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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Consciousness is the product of some quantum effect
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what is consciousness?
a phenomenon based on a particular (and complex) electric activity. no it doesn't happen in rocks or power grids or computer networks.
how do you know?
why not?
>how do you know?
by subtraction. you remove bits from said electric activity and functions start going away. study neurology? and AI?
>why not?
this is going to immature child territory
>what if dragons are real?
sure buddy
just because you can go there doesn't mean you should, you make an ass of yourself, it's cheap and retarded and seems desperate for some bottom of the barrel win just because you can go there.
hey is this a The big bang theory reference?!

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Is it possible to scientifically quantify the value of art by a standard other than the financial value of the artwork?
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Art changes us, and we change the world. There's your quantification. Pic related
how much is that statue worth?
Today, maybe $10k. There are a ton of busts of Octavian that are better preserved. But to Octavian, it was priceless (JK he obviously had this commissioned) to put himself on display for all the plebs, so that they would recognize and revere him. If op is trying to find a formula to quantify the value of art monetarily, this is very difficult, since in all but the last 60 years or so, the main value of art has been it's use as propaganda, and only in rare, advanced societies did the wealthy value art that they didn't commission themselves. My advice to op: get some rich, "cultured" friends.
you can actually get them with the nose intact for about $100
R You havin a lil troll? I think you're looking at cheap replicas. The one I posted was an authentic museum piece that last sold for $30k

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Prop Transfer Demo Edition

Previous - >>16144982
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here you dropped this L
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Do they become liberal because they are mentally ill or does being liberal requires you to develop mental illness to stay liberal despite reality creeping in?
Look why do you just tell us your preferred answer to your hypothetical so we can cut to the chase and bypass your railroading.
Every. Single. Time.

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Why is this necessary?
It makes no sense that a conventional calculation of a transition probability gives you an infinite result. What craziness lead to it, a division by zero?
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Those bulk forces don't exist if they don't have a mechanism for existence at the small scale.
Yes, that’s right. But that does not mean your large scale theory can be applied at the smaller length scales. Otherwise you’re arguing like people did to wind up with the UV catastrophe. This was surely covered before a QFT course.
Such a large scale theory doesn't exist if it doesn't have a small scale explanation. There is nothing to explain. It would be just pseud screeching about things they call laws, founded on nothing. The building blocks of the large scale must precisely match the small scale.
>your theory isn’t valid down to infinitesimally
This isnt even defined. What the fuck do you mean by "not valid"? We are talking about symbols on a blackboard. It isnt relevant if the theory describes or not reality, thats not the issue here but that a completely theoretical calculation gives out an absurd result. Absurd not because it calculated a wrong probability, but an infinite one, which cant happen no matter how wrong a model is.
>The building blocks of the large scale must precisely match the small scale.

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If I see one more person on this board use the word qualia I'm going to lose it
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Agreed. They did tests once where they flipped people’s vision upside down with some glasses. After a while people reported seeing everything the right way up, so their brain was correcting their vision to the “cardinal” representation. I imagine the same thing happening if colors were switched.
that's weird. what if it doesn't come back when you take them off?
Immediate problem? Too literal. One set of brain cells is not the same as another set. In general, synesthesia blocks your path. Others swear linguistics affects qualia resolution. Consider hallucinogens, for example, where tie dye patterns strobe the qualia stream. Until you invoke a subjective definition of qualia that isn't reliant on reference pointers, the conclusion is moot.
As a matter of more concern, the swapping of colors may not come close to describing qualia distinctions. Our rainbows may not appear anything alike at all and suggesting a similarity may pose a grave problem for scientific materialism. Evolutionary pressure indicates that this perception of light would maximize contrast or other feature that improves survival, however the dance to regulate such a feature is far too advance of a property after applying entropy. Consider various facial structures influenced merely by diet over a lifetime. The type of tuning in the mind is significantly quicker and would spawn significant variation. Convergence is unlikely.
stopped reading here. that's not normal functioning of a human brain
>what if it doesn't come back when you take them off?
Then your brain would be misrepresenting your perception. The point is that the concept of qualia is trying to separate subjective experience from physical reality, which are actually inextricably linked because they are different ways of talking about the same thing.

I have asked this multiple times and no one has ever given me a straight answer:

What astrophysical evidence would even possibly count as evidence that the universe is infinitely old? My understanding of the history of western thought is presuming the universe has/has no beginning is fundamentally a theological or metaphysical concern. No amount of finite evidence will ever confirm one over the other because the finite age can always be pushed back one layer of explanation so as to make sense with all of the observations made. What is the consensus on this dilemma in the theoretical physicist community? The way I see it is science simply has no say on whether the universe began to exist, unless scientists inject some metaphysical philosophy into their own theory.
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All we can really say is that at some point the universe was a lot smaller. The evidence for this is the CMB, age and types of distant stars, and the fact that the temperature of space throughout the universe is basically the same, because distant points in space are currently too far apart for temperature to be in equilibrium unless at some point they were closer to one another
so there is no evidence that the universe has a beginning at all?
No. Just that it was smaller. And because of the current state of the universe and the way expansion is assumed to work then the universe likely expanded from a very small space, possibly smaller than a single atom. That helps explaining why stuff is so uniform over the whole observable universe, extremely rapid expansion from an extremely small size. That's the big bang theory of course, but it doesn't say where the universe came from, only that at some point about 13 billion years ago it was a tiny ball of pretty much just energy, it was too dense and too hot to form atoms etc. So that ball of energy either appeared out of nowhere, or it was there forever, or it was the end state of a possible previous universe, or some other unknown reason.
one model is that it's pulsing, and could have been for insanely many cycles. supposedly there could be some leakage from previous one, in CMB. but it becomes a question of how much anyway, so we won't be able to peer back 5 cycles ago at some Earth-like planet or something.
or could be like a full reset for everything including causality, right after completely collapsing and right before starting expanding again.
Good question. Led me down a small rabbit hole.
As >>16148020 said, our direct measurements are that the universe was smaller and hotter before, which our models then turn into a timeframe.
But we do also have entropic measurements of the CMB; roughly ~10^89 Kb. It's likely too difficult to create an entropic evolution model into a timeframe, but it should be able to give a maximum constraint. This is where the lack of large primordial black holes plays a big role. As the universe ages, more and more of it will be in large entropy gravity wells. This is a constraint against infinity for our universe.
However, this doesn't necessarily rule out that there was universes before ours, before our cosmic inflation, that kept entropy the same but reduced its density, before our big bang, that returned gravity and black holes to the universe. And there may well be echoes of the prior universe! https://www.livescience.com/63392-black-holes-from-past-universes.html

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Post op trannys are over 10x more like to commit suicide than pre-op trannys


>Although the overall proportion of those experiencing a psychiatric encounter was similar between the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups, suicide attempts were more common in the vaginoplasty group (4.4% vs. 1.7%, p=0.033). The rate of a psychiatric encounter occurring after surgery if an episode prior surgery occurred was 33.9% and 26.5% for the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups.
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its not a tranny with suicide issues if he was about my age and pissed me. :D
if he was overwhelmed by a group yes but if he peronsally attacked me and become no.
>Literally not one child has undergone surgery for the purposes of gender-affirming care
but they have? several people who were under the age of 18 are now sueing the doctors that performed their mastectomies? quite publicly?
because its not self-solving, its socially contagious, so before one victim is neutralized, they've infected 10 more others. how do you think we got here?
>he doesn't know that autism results in high T low E for both sexes
>he doesn't know that autism causes fewer estrogen receptors
>he doesn't know that autism itself is known to develop when fetal sex hormone levels of any type are elevated
>he doesn't know that HRT supplements the missing estrogen in autistic males and extra T can be converted internally to supplement the missing estrogen in females
>he doesn't know that the instantaneous mental changes described when taking estrogen are indicative of correcting a chemical imbalance
>he doesn't know that an incorrect balance of T/E results in cognitive defects
>he doesn't know that removing the gonads causes dependency on external hormones to prevent cognitive decline
>he doesn't know that the rest of the transition train not described by autism is supported by fetishism, sex addiction, and body dysmorphia

hory shiet, this explains both the sexual discrepancy in autism prevalance, and the discrepancy between mtf/ftm prevalance and causes. has someone managed to suggest this without getting cancelled yet?

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How can you believe in evolution when it's only a theory (a guess)?
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>Darwins finches are different species because they look slightly different even though they're mutually fertile and all have similar DNA
but also
>Humans are a single species even though their physical appearances are wildly dissimilar, mutual fertility is between the different races is reduced and human races have substantially different DNA
if evolution is real why can't you get a charizard from a pikachu?
>Darwins finches are different species because they look slightly different
>Humans are a single species even though their physical appearances are wildly dissimilar
Darwin’s finches only look similar to one another if you know fuck all about birds. Two races of people having different coloured skin and a different shaped nose or whatever is not comparable to two species of bird where one is nearly 5 times the weight of the other and fills an entirely separate ecological niche with a different diet. Two finch species aren’t necessarily more physically similar just because you see them as both being vaguely bird shaped
>mutual fertility is between the different races is reduced
No it’s not, mixed race people can have kids just fine. But even if that were the case how many studies on the relative fertility of hybrid vs pure finches have you read to say this so confidently?
>human races have substantially different DNA
>finches all have similar DNA
Darwin’s finches diverged 2-3 million years ago. Humans as a whole have only been around a few hundred thousand years and each human race diverged after that. What makes you so sure the birds are more genetically similar to each other than different humans are? Because it sounds like you’re just making assumptions and hoping nobody will point out what’s wrong
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>mixed race people can have kids just fine
Results: Fertility is generally lower among racially exogamous than endogamous unions, especially among Asian American-White couples
if you compared it to the rates of infertility in interspecies or intergenus hybrids, the rate of infertility in mixed race people wouldn’t even be outside the margin of error

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Does diversity make teams work better?
Apparently not!
A new, comprehensive preregistered meta-analysis found that, whether the diversity was demographic, cognitive, or occupational, its relationship with performance was near-zero.
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Just a reminder that any company you start can make free money by not hiring DEI mutants. Your competitors will swamp themselves in dead weight that productive individuals have to carry while you can only hire based on skill.

Actual free money hack in sectors where there isn't a massive barrier to entry.
look up esg scores
stands for "environmental social governance score"
It's why big corps went insane
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Yiu aren't even self aware to understand what I meant...
I understood perfectly what you meant. You are using analogies, metaphors, where these animals are just placeholders for niggers. You just wanted to do a random racist comment out of the blue, with no relation whatsoever to the thread or to my post.
You could that about any post or social situation. Im not being dumb by calling you out on it.
Oh, and when i said "we work as hard as anyone else" i also meant that we produce as much as anyone else. Likely 90% of workers at our job place is a foreigner, and everyone produces the same as the other, with some differences consiudering individual stamina or work ethic. This includes the literal niggers, whom actually have a shitton of stamina.
You are not a smart as you think you are.

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Evolutionary speaking, what's the purpose of a high IQ?
Is a high IQ useless beyond a certain threshold?
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All we need is a stable volume of currency, and no loans.
>STEMlords with le high 130iq (from internet tests) now LARP as econ PhDs
What 0 pussy does to a mf
You've never had pussy bro, what you thought was pussy was just a hairy cock. Fag. Now kys.
I don't larp as them, what I wrote sort of implies that they teach bullshit.
>It is a derivative structure - and I don't mean like stocks
stocks aren't derivatives but ok

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Looking back this doesn't seem so far fetched.
Having facebook like button on your website opens it to crossite scripting attack from facebook.

Facebook can literally rewrite your whole page if you use their like button on your web.
Interesting perspective, care to elaborate on how that applies to the OP post?
There was footage right after the attack, it happened in the back, and nobody would have a reson to shoot the area at the moment.
captcha is also embedded into websites, and is made by an equally sleazy tech megacorp
Google is actually not nearly as competent as people think.

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How did grifters manage to fool retards into believing glorified madlibs is actual artificial intelligence?
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The average school teacher of the 1880s was as smart as today's college professors.
We're all becoming dumb niggers and the only thing we could use to stop it will never be allowed under modern socialistic "morals".
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True and real, and is a problem very easy to solve with genocide.
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How can people make any definitive claims about AGI/ASI when we can't even coherently explain what consciousness is? Like right now, aren't our "AIs" basically just glorified calculators trained on huge amounts data aggregation? They're good at accepting inputs and generating outputs but that's it. From that to actual sentience, ie having a Will of its own, seems like a huge leap. How do you even go about making something self-aware?

To me it seems like a bunch of neurotic nerds are just being, well, neurotic nerds. I don't get the doomsday prophecies. What am I missing?
How do you determine whether something has a will of its own?
Anti-intellectual midwit is at least uncensored and can actually say anything unlike this garbage.

How come soience can't save him?
Is soience really that useless and impotent?
In 1971 Richard Nixon announced "the war on cancer" and since then trillions of dollars have been spent on 'research' and even with over half a century of study the issue and infinite resources available, soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer, why not?
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Why would you not use rates as a metric for prevalence?
I didn't get cancer or cardiac problems or covid from not vaxxing. I won
Give me the stats for cancer spending. Give me the ucod cancer death rate. 0-54 preferred age cohort too
The news here is saying that King Charles is returning to his duties
It will happen in June or July. Saved this and come back in a few months

Might happen on 4th of July

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>Last September, astronomers in Japan detected a series of objects in the Kuiper Belt – described by the BBC as a "doughnut shaped region of icy bodies" beyond the orbit of Neptune – that had unusually warped orbits around the Sun. Researchers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, speculated that only a massive planet's gravitational pull could explain these "orbital anomalies", said Live Science.

>Then in February, scientists narrowed down the "likely hiding" place of the "elusive" planet after they "whittled away" 78% of the "hypothetical world's suspected orbital pathway", said Philip Plait in Scientific American.


>If things go at this rate, it might take about a decade [to find].
Quote from 4.5 years ago

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I thought that due to hawking radiation small black holes couldn't last that long

>small black holes couldn't last that long
"small" in that case meaning microscopic, an earth Mass black hole OTOH would last around [math] 10^{50} [/math] years
So what kind of horrific undersea life forms can we expect to find on this new planet? If Pluto can have an ocean then P9 should also have one.
primitive ones at most, in life on Earth terms
I wouldn't worry about it.

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