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Burn Through the Witches Edition
previous: >>198613034
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You seem to be a smart person.
>villain is evil because...he has a refined palate
Be kind, Americans struggle with object permanence and so believe in France is a challenge for them.
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I think we can all agree on this
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Zombie is a hack edition

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Did the Sequel trilogy age well?
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What was he supposed to do?
Johnson ruined any plot point that could have been expanded on.
Killed Luke, so he could do nothing.
Killed Snoke, so he had to bring in another villain because Kylo was clearly going to be redeemed.
Having to be in charge of a third movie after the middle one nuked the franchise, made it near impossible to make anything good.
I didn’t like the movie, but I don’t think JJ was to blame.
They could have released a 2 hour shot of a Bantha getting diarrhea and Star Wars fans would pay good money for it.
none of disney star wars is decent, you just have shit taste
JJ wouldn't get work again if he did all 3.
This way they bring in a fall guy that has a slight out, and he goes back to making shit, but that shit can be used to elevate some shitty actors or at least keep them busy.
The whole thing was planned to tank the brand.
You fucking idiots talk like JJ and Rian are organic mistakes. Fucking kill yourselves, you stupid fucks.
because JJ is a pioneer of (((mystery box storytelling)))

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Imagine being a 19 year old prostitute in Milwaukee and having to beat and lick Mike's limp dick for 30+ minutes to get it to plump up even a little so that the subsequent pathetic sex can be done and over with.
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you think they bring the prostitutes around to their studio to watch bad movies with? I bet they got to see Rich's Dick the birthday photos
what's the point of that if she's wearing sandals
mike doesn't have sex with them, he tortures and murders them. he has Jessi chained up in their house

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>give kamala extract

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>when the sex scene comes on
>2x speed
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>ahhhh fuck that's crusty

why did He do it?
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>who was mad at moneylenders
Money-exchangers. Not lenders. Read your own book, cuck.
they exchanged it for interest, Chaim
Good goy. You're learning to pilpul yourself! Next thing you'll learn about various temples of your 'god' yhwh.
thank you JUDEO-Christian god, now I'll forget the gods of my ancestors. None of them died like a bitch to prove how powerful they are.
He went through all that because we go through all that.
He took an average man's lifetime-worth of damage in one day.

To walk a mile in a man's shoes is to know him.
To willingly suffer as he suffers, even for a day, is to love him.

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I just finished watching these. A friend gave me an ordered list so I skipped around 4-5 shows and movies to get a bigger picture. I really enjoyed it though. I kind of want to read it but I have a huge backlog of books I need to get through.
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>the massacre
the festival
>Reading it was better than watching it.
i was meaning to read it, but where the fuck do i even start? so many books. i need a guide, sempai
Berserk turns to shit after Golden Age arc and becomes a glorified battle shonen.
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>youth of current year when confronted with numbered volumes
Berserk is shit. Sure, great art. Not much else. If it isn't edgy as fuck, it's sterile as shit. And the story? What's that? Almost 400 chapters and the only things that happened so far is
>Guts joins a mercenary group
>The group's leader uses some eye thing to cause an eclipse and murder his friends (with Guts conveniently surviving)
>Guts fights monsters or finds new friends
>Casca is healed
And that's it. And this is supposed to be the 'greatest' manga of all time. Greatest? More like the fartest, as in "fart".

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Trillions must die
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>is going to be
He died. It's over.

>Sacrifice his friends
>Sacrifice most of humanity
>Sacrifice the last remains of humanity

I'd have loved to see Miura try to explain how this is somehow the collective will of mankind, according to the Idea of Evil. It said that whatever Griffith decided to do, was what humanity wanted on a subconscious level. It didn't matter at all if Griffith wanted to save everyone, or just let everyone get demon dicks tearing their assholes wide open, until they hemorrhage to death. The later seems to be Griffith's plan, as it stands
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>Guts knocks Griffisu down
>Ground and pound his face into pulp
>The fight is pretty much over now
>Guts gets a sudden urge to stop punching Griffisu
>Griffisu gets back on his feet and fucks him up
>Idea of Evil implanted the slight hesitation in Guts not to cave in Griffisu's face and that changed the entire outcome to its own designs
>Griffisu continues his rampage until he becomes Femto and now billions must die

How can this thing be defeated? You can't win. It controls fate and how everything works down to the most minute level. You don't get to shit without its say so

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This movie is supposed to be about tennis?
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when the two guys start kissing is the best part
get the fuck out mutt
He's already coomed to it like 10 times.
>lE wHiTe GeNoCiDe
>lol k
So funny to me that nonwhites are this kind of lame now, modern nonwhite males are so catty and gay.
>half a dozen threads
Hahah holy shit, half a dozen threads on 4chan? It’s sequestered to this site while nonwhite male insecurity is the entire internet and also this site, your inferiority complex is mainstream, hahah it’s normal now. You guys are 100% more insecure than your girls.
why is she so smug? Not only is she getting cucked. Shes a slut.
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lets see
>tucked chin
>eyes up
>pupils contracted
>toothless grin
yup. Thats a jokerface.

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this movie is easily Nolan's best film. Interstellar has better visuals, but this one just pulls you in and keeps you there. I was on the edge of my seat for the entirety of the film. Heath Ledger's Joker is amazing, of course, but I think Gary Oldman's performance as Gordon was my personal favorite. The action scenes in this movie are phenomenal, the jokes always land, everything is just perfectly on point in this masterpiece. 10/10 movie, my second favorite movie of all time.
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Is it true that Heath improvised the Joker's confusion when the charges were delayed?
No. It was actually Gary Oldman's idea. He remembered back to his days as a villain and told Heath to embrace the chaos. Big group photo afterwards but it wasn't screen ready.
no its fake like the skateboard photo
Maggie Gyllenhal kills the film

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>you'll get your fuckin hands dirty like the rest of us
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>thought i was a shot caller
>time came to call the shots
>tfw just a wood in denial
I’m ashamed to admit I’ve forgotten the prison slang
burned... he got burned...
how hooped is his paperwork in this scene?
at least people knew when to retire this meme unlike a certain other meme pushed by a certain annoying faggot

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I watch this scene every time I get wasted for some reason
Dummy Windows flopping all over the ceiling looks so terrible. Why the hell did they put it in the film?

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Post your last haikus edition
Previous >>198607927
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so you're just going to ignore the Heir's mother who has supreme political power, the whorehosue owner who has two episodes centered around her hooker house for no apparent reason? Mariko having atleast 6 episodes all about her and her hate for her actual husband, Usami who cucks the shit out of the "main character" "John sits around and ogles at female characters driving the entire plot Blackthorne"
Yoriko Doguchi is hotter, healthier and sexier at 59 years old than the average mid-20's western woman.
Also ignoring the fact that Toranaga in real life actually just bribed the other council members instead of doing some retarded ploy to send a woman to kill herself in order to convince the woman getting married to his worst enemy that she should support him for some reason (lmao) and that he totally wouldn't just kill her and her son when he takes power (Which he did)
Sanctimonious is not a big word, Captain Fucking Assmad. You're correct in saying that understanding a mainstream show does not mean someone is smart, but not understanding it? That means you're fucking dumb, and I don't get why you're so up in arms about people saying that.
Stop bullying western women

what did we think of it?
7 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Personally I loved it, it had zero intersectional feminist preaching, aimed purely to entertain, the lead actor gave a great performance, as did several co-stars. Don't take it too seriously. 8/10 popcorn horror flick, not a flawless work of art.
It was entertaining. The ending was pretty lazy though.
The worm stuff was a bit too much, just seemed silly. Less would have been more there.
Too bad they didn't use cheesy practical effects.
How much did it cost to make?
Wasn't a fan. But I appreciate the effort. Love 70s early 80s type shit

>I used to be a famous and successful late night host you know…
humiliation ritual
this show was so bad, i think Conan lost "it" im sorry to say
Twitter thread
Haiti is a tropical paradise. Slava Ukraini!
Why is he carrying Jacksepticeye

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