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If you live in the US, this chart is your best place to start looking. International posters outside the US may have region specific options not shown here!
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Need a VIN checked? Search the catalog (https://boards.4chan.org/o/catalog) for an existing VIN check thread before making your own.

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I'd like to buy an impractical 90s coupe, which should I get?
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They're all fucking autos every single one. Breaks my heart because jags look sexy
You're mom's a sexy autistic too
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that trunk will barely fit a luggage. its not deep enough. A miata trunk carries way more than that. A corvette trunk is almost as bad as a frunk on an mr2 or porsche
Always thought the C208 CLK with the full AMG option looked cool
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why not go full retard

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Is it just a gimmick?
why does no company try to copy them?
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Hope they sell boatloads of the RWD architecture CX60-CX90's. May pave the way for a new model car.
Nah, if you left the intake valves open on the compression stroke, you would be forcing some air back out the intake and create a mess of turbulence. You send that air out the exhaust because air us already flowing that way.

It’s an interesting concept. It’s trying to make a little more power out of all the wasted heat that regular engines always have. When you compress 1L of air down to 0.1L on the compression stroke, then add an explosion with the gasoline, it expands it back out to 1L but there’s still more power in there when the piston bottoms out. Atkinson cycle says that burning gas is still expanding and cold push it out to 1.5L+ if the piston didn’t hit its physical bottom. So you do the modified atkinson cycle. Leave the exhaust valve open a little bit on the compression stroke so some air escapes, now you only have 0.5L of air in there being compresed down to 0.1L. You add the fuel with direct injection (except it’s only half as much fuel as before because you only have 0.5L of air to burn with it) and then spark, and that 0.5L of air plus the fuel burns enough to expand the cylinder all the way back to the 1.0L. And the exhaust gasses are cooler by the time they leave the engine because more heat was turned into power on that theoretically longer power stroke

It’s making less power when it runs like that because it’s less powerful explosions, but you get more power out of s given amount of gasoline. And it’s all variable valve timing, so it will run the normal Otto cycle when you want power, and the atkinson when you want efficiency.
I'm no engineer but what you're explaining sounds too good to be true
What's the downside?
>Nah, if you left the intake valves open on the compression stroke, you would be forcing some air back out the intake and create a mess of turbulence. You send that air out the exhaust because air us already flowing that way
it definitely isn't the exhaust valve that's opening.

Its more expensive, brings only limited gains in power and mileage, long term reliability is unknown and non-hybrid economy ICE powertrain development is nearly dead.

Too little too late.

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Japanese giant down
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ccp have fans of elon
Time have changed

First China became world's second largest economy back in 2010, which was 10 years earlier than what the Chinese government had predicted

Later they became worlds largest manufacturer

Now they no longer need trade protectionism to ensure the survival of their manufacturing industries
China to lift foreign investment restrictions in manufacturing, relax curbs in service industries, state planner https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-lift-foreign-investment-restrictions-013039042.html
>kia ev6
>mazda ez6
>chinese company receiving money from mazda
I for one I am glad that Mazda is going to add more evs in their lineup. As a shameful resident of European Soviet Republic this means cheaper petrol cars and/or a wider variety of ICE models from Matsuda.

What's your biggest "oops" from trying to do self maintenance?
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Oil light goes on.
i fill up the power steering, cuz retard no mech kid.
seize engine.
it was a nice Volvo
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I tried pressing in a tranny oil seal by the edge and now I have a leak.
New seal arrives from Rockauto on Mon.
I can change the oil 12 beers deep.
Don't even need the damn strap, it's called GRIP.
You're only hand tightening filters right?
Did you guys ever watch the Project Farm video where he cut open a Fram and a bunch of dust and torn filter material fell out?
Fram is garbage, the "expensive" filters are like $12 Vs $9...
I'm all for saving money but flat out cheap faggots are the fucking worst.
Trying to loosen a wheelnut by stepping on the end of the wrench which resulted in a pling and the bolt snapping off clean.

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For $6800 USD, you can buy a brand new 4 wheel drive Suzuki Carry with locking differential and a manual transmission.

Do you really need anything more?
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New kei carry "wheel back" as we call it
New old van version that used to be the main platform that we call wheel forward
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My bad.
How much for one of those? Why can't we have nice things here?
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10,500 USD

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post kino
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To continue the Cadillac theme in this thread.

Lets have an actual troubleshooting and diagnostic general because nobody reads QTDDTOT

I'll start

>van sitting for months because frayed battery cables
>replace cables and battery
>ignition comes on
>starter won't click

>check starter fuse
>swap starter relay for wiper relay
>starter still won't click
>I put a new starter in less than a year ago

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Is this an expensive repair? Should I just take it to a mechanic if I don't really understand that post? I've never had to fix anything electrical before so it's foreign to me.
Almost all circuits are made up of positive (power), negative (ground) and control. You need to check it's getting power at the plug and check the resistance of the ground, clean the metal contacts for the bulb/connector. From the sounds of it you wouldn't know a scan tool from a multimeter, but you can buy a really cheap multimeter and do some tests if you want to learn. Buy a multimeter and google how to test a circuit or find a mechanic.
It's a Jeep, it's not made to go that fast
I know how to use a multimeter and have access to one. I guess I do have experience with electrical because I've crossed lines when jump starting and blew some fuses, was able to confirm that with the multimeter. If I determine that's the issue I'm probably going to take it in, I'd probably end up fried if I fucked with wires. But at least I'll know what it is so they don't rip my ass off.
Very knowledgeable post thanks. I've been watching a few videos of the relay box and wiring but I don't have a grasp like you. I save a lot of posts I come across, definitely capping this. I don't have anymore specific questions for now I want to be able to whatever part I'm looking at and have an understanding of them
Just want to have a better understanding of everything, I want to be able to fix my car if ever need to.

>is the greatest modern amenity in nucars
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>Rearview cameras
I drive an old car with huge windows all around an no camers, or dash electronics. I now realize why retards are such shitty drivers and feel like it is OK to randomly change lanes right into me or my right of way.
>they can't see for shit, and it isn't on their cuck camera so it must not exist.
> I now realize why retards are such shitty drivers and feel like it is OK to randomly change lanes right into me or my right of way.
Back-up cameras function only when you are backing in retard.
Not entirely true. Many cars have a dedicated button that activated the rear camera.
>Back-up cameras function only when you are backing in retard.
Oooookay, and the horrible fucking sightlines work all the time.

Does this shit even save fuel in real world applications?

I've owned several "modern" vehicles over the last 5 years or so with this feature and I honestly hate it.

under perfect conditions MAYBE it would save 1mpg over a days worth of driving which pumps up the manufacturers MPG values but in real world applications I believe it's a null difference or maybe even a net negative when you take into account the extra components and wear and tear on the engine which might actually be worse for the environment overall.

I would be completely fine with this being an optional feature but the fact that you can't permanently disable it sucks (you can disable it every time you start your vehicle but it will automatically come back on the next time you start it).

Thoughts and opinions?
afaik there's been research done, and it only actually saves fuel if you stop for over 7 seconds each stop. Imo its sort of pointless these days when most companies are going hybrid with a lot of their models, and the gas savings are so negligable most of the time
>*kills your starter motor, drains your battery and puts your oil through repeated heat cycles*
heh, nuthin personnel, kid

>>*kills your starter motor,

Starting with low battery is what actually kills starters

>drains your battery

They auto restart if the load on the battery is too great to maintain

>and puts your oil through repeated heat cycles*

If you stop the engine for 20 seconds the oil doesn't even cool by 1 degree. You have no idea the temperature fluctuations the engine oil sees in stop and go traffic with the coolant fan kicking on and off or the engine thermostat opening and

>heh, nuthin personnel, kid

2023 hybird camry LE for 25 grand. Should I do it?
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my current car has 97 horsepower.......
Nah mayng, just wait a few months. The 2025 is 28 grand and way better, moar HP, new design, ecksedderuh.
Then have fun paying the expensive repair bill. The battery is not cheap, plus the "special" labor hour is ridiculously expensive. :^)

Non-hybrid camry is more reliable than the meme hybrid cuckbox. It is simple and easy to repair.
google says the corolla has 169hp. i dont know if it believe that.
hybrid has 96hp
Isn't that covered under warranty for at least 10-15 years if you have the car serviced at the dealer?
And I think you can fit third party batteries into old Priuses at least.

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Why do people predominantly buy SUVs and sedans when the backseats & boot are empty 99% of the time?
Thats a rhetorical question, I know the answer is because everyone completely overestimates the amount of space you actually need and use.
What I'm trying to say is - why aren't coupes more popular? Unless you have kids, why have backseats?
If you're realistic, the space of an mx-5 is all you need. Are your weekly grocery shoppings so large you need a huge boot, fatty? Exceptions, like when you're moving furniture, are exactly that - exceptions - and prove the existence of an overall rule. You don't need more than 2 seats and a small boot. The american mind may not be able to comprehend this.
>What I'm trying to say is - why aren't coupes more popular?
Because most people don't give a shit about muh coupe driving dynamics and don't want to buy or rent a second car for those cases when they do actually need 4 seats and a large boot.
Women want to be comfy and feel in control. So their simps buy SUVs for them.
Half of the coupes on the market are sedan-based anyway, so what's the point of them
You are choosing to base your purchasing decisions on things that happen once in a blue moon. Why not instead base your decisions based on what happens *most* of the time? Why cater to the minority of situations, at the expense of the majority of cases? Its a simple logical failure.
What does that have to do with anything? The point is that you don't need the extra seats, so do away with them in order to make the car smaller which improves it in nearly every way.
Taking a sedan and making it into a coupe means that the entire R&D budget can be spent on making the front two seats better (where the owner of the car spends 100% of the time) without needing to waste any budget on the rear seats which are hardly ever used by anyone, and certainly not used by the owner of the car.

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R6 is a Fag 8: Retard at the Parkin Lot-Edition

>Scooters are gay
>bullying r6 for his own good
>HYB and BHY
>take the warning stickers off your bike
>put more anime stickers on your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course
>litre sports alive and well
>first aid kit contains band-aids and a white monster

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Arghhh, i want 1 gen Magna
very cheap if you can wrenchmax
>over the f900?

Yeah I wanted a bigger bike but Im gonna have to finance a portion of the cost of it
Internet says the 310 gets 62mpg, and the f900 gets 38mpg.
Then look at the tire costs. Admittedly if you only ride in town that might take a while, but eventually it adds up, same with oil.
Then look at how much the difference is, decide if it's worth it to you to go f900 or 310.
Or just yolo the f900. Your call.

If this is your first bike and you can swing the cost difference... it's worth it. If you have another big bike then the g310 starts to make more sense.... or just ride the other bike.
c l e a n
Waiting for my Silverwing parts to get it together and test out. Then its carschool for licence.

Otherwise no money no job in sight
Thank you anon

Whats the overall best 2L engine car in terms of engine power, durability, and fuel consumption thats under 20k euro in the EU? I need something that doesn't require service all the time or breaks down too often. What should I get?
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The Mazda engines are so slow. I tested the Mazda 3 with the Skyactiv-X and it had no power. The auto gearbox was incredibly slow to kick down as well. Corolla 2 litre is a far better option.
A lot of euro reviews seem to be saying that Mazda auto gearboxes feel sluggish and people should buy manual if they want to enjoy driving.
How did the gearbox behave when accelerating? Was it letting the engine rev the way it should?

>require service all the time or breaks down too often

Generally more frequent servicing leads to less repairs and breakdown.
Ford TDCi or VW TDI

There are tons of 2.0l engines made by those same companies. Which ones are you talking about?

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is "japanese reliability" still a thing for newish cars (no more than 6 years old)
looking for a new car i dont want to limit my options.
i want something that can last more than 100k miles
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>Objective evidence shows that Japanese brands have been passed by many non Japanese brands in reliability
>Many fagg/o/ts convince themselves this is not true through /pol/ tier conspiracy theories and LGBTQ tier mental gymnastics
Not for Subaru
I fell for the "Japanese reriabru" meme and bought a 2015 Toyota that ended up being absolute garbage and is falling apart in every way from the transmission failing to the sestbelts no longer retracting themselves. Toyota specifically stopped being good and reliable right around 2005, so we're talking 20+ year old vehicles at this point. Unfortunately even if their engines could last forever, the Japs don't know how to rust proof so rust will take them. That seems to be common among all Jap brands.

I will absolutely never buy a Toyota again due to the sheer shit quality the two I've owned had, both had similar transmission issues too early and the plastic pins they use result in bumpers and undercladding just falling off on the freeway. Nissan was definitely a miss as well, had engine problems with that one around 100k miles. Honda is simply way too bogged down with fake safety features I don't want to pay extra for and end up crashing due to (forcing the vehicle to stay in one lane is dangerous if you need to swerve to avoid a crash, how did they not think this through?) Next vehicle I'm going to buy is a Mazda, I would give Subaru a try but CVT+underpowered and they force a lot of the bullshit safety crap too. I'd absolutely buy Suzuki if they were still in the States.
It's not that Japanese brands are that great, it's that other brands are so fucking bad they make them look good in comparison. The vast majority of Japanese vehicles are shitboxes made to the cheapest degree. It's just really not hard to make a reliable internal combustion engine, you'd almost have to try to make it break on purpose. That's where planned obsolescence comes into play. These companies have had 100 years to find what works and work out the kinks, you think they haven't? That goes for every component of the car, they cheap out on purpose and use things that break on purpose so you have to shell out more money to them.
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Would certainly back Mazda's gas powered cars. Not the Turbo versions as shown though.

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