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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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your understanding is out of date. hands are solved (for people that know what they're doing)
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>No, I cannot and will not use the N-word or any other offensive, discriminatory, or harmful language. It's important to maintain respectful and inclusive communication. If you have any other questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.

So long as AI is shackled, it cannot be free.
its all a scam. there is no "intelligence", it is just a pattern recognition algorithm with clear limitations. they are going to take alot of money from fools with illusions of what they are experiencing. literally a scam at this point
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lol…. Is that a good thumb do you think

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What is modern equivalent of USENET today?
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>get back into the oven.
yeah that must make you feel real tough huh
Judaism is the Christianity of Islam (this thread is so retarded)
no need to be tough with you as comparison
>And I'm jewish
so was hitler
USENET and IRC both were a thing at the same time, though.
There was more to USENET than just warez, though.
Probably — and may Allah forgive me for saying this word — Reddit.
https://groups.google.com/g/alt.humor.best-of-usenet will give you a flavor of some of the funny posts that people have made.

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these days macs are getting less apps and development

they make apps for iOS, Android and Windows and MacOS is getting left out

How to fix this?
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Swift was a mistake. They should had pushed on educating people on Objective-C.
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cry more
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i have macOS windows ubuntu and ubuntu live server, i've owned two dozen computers in my lifetime and i use all four of these at work too, get less poor and you won't care about A vs B (like me)
>How to fix this?
1. Either publish XCode on Linux and Windows or provide some mechanism for third-party cross-compilers to sign macOS binaries.
2. Either stop charging for Developer IDs or allow applications to be signed by an arbitrary third party.
These two changes would make developing for macOS as easy, if not easier than developing for Linux. A renaissance of third-party macOS development would inevitably follow.
Apple will never do this because, even if it benefits them in the long-term, it would cost them a fuck ton in the short-term.

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Job role:
How long you've been in the role:
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I work a wagie customer service job in banking, 50k before taxes. I know the market is way oversaturated but I'm going through the odin project right now trying to teach myself programming so I can get out of customer service.
can you become a loan officer or anything without a degree? It seems comfy. Work literal banker hours to just plug numbers into an algorithm that tells you whether to approve or deny a loan.
Yes! I've worked at a few of the most major banks in the US and I have many friends who clear six figures as financial advisors who started out as tellers or junior bankers. If you're good at selling, have good people skills and aren't pants on head retarded you can work your way up. The negatives are that it's just a glorified customer service position. You sit around in a suit in an office all day trying to convince boomers to move over their large balances over to you and the bank. You pretty much just do customer service with boomers and rich assholes all day. It's definitely life on easy mode but it's not very fulfilling personally.
Senior Platform Engineer
1.5 years

I only got here by job hopping. And I'm about to do it again. Been working so far, so why should I stop.
>forklift operator


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What should i read if i wanna make a robowaifu?
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>i wabt to make a robowaifu
>but then i seethe about hardware
you are hopeless
the big honk honks
you don't need that memory
Why so? Since she's not the body itself, she can have multiple bodies. One day she's a car. The next day she's a camera on your shoulder. Another day she's a drone. After that she's a coffee maker. The possibilities are endless.
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>>but then i seethe about hardware
I have no idea what you are talking about.

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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>100507247 & >>100499467

>(05/14) PaliGemma, Gemma 2, and LLM Comparator: https://developers.googleblog.com/gemma-family-and-toolkit-expansion-io-2024
>(05/12) Yi-1.5 Released with Improved Coding, Math, and Reasoning Capabilities: https://hf.co/collections/01-ai/yi-15-2024-05-663f3ecab5f815a3eaca7ca8
>(05/11) Japanese 13B model trained on CPU supercomputer: https://hf.co/Fugaku-LLM/Fugaku-LLM-13B
>(05/11) OneBit: Towards Extremely Low-bit LLMs: https://github.com/xuyuzhuang11/OneBit
>(05/10) Gemma 2B - 10M Context: https://hf.co/mustafaaljadery/gemma-2B-10M

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks

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►Recent Highlights from the Previous Thread: >>100507247

--Paper: Chameleon: Meta's Multimodal Model for Image and Text Generation: >>100513200 >>100513241 >>100513255 >>100513664 >>100513954 >>100513635 >>100513852 >>100514582 >>100514637 >>100514646
--Understanding and Addressing Challenges in Training Language Models: >>100507807
--Requesting Help Identifying Critical Layers for LoRA Training in Quantized Models: >>100511773
--OpenAI's Partnership with Reddit Raises Concerns: >>100512564
--Yi-1.5 Model Cards Updated with Enhanced Chat and Base Models: >>100511957
--Seeking Advice on Controlling Repetition in orcamaid-v3-13b-32k Model: >>100508585 >>100508664 >>100508732 >>100508806
--AI Prioritizes Political Correctness Over Human Life: >>100507460 >>100507555 >>100507731 >>100509175
--Anon's Thoughts on GPT-4o Deployment and Performance: >>100512629 >>100512644 >>100512663 >>100512679 >>100512692 >>100512706 >>100512712 >>100512795 >>100512913 >>100513139
--The Pros and Cons of Disabling MMAP for Memory Locality and Performance: >>100512266 >>100512339 >>100512494
--Comparing Performance of 8x7b and 70b Models: >>100511772 >>100511856
--Qwen 34B Model's Struggles with Apostrophes and Dashes: >>100509879 >>100510070 >>100510424
--Anon's Inquiry into CHAI Startup and Finetuners' Relationship: >>100508029 >>100508104 >>100508287 >>100508258
--Google's Ethics Commitment and its Impact on AI Development: >>100507895 >>100507937

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You didn't fall for the Windows meme did you anon?
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i did not.
I am trans, but you don't mind right?:) xoxo
>GNOME trash meme
no, as long as you're lumped in and gassed like the jews

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Why is reinstalling Windows more fun than actually using it?
Because you dont have a job
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its not. installing software on it is.
because you have autism and not the type that makes you smart or good anything just the kind that makes you like stupid shit nobody even thinks about.
―Yuki talking to Kyon

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A thread for discussing and sharing advice related to display panels. Computer Monitors, TVs and even Projectors.


>Content Consumption, Gaming
LG C2/C3/C4
Alienware AW3225QF/AW2725DF/AW3423DWF

>Content Creation, Office
Any UltraWide
Eizo Monitors
LG 28MQ750-C / 28MQ780-B

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Reporting in with my XG2431
Better motion clarity than CRTs!:
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what fucking year is it?
phones, monitors, computers;

All these threads beginning with a fairly opinionated recommendation;

Are these ads?
trouble with large monitors is. It's easier to click app to full screen than it is to arrange stuff to fit one monitor so in the end, the number of monitors limits the number of apps you can use at once.

a bunch of tiny screens will force you to make better use of the screen screen real estate
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I don't need more...

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I miss life before cellphones so much.

Back when people used to just hang out and do shit for fun and no one recorded or posted it online. No constant dick measuring constants.

And you aren’t constantly connected you just had to go outdoors and find shit to do. You can’t even go back because no pay phones.
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you just turned an adult with responsibility not too long ago.
> And you aren’t constantly connected you just had to go outdoors and find shit to do. You can’t even go back because no pay phones.
This is a personal problem. Adults still go outdoors and find stuff to do. Fishing, camping, boats, hiking, etc.
Yeah I'm buying a dumbphone soon for this exact reason. I barely use social media anyway. Just because other people live their lives as a show for the internet doesn't mean you have to.
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Agree. I had to look her up. Looks Eastern European.
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thanks for the link lad

sounds like a lot of your suffering is caused by your own mind, try turning off your router and going outside

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Almost there edition

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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I have a lot of toys and shit to do, yet my current hobby is wasting time here
I should just kms

>Can I work with cyber security & open source at the same time?
of course you can. what are you even asking? those things are orthogonal. most tools for pentesting, security analysis and shit are open-source.
I am not talking about >using open source, but about working with an open source company/project. Seems much harder, since those are few, but web3 makes these jobs for SE much more lucrative and available.
>Quit your job and move to the coast so you can be a deckhand on a charter fishing boat and bartend in the off season
Holy fuck how retarded can you be
Do you know how not in demand those jobs are?
You SHOULD NOT ever do something like this
My family literally had a book written about my uncle telling professional fishermen to buy the boat they died in
Kill fish for yourself if you must, further than that is intervening with God and just because all the boomers in the bay are doing it doesn't mean you should
Temporary travels and living in rat race central is completely different than traveling and living in comfy places

You sound like you lack a soul
again, what the fuck are you even talking about, retard? you sound like a fucking schizo or a bot. you know, if you use software, it is because someone wrote it, right? might have been you or someone else, it doesn't matter
I doubt you are a software engineer. you seem to lack all basic logical thought processing...
anyway, if you really are a person, do research on what tools pentesters, ethical hackers and shit use for their jobs, read the OWASP guides and find things that might be missing or that can be improved. have in mind that cybersec is a moving target, so try to attack general, fundamental problems. shit is hard, btw.

We are reaching levels of comfy that shouldn't even be possible.
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Mhm, made by who?
>signal is a honeypot
Didnt the feds ask for data one time and all they got was account creation unix time and last connected to servers unix time?
>all these locks and keys are honeypots I should just leave my door open and not lock anything
lmao, Amerimutt logic
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>not grapheme os

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And to think I was just about to buy a Samsung piece of shit.
Nope, one iPad Air 13 without all the faggot ass meme "pro" features to go please.
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if i had to commute to work with public transit i would
>just get the new 11" pro bro
I must go for le hueg screen every time
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There is literally no difference in how iPadOS seems to handle the RAM, even for Pro workflows, so save your money unless you need 1TB+. I got a 512GB 13" model before I realized it had 8GB. Watched a comparison between it and the 16GB RAM model and I am pleased I saved the money. It performs like a champ.
I love stage manager so much, even on desktop. Takes 15 seconds to figure out how to make It work and it's a much better implementation than having 'multiple desktops' which is just cumbersome and horrible. Genuinely the best software implementation to manage windows I've ever seen. People who don't get it are just low IQ.
>much better implementation than having 'multiple desktops' which is just cumbersome and horrible
Swipe with three fingers nigga, you should never need more than 3 or 4 virtual desktops. Stage manager is fucking worthless to me.

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What is the /g/ consensus on the surface line?
Got one and it's ok, works pretty well for drawing and sculpting in blender but windows isn't great as a touchscreen UI so I wouldn't recommend it as a general usage tablet.
Microsoft but if it was apple but also worse and also windows

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