck about

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could lifting have saved him?

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>>74142879 is right, in the first video you can barely tell something is wrong with him.
Apparently he had really aggressive cancers cells in his eye area/skull, which they had treated but 1000% didn't killed all cancer cells and it just fucking spread and grew back stronger.

This is why you don't operate unless you're 1000% sure you can remove all of the cancer tissue and do different cancer treatments to attack it from all angles. Because your body suppresses your immune system when you have a wound and prevent your T-killer cells to attack wounds, which gives the cancer a free ride to regenerate stronger and spread.

Cancer Immunology Talk starts at 1:19:12

>could lifting have saved him?
Nope not even lifting would have saved him with that aggressive cancer, he had bad luck. RIP
The point is his face went from normal without any signs of damage, then within a week of getting the radiation to his face, his face starting melting

Go look for the comment on one of his videos where someone specifies what it was with the radiation that caused it, it’s some kind of specific radiation treatment that can cause acute radiation syndrome and that it was malpractice
Can you talk about the fact his face started melting off within a week of the radiation treatment? Considering his face was still normal until then.
How do you wake up dead

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Are leg raises the most effiecient way to develop abs?
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holy fuck ur retarded
the legs are to carry weight or bodyweight that you curl your body up to lift
RETARD. This thread is filled with RETARDS.
it shocks me how many fucking dyels are on this board that still tout that nonsense
Okay enjoy cutting when you have 0 ab definition LMAO
Why do you even bother explaining this to them...just let them cut and realise how stupid they are
I simply refuse to live under the tyrrany of retardation. I post not to convince the retard, but to convince the lurkers.
i like first post best post
but half way leg raises? don't you gotta bring your feet to the bar?
started doing cable side bends too
Do a candlestick on a bench but have your hips hanging off the end so you can get crazy tension in the stretched position. Alt: sit ups on a glute ham apparatus, same idea, big tension in stretched position

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How many times a week and where do you go?
yeah I dine at the Y
couple times a week at least
Never, unless I'm invited. I buy food for the week and it spoils if I don't eat it.
fuck off
I used to eat out almost every day but now I'm not making as much money and everything is expensive so pretty much only when someone else is buying. I'll maybe pay to eat out every few months.

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Been gymming the last couple months (did have a 2 week break due to vacation then sickness) and I've put on a few kilos.

Been at least 3 times a week to the gym, sometimes 4 and this week I did 5 sessions. I've upped my calorie intake and eating lots of protein so *I think* that I've been making muscular gains with the extra weight, my arms feel more solid and shoulders are contouring.

My question is if I start to dial back on the food whilst keeping protein intake up and gymming 3-4 times a week, will I still be able to make muscular gains or will I struggle? I'm trying to go for hypertrophy to build size rather than total strength.
2 inch (olympic) barbell or 1 inch barbell?
I already have some 1 inch weights but I am not so invested I wouldnt switch.
What is a simple app to record my progress on my phone?
I went with 2 inch, it's great to have sleeves, but plates and dumbbell handles are more expensive, with no real practical advantage if not for very few lifts.
If you're ever going to do any kinda clean or snatch, and might want to buy droppable plates, you'll need the 2 inch, otherwise it's just cheaper to go with 1 inch.
If you were doing skullcrushers, sure. But it sounds like you're doing lying triceps extensions. It's a different exercise.

Bars open, what are you having tonight?
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To phrase this nicely:
While I've faced challenges, I'm actively working on bettering myself and my interactions with others. Your comment feels dismissive of my experiences and struggles, and I'd appreciate it if you could refrain from making assumptions about me.
Also here is a story from my 20s which proves it isnt all in my head:
I was at a club one night and two women started talking to women and making fun of me. When a woman walked past they asked if she would fuck me (bear in mind here I barely opened my mouth and did not know what to say) and she said "eww no gross" and was freaked out visibly. Later a group of guys these two women were with came over and bullied me as well.
I am already focusing on self-care, pursuing hobbies and interests that bring me joy, and surrounding myself with supportive friends which will help boost my self-esteem and overall well-being.
I also know the experiences I've had, while painful, don't define my worth or my potential for meaningful connections with others.
However my looks and money do when it comes to women and I have neither. That is why I am lonely and insecure.
But it's also clear that I have many positive qualities and strengths that people admire and respect.
It's incredibly tough to deal with rejection and the societal pressure around physical appearance, especially when it's compounded by past trauma and bullying.
Which happy normies, leftists, women and fags (gays/troons) do not get nor understand. Which one are you for being so insulting to me?
Water, please.
Feeling pretty down recently. I just don't think a happy life is in the cards for me. So fucking tired of being alone and feeling like nothing I do changes anything. Only 21 but a very real possibility I will never get a gf/waifu, so probably no kids either. Just shit all around.
No go. I need zero distractions. No people around me. I need as little noise as possible, headphones wouldn’t cut it. I need to be able to just zone out and hyper fixate on what I’m doing in such a way that I can easily bounce from studying 30 minutes to fucking off for 30 minutes back to studying and so on.
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the thought of my mother being sad in event i kill myself is no longer holding me back from doing it. soon is shall ascend and leave her emotionally broken for the rest of her life
>phone on the toilet
He's ngmi, get a new housemate.

>go on /r9k/ or /adv/ or whatever
>filled to the brim with people claiming to be unsuccessful, unhappy and unfit despite doing everything
Literally how?
'just lift bro' is a valid, prove advice that just straight up lands you in the success Zone of half of the things in life????
>but I am broke!
Go to a Community gym? That shit is free/dirt cheap, free of distractions(everyone theres are dudes trying to get fit anyways) and the gear is better since theres no misuses, unless you go to the gym to perv on young girls its literally better to go there than your average planet fitness!
>But genetics made me short/ugly/undesirable!
Buddy, look at me. You are at worst a 4/10 with slightly below average heights and looks in your Country. If you are some sort of midget troglodyte you wouldve been in reddit. Just fucking work out and dial that up to a 6/10.
>but I am lazy!
And it all dials to this point. Do you rather be lazy or get fucking laid?

>but.... I am lazy!
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How many women did you talk to or ask out in those last 2451 days, genius?
Is there any answer I could give that would pass this question?
Yes, assuming your answer is not zero.
Which I get the feeling it is.
You can't outlift a masturbation addiction

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previous: >>74134089
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>it's really hard though
Yes. Yes I am.
>gets in an uber and drives around to behind you
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Fatty complains about weight loss taking time even though they spent their entire life gaining fat
no it isn't.
it takes time to build fat and it takes time to lose it. fucking people always want instant gratification and refuse to put any work, patience and dedication in

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best day of the week tombros, lfg!
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>dat bottle of wine
>mess everywhere
Roastie in the making
>little makeup
Cmon anon
>islanders hat
kek just like my islanders
You've never been in a locker room before?
If a woman even glances at a bottle of alcohol she is a roastie

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wHaT iS tHe FiTnEsS sCeNe In JaPaN lIkE?
Race bait post. I'm white but come on, we can do better than this. Let this propaganda for niggers and kikes.

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my wife is 49 and about this fat (im 23)
how dangerous is it really for her? what can i do?
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I like fucking fat older women as much as the next man but you need to stop posting these threads and sort your self out
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i like her i just want her to live long
I've fucked worse. But I didn't love myself back then.
You’ve been posted this for a year. It’s clear you’re looking for validation for settling on some fat roastie
Do better. I’m an Incel and I’d still rather be me then you
nah i just want her to not die early

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