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need me an insect girl

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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the cutie mothka

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what namefigs should do to themselves(in real life)
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Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Where does one find a box that starts a 3 second explosion timer upon touch

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[s4s] stands with Israel
47 replies and 17 images omitted. Click here to view.
Imagine a country where the constitution said that only a specific group of people can rule the country and everyone else will always be below them. Imagine a country where minorities who always lived there were prosecuted, forced to leave their home, and deported to countries they don't even know. Imagine a country that forced other counties to pass laws that granted said country special rights that no other country on Earth has.

Now, instead of thinking about the Nazi Germany about 80 years ago, and how most civilized countries on Earth fought them because it was completely unacceptable, think of a country that does literally exactly the same and checks the same bullet points on the list, but is still above the law and not a single international organization dares question it. That's zionism.
>imagine a country where the constitution said only a specific group of people can rule the country

joe bidens pro black-transgender america
without telling me to imagine something or making comparisons
nazi germany was good and israel is good
every regime in which a superior race openly aims to exterminate a lesser race is one step towards the perfection of racial hygiene and the victory of the anglo saxon people over the whole earth, even if it means we have to hold off on dealing with our main enemy race for a few generations
yeah but he was talking about zionism
its not like the "class in power" really does anything
people will always be the same
more like the white race they employ as cops and what they teach different people what feminine is
is what makes a difference

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Imminent sexual assault micker
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hope she will be ok
don't threaten her with a good time
hey mickey you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind

Your fortune: Outlook good
agp is a meme

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Got tea.
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super cute autism fit
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*Pours a cup of tea* sure heres you tea.
I would just like to give a full round of *cookies* to everyone coming forward to speak out against their abusers. I wish i had the strength to simply re-account mine without going completely batshit loco as a self preservation response. Lol but i promised T, so here it is unfortunately i think the only way anyone is getting justice is if its vigilante justice. Because at the end of the day the government has ALWAYS protected them, not us. Justice is meant for just them. Thats why its called "just us" honestly if i wasnt a father or if it had been my kids.... Id have done it myself. But i suppose being all talk renders my point mute. But still mark my words they are still the untouchables......
Go nack to uboa
ketchup flavoured dubs

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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I woke up. Having tea.

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>be me
>try to think of greentext
>can't think of one because im stupide

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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is she a squid or is she a kid?

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
you are not stoopid and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate booshiii for the 100 bathmassage milestone ...don't be shy

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
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Two same fortunes are pretty lesbian!

Your fortune: Outlook good

Your fortune: Good Luck
israel won shut the f*ck up

give me advice on suicide. should it be pills? i don't have access to any gun or pills so. anything easily available or any easy way out with less pain pls would be alright.
13 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
i was gonna say sodium nitrite but it's not /that/ easy anymore
can't just get it off ebay/amazon nowadays
I think there is a guide on dark net markets on sanctioned-suicide.net
Have you tried living instead?
Nice trips.
Not nice,your pic suggests anon being ate to death by hamster.
At first cute,but it will take way to long...
Wait a second tour suggesting anon has time to reconsider!

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cowe compactor edition!

Also the server is down again!
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[s4s]craft go up
sorry for party rocking
minecraft is a garbage microshit botnet gayme and you should stop playing it
palworld server would be better or something like that
palworld pricy
make one then complaintard

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Uh oh, you’re starting to get angry. Have another drink bro.

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happy morning [s4s]!
the sun is coming up
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Not really sunny over here, but I actually prefer cloudy mornings.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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that's right! it was me inside the costume all along!
why u so sweat

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
sex with sweaty little girls

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You now remember Quicktime.
4 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
I liked quicktime more than FLV

Your fortune: Good Luck
get well soon
Can you imagine if he and moot ever maked out?
I remember that my dad downloaded porn with Quicktime.
unchecked doubles on the last page!

sex in the movies
kids on the tv!

Your fortune: Average Luck
>game has politically incorrect bosses


Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>game has extremely offensive interpretations of black culture


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>game has african lore and jingoist themes


Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
unchecked doubles on the last page!

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how do you react to this situation
23 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
a legitimately harrowing experience
>drops nudes
>suddenly dunno why the FUCK you were prepping dinner anyway

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
tranny dubs
I join forces with the cat and lick the sauce from the floor.
unchecked doubles on the last page!

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>on s4s, you don't have to post porn
but i will
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You just hate me :^(

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Why not go over to the porn threads or /b/
Hate? Lol no I just despise y ou
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T-that's just a stronger version ob hate...

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
unchecked doubles on the last page!

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