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This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.

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Why does he spaz out like that? And why doesn't the lucky zigger come back to help him?
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>just shame and indignity.

Like every other war in the 20th century you retard. Do you really think it was heroic being slaughtered by machine guns and artillery by the trainload in ww1 like a bunch of cattle and taking no ground? Or surrendering in ww2 after being cut off from logistics and starved/tortured to death in a POW camp?
Literally retards. It's like the incident where some dumb vatniggers thinks it is a smart thing to push on a doorbell that was fitted on a tree in the middle of nowhere on the battlefield. Kaboom!
This was a rigged tank landmine. You can see they didn't bury it, that means a soldier could potentially just shove it away, like what happened in Krasnohorivka attack. So they rigged it with a smaller explosive device, so that both go off on contact. Lesson learned, don't touch land mines, if you absolutely have to, make sure it isn't rigged.
he's throwing a temper tantrum

Musk is correct. A slave morality better known as Christianity is the cause of our problems today.
Nietzsche was right after all.
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Makes sense yeah
I meant several Christian majority African countries but that should be obvious.
Atheists are created in the schools, universities and entertaiment industries of the world. We all know who run those, and it is not Christians. There is a reason wokeness is only a problem in Western countries. It is because the propaganda is only focused on the West. The rest can be easily controlled so no need to subvert them.
nietzche was a chud,a loser cucked by freud of all people,made a bitch by wagner,literally his whole is him being the bitch of even more famous people
his writing are incel rage,literally mad he cant get any pussy while random god believer oliver was fucking women left and right
if you hate jews you hate humans
They have nothing to fear from atheists. Atheists are the best goy in show.

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Why is the right so hypocritical when it comes to free speech? If you only care about free speech for the right, why not just say that instead of pretending to be a free speech warrior? The dishonest concern trolling makes you seem like a coward.
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The difference is that i would say that the campus shouldn't have shut down for Kyle. You wouldn't do the same for leftists because you're a hypocrite
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why indeed
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>what is the Federal Reserve Uniparty?

All of the elevated rhetoric from both sides is to make you feel as though your vote made a difference. This is to give you the illusion of choice. It doesn't matter who runs Congress or who is President, the Federal Reserve will still run the show, rigging markets and rewarding failure, all while still counterfeiting our currency via QE and charging us interest to do so.

What people have forgotten is that politicians are REPRESENTATIVES of the people, not their LEADERS. They are only expected to carry out THE WISHES OF THE PEOPLE. We don't need their advice or ideas. They work for us.

The United States needs to be the first nation to abolish its debt-based central bank. We can dissolve the Fed by an act of Congress (again, this is provided for in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 itself). We need to issue debt-free US Notes again, like an actual sovereign nation, slowly recycle Federal Reserve Notes out of circulation, and pay off the debt while not acquiring any new debt.
I can smell the shit on your skin from here
>TPUSA organizes event
>sells tickets to students only
>people with dissenting views allowed to speak first
>leftist freak out in auditorium and shut down any discussion

oh yea faggot its totally the same
And faculty cancelled all tickets at the last minute cause racism and sent profession non student agitators in at the last minute.
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free speech is one thing but you can't harass people with it.
the line is that if someone has to flee to avoid your speech you are harassing.
public space is simply first come first serve.

easy right?

>Body deteriorates as it thinks you are not doing the fundamental needful you were put on Earth to do
>Never met an ill gooner
>I feel my best after 8-10 faps a day

Reminder of some of the 'benefits' redditors have doing nofap

>Respect women MORE kek
>Percieved to get more attention from women, but still virgins (not that it matters because they definitely did not start nofap to get laid) kek

How long will chuds fall for this scam designed to literally KILL YOU
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its okay skateboarding gardener, we all know how high test you are
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worse, it causes interaction with real women
Yeah, they're so demotivated that they have to watch others getting it on to even get going. That's peak sadness when you think about it.
Okay kike
Who could have foreseen that I would be honest about myself and my life and someone would try to use that against me?
Fuck now my day is ruined.
I am one with nature, work for myself and get paid pretty well because I know all about plants all while feeling connected and helpful within my 99% white community.
Atayed up too late last night so I'll work Sunday instead. I can choose to do that shit whenever I want.
Enjoy making money for jews goyim. Keep nofapping to manage even a small feeling of having testosterone. Can't relate.

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until you have at least 5+ kids in the tank you shouldn't be allowed on the internet
this is the only way for the white/western countries to have any chance at a future
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too perfect, the average instagram girls takes blurry pictures with her 2015 iphone
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I don't have a wife or a girlfriend. You expect me to go out and breed random girls in the street?
Why are pregnant women so disgusting?
You have nothing to "allow", you are powerless vermin for who the unfettered internet is the only way to have his voice be heard without being savagely beaten to death.
get out you coward antinatalist

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It is the cheapest way to get from A to B
It doesn't fry all frequencies. The hits a specific spectrum. The likely spectrum of drones. I'm not sure what Abrams will have to block drones as it can't be mounted inside the tank it would fry the crew. It would have to be on top or something.
>Only tank with real roof armor is the Merkava

Strv 122 also has improved roof armor. But the ukies have only 12 of them minus 2 or 3
Even if the armor blocks you from dying it will still disable the tank if the top is struck. A lot of shit can still break. The turtle tank has a literal metal plate on top which can block damage to the main tank underneath.
are you a bot?
i only asked for picture/video prove of an intercepted kinzhal, it a 7 meter 4300kg rocket, hard to miss when ocraina claimed 30 kinzal interceptions, show the proves and stop the pointless yapping

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Pajeet redeems Spain
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Where's a train when you need one?
That's a paki, sir
not indian he is pakistani
behead all politicians
That's a Spaniard

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Is this another psyop?
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Im talking about the history of the PIE people, basically everywhere they went they conquered and borderline genocided, mainly northern europe which is why we're the most aryan.
Im still trying to decide what is real spiritually, but Im fairly sure that christianity is a jew cognito-hazard designed to weaken our nature and soften us up to become their slaves.
Most christians on my side of the fence try to connect their semitic religion to the indo-european faiths constantly, trying to claim stuff like that jesus was a scythian or some kind of aryan or that we're the lost tribes of israel, all of which are total fabrications and any genetic evidence shows us that the ancient israelites were semitic shitskins.
I would say that im philosophically aryan, but im not edgy with it, there are elements of christianity that are good but most of the morality is poisoned to weaken us.
>But do you believe we evolved purely from apes? Or were aryans some kind of hybrid with a higher being/more evolved creature.
I'd say that we probably did, but we didnt come from africa
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nah it's an old one
Trust the plan anon
NATO flags pushing hard for Yids
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>Ive not seen any real evidence that isnt just fabricated nonsense.

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>Macron says Europe must make itself a credible independent partner for 3rd countries. "Europe must show that it's never going to be the lapdog for the United States when we speak to the other regions of the world."
Looks like it's time to increase US military presence in EU again

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No. Rarely one of them will say something stupid enough to be funny rather than annoying, but it’s not often.
People hearing it from his mouth is already something, even if he personally doesn't believe it
Don't you know Macron by now ? He'll say anything and its opposite and then proceed to do nothing (except giving rich people more money)
>France wants to go against US control in Europe

How completely out of character for the nation that left NATO and is known for their strategic ambiguity
Acceptance is the first step toward healing

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Suggested reading:
Suggested listening: https://youtube.com/watch?v=IOszSS0IDKk

Colossians 3:1 - Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God

>Humza Yousaf cancels speech amid turmoil after power-sharing deal collapses
>Girl, 13, charged with three counts of attempted murder after Ammanford school stabbing is remandedin youth detention centre
>Nigel Farage will lead Britain to the 'sunlit uplands' as next Tory leader, ally predicts
>Two men charged with spying for China granted bail
>‘Real hope’ for cancer cure as personal mRNA vaccine for melanoma trialled

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why not?
Because you're living a miserable existence
>bourgeois morality
kek this isn't the 50s
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feeling happy today
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mikey always keeps his cool, that's why he's made it this far

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Why do you hate us /pol/ we just want to work and build a better America. It’s not our fault you people are lazy.

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I'm not interested in your fucking take on the fucking British your rancid brown fuck. Staying in your fucking zoo and don't pollute my nation with your rancid culture of lying and rape. Whining about the british with your neo colonialist hindu slum dwellers coming unwanted in to my nation by fraud and lies trying to take asylum places for people fleeing war? You fucking hypocritical little rat. Every fucking one of you worthless fucks should be thrown off a cliff.
You would never know retard. Can you provide a proof with example that they wont?
You know what you'll never do? Get pussy without rape.
Shit in a toilet.
Have a successful country.
Bed a white woman.
Survive the next 10 years.
Go fuck another lizard to death nobody wants you here shitting up the board
You're no better than the British were coming into other peoples nations unwanted by fraud and lies. If you don't wise up and get out it will end very badly for your people little Indian man. We won't be kind and gentle with you like the British were either .

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It seems the protests mostly ended last night
Too late, your people poisoned the Aryans (your only protectors)

Jews will be hunted down by Islamo-fascist brown people in previously-White countries because the jews can't think ahead
wouldn't the survivors and their families be disgusted/angry by such comparisons if the 1930s were truly as bad as they say? Imagine equating literal programs to students holding up signs and calling a end to war.
Repeating a lie doesnt make it magically true.
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There is nothing wrong with killing Jews.

Gaijin think they can lay their filthy gaze on the sacred mountain ??
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nice source URL
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Now go back to animating the loli incest hentai I jerk off to.
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>you no rook at my rocks

Enjoying current year so far?
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new link
avoid OP site
Maybe pumping million s of swimming pools of Fiji water to sell has angered Godzilla

Why did Stolckholm police raid them?
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The original site. Now there's fifty ghost ships. Most of them are click bait.
FBI honeypot
No, but I would copy the blueprints for either of those and produce them if I had the material available. Piracy of digital product is not theft as nothing is being deprived of the owning party, as if I couldn't pirate it, I probably wasn't going to buy it.

If I read a book at a bookstore, could I be charged with theft?
Private trackers were ALWAYS gay. It doesn’t keep LEO out and just makes it irritating to shove it in your face all this cool stuff there and you can’t get in without an invite. And if you’re an asocial asshole like me you don’t know anyone to get you one.
Cloudflare != TPB

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redneck hate edition
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The bodypillows are meant to replace women bcuz you can beat them without injuring your knuckles

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It's over
Send in MORE snipers
All that yelling and screaming on the front line made all the Jews die from attrition

We did it reddit!
>kikes on suicide watch

Women don't enjoy sex but they HAVE to sleep around
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>This post admits that women are too stupid to control their own self-destructive behavior.
Is this hoe math?
You're just making shit up, she didn't say she was fucking anyone. Stop acting like a jew.
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Aww they say uhh
"A black man is a pimp, "
Well let me tell you the biggest pimp
On planet motherfuckin' Earth, is her momma
It's her momma that told her,
"Get a man that got a good job gurl!
Make sure he got a good car gurl!
Make sure he can take you out and buy you somethin gurl!"
What happened to just fallin in love with a nigga with a bus pass
Just cause you love the nigga?
But I'm the pimp motherfucker!
I gotta be the player!
Biggest hoes, on planet Earth
Are walkin' through the motherfuckin' neighborhood

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Sure but this is the consequence of killing social shaming for promiscuous behaviour. Fear of shame is really the only thing that can keep women from being whores, and that would solve the “if I don’t do it she will” dilemma for the most part. It constrains the destructive behaviours of both men and women. But feminism got rid of shame and told men to accept women for what they are and told women to all act like whores and that it was good for them. And here we are.

if you do not stop genociding people not just in gaza but the world we are gonna kill you, do you understand?
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>Been hearing this weird knock on my old side door periodically for 2 days
>Go outside to see, thinking the garbage can blew over or something
>Nothing out of place
>Hear it again later
>Look out window
>See bird silhouette clinging onto the screen
>Put 2 and 2 together
>Go outside to look
>It's a male and female cardinal flying into my side door
Why are they doing this bros?
humm there are many anon, you must be more specific if you want my help.perhaps start with hat you liked about that era, then i can start there because your decription is very limited.

undergorund german?

what? you need more specifics then i can if you describe maybe lyrics or what you thing where the lyrics in you head, i'm good at this so don't think your stupid babble in your head will not be of use.

there is many more from her, its to my shock she is still producing it seems. I know its not what you want but do try me, i'm very good at tracking down sounds.

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