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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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/fast/ - fasting general

how you holding up? for me, I'm around 48 hours in
I don't fast because I don't want to go into ketosis and lose all my hair.
62 hours in, open ended. Tired of failing, going all the way in one go now. 230 pounds to go.

>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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Maybe he's a Millennial and the 3 beers were 14% hoppy milkshake imperial IPAs?
>3 beers is practically the same as no beers
yeah pretty much. I used to day drink every day senior year of college after my oneitis rejected me. I was taking one of the hardest math courses in the undergraduate curriculum (Topology) and I passed despite taking the exams right after 3-4 drinks. One of the girls in my class worked at the bar (cute Stacey (for a math girl), was not into me at all) but was impressed when I would get a higher score than her.
Thanks for reading my blog
I can't have any alcohol without feeling like absolute shit the next day. I haven't had a drink in almost a year now.
Just re-broke sub 25 min 5k (24:30) and slowly geeting closer to my pr of 23:30. Goal is to run sub 20 min eventually.
You will make it. I have foreseen it.

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Happy hump day edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Unfit Ungulates who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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Yeah, see that’s exactly what I was thinking too. I didn’t realize until recently that companies can say “zero” calories on labels as long as it’s sub 5 calories. It’s dumb
"zero calories" means sub 5 calories yes. But for the sake of argument let's say each can of diet soda was even 10 calories. That still means I can drinks 20 cans of the shit if I really wanted to any be in an extreme deficit if I'm not eating anything else anyways. CICO still rules here. Compared to nearly 200 calories per can of fully sugar laden soda.
>inb4 just drink water lmao
When you're taking in NOTHING else, flavor that doesn't fuck up your diet is welcome.
Oh yeah I completely agree, I just wasn’t sure if it broke the rules of ketosis or something. Maybe next time I fast I’ll have a diet soda so it’s not as miserable
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>last can of diet soda until tomorrow
allah may have to intervene
It's unique per person because it's about an insulin response. If your body triggers an insulin response because it thinks artificial sweetener is real sugar (glucose) and it spikes your blood sugar, then it might fuck with your fast. If your blood sugar doesn't spike from artificial sweetener, then you're chillin'.

You can buy tests that measure your glucose by pricking your finger for blood that diabetics use if you actually wanted to know for sure. Otherwise, I would just drink diet soda during a fast and if you still lose weight at the same pace you do with just water, then you're good to go.

I'm also on 4chan so I'm closer to a retard than I am a doctor so y'know...believe whatever.

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>no FPH thread
Laziness is a fat trait you sloths.
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They must have had scales on the mind for some unknown reason.
Is that 185KG ? I find it hard to believe, she doesn't look THAT fat
>Fatties for Palestine
>seeking a two-seat solution to the Middle Seat crisis
This thing claims it’s a man by the way
damn, I rolled my ankle on the kerb the other day while out for a run, stumbled for a moment, then carried on my way.
I cant imagine being so fat that you roll your ankle on a completely flat surface and immediately eat shit.

No schizos allowed edition
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5'10, 155lb.
Got out of shape, but I've been lifting consistently again for about a month, feels good to be getting back to it.
Cut while lifting, just get enough protein and nutrients
its so fucking hard. i have to force feed myself protein, i hate it. enjoyable food just makes me fat
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hospital visit complete, physical check done, things are going well!
at this point i have to transition, it's easy to feel safe in a tank body, it's easy to intimidate, i can't help anyone if i remain like this
getting a job too we'll see
hope y'all have fun, i'll see you soon
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it's not gonna be easy understand
this is a very hard process
they will never accept it.

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shockingly fast decline from this in under 2 years
i prefer this version
if your woman has a nice ass after 40, you've won the lottery
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lel she's a dead ringer for both before and after of this chick whose guts I wrecked in college (she was a minor in high school though, lel). Sad I only have an after pic
Wow what happened??

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Why do fit men voluntarily subject themselves to this humiliation ritual?
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My favorite kind of girl
Too smelly, very grateful
My 2nd favorite is a skinny teen, and the only one I'd be with long term.
I like the plap plap sounds a watching the shockwave move through their fat and also the stained asshole area turns me on because I like to eat ass

Do you have any of these where the male is giving the female cunnilingus? I need an emetic.
my only experience with a fatty was when I was visiting Krakow

I looked for hookers, one add had a good blonde
went to her place and she was 5 years older and 20-25 kg larger
at least I PLAPPED the shit out of her phat ass as I was slamming her. Truth be told she was a sweet girl and treated me nice in that brief time with her
Myriad of reasons ranging from mental illness and imsecurity to sexual deviants and/or addicts. Best and most acceptable reason is sex is like anything else you have to practice and have lots of it to be worth a fuck at it snd fatties put out much easier so guys practice on them. Feels great absolutely overwhelming and pounding a petite chick you can manhandle after fucking big girls I’ll tell you that much.

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Questions that don't deserve their own thread


captcha: 2STRT4 (start trt 4 lol :) )
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Had an injury in my left shoulder (rotator cuff busted from a fall during a run like 2 years ago) could barely even move it very well for a couple of years, got fat from booze and sedentary lifestyle, so decided I needed to lose weight and also spend time evening myself out with some basic weights in my work gym (not paying full price for proper gym membership when I can barely lift properly) before going to the real deal.

Right side is strong enough, left took ages to build up and is clearly still weaker, but it's much stronger than it was and not in pain when I lift. I lost fat, got a moderate amount stronger with consideration to the fact I had to be really gentle on my shoulder, but I wasn't eating big so I haven't really gained much size and as anticipated, it doesn't look like I've spent time in the gym other than being leaner than I was at Christmas.

Bench went from barely being able to manage 8x30kg for 2 sets, now I'm at around 8x60 for 3 sets. Dumbbell curl went from struggling to do 8x6kg for 3 sets, now I can manage something like 3 sets of 8x12 (or 6x15) and mix in hammer curls too.

Where do I go from here since I'm now plateauing and completely bored of the really basic stuff I've been doing to build up to very basic beginner strength?
Why do I aways get a stinky diahrea when I eat lots of lettuce?
is there a way to remove that bar that's at the end of a hip thrust platform im going mental what's it even for
just don't increase the weight on your lower body lifts at all
you'll survive but that's not really adequate for effective muscle growth

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how do I stop eating so much in the evening and night?

>eat nothing from 8pm to 1pm
>eat 6 eggs, slice of rye bread and have a cup of green tea for lunch
>eat food at 6-7pm
>usually eat quite a lot, a pan of beef, rice, sweet potatoe, tender stem broccoli is what I had today
>desire to eat goes into overdrive and also end up having lots of skyr with granola and a flapjack
>cannot seem to cut the last bit of fat off me

I need to cut slightly more but I just cant fucking get over the craving for food in the evening, its not just hunger but in the evening and night I love the comfy feeling of a food coma. How do I stop, I cant find the will power. I dont even eat that much but its too much for my goals, what do you fuckers do? I Know its a case of ''eat less'' but I keep failing on this.

I managed to get to my goal last summer but then I couldn't keep it up for too long and gained the bit of fat back, I do have visible abs so im not a fat cunt but its not shredded enough.
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Kek, as if "hope ur life gets better" could come from anyone else except a r*dditor or bitchy high school girl

Now fuck off to where you came from
Awwww muh reddit. Nice dodge pussy.
that wasn't even me you dweeb.
You can go there too, you simping faggot
so upset it's unreal

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What are the best methods to prevent premature aging. And no it's not just genetics (proof in attached webm)
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He also makes at least 50x what you do and fucks hot girls, grats on the cope
>this board filled with absolute retards
muscle men are exactly known for their brains
a certified retard is making more than me and fucking similarly intellectually gifted women. am i supposed to cry or something?
interesting, but little known fact: DHT spikes at the age of 30, when you start balding aggresively
Nagasaki blackpill, lol. That’s a good one. Cheers

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Can I just do burpees as my cardio?
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so just go into push up position and jump back up immediately? what about vidrel?
Whatever you want, just don't call it a burpee if you aren't doing a push-up in the middle.
I think it's fine
if anything you're stretching the abs more good for hypertrophy
bullshit, it's not a burpee without a pushup
Sure, burpees are great.

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What is your thoughts?
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>he doesn't have a 4chan pass
What would be the point then?
Imagine posting for free lmao
If you understood addiction then you’d know that whether or not it felt “good” isn’t the issue. Addictive substances create a gap in normal chemical and hormonal production. People cease to function in the absence of that gap filler substance until the body corrects itself. Now shut the fuck up, retarded, zoomer faggot.

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is this shit just snake oil or is it actually legit? also should I be doing more than the 600mg caps it comes in?
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Everything that isnt a vitamin you are deficient in is a meme
Some random.mushroom?
Some herb?
Some newfangled stimulant?
Eat unprocessed food as much as possible and lift.
>super charges your thyroid
Based. Maybe all the "muh hypothyroidism makes it impossible for me to not be fat" subhuman losers will hop on this shit and stop being disgusting amorphous blobs.
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I wouldn't label it as snake oil because it aided in reducing my hair fall, which was exacerbated by stress during end-of-semester exams in college. Additionally, I felt it boosted my energy levels during weightlifting sessions, possibly increasing my testosterone. However, I discontinued its usage after reading about potential thyroid and liver issues associated with it.
It's brought to you by people who smear themselves with cow shit, why would it not be snake oil?
Gives me gyno tingles

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>paul saladino renounces keto
>claims it gave him low test, insomnia, heart palpitations, cramps
>electrolytes totally fucked
Influencer after influencer is quitting and talking about how it fucked their health.

Is the keto movement collapsing?
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Trust the science am I right
By excluding carbs
>no longer
He's a grifter but from the start he was emphasizing fruits. What is this keto obsession with trying to claim everyone for their own. They even try to claim Ray Peat who promoted the opposite of keto.
Extreme diets are pushed by unproductive people and adopted by unhappy people
He said “literally”

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