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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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Did we like it or did we love it? :D
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She is romancable is you call your RT Goge Vandire.
I really didn't like the amount of combat in the game. There was way too much of it to the point where I became sick of it and just wanted it to end.
The system the game was based on wasn't very fun. Every time you leveled up you got way too many choices on what you could chose and it was almost overwhelming.
Act 4 and 5 are almost nothing to the point where I would recommend people to just stop playing after act 3.
I did really like the characters and the story up until act 4. Likewise it wasn't until act 4 that I became sick of all the combat encounters. There's some good stuff in this game but unless you get it for like 10 to 20 dollars or pirate it I would say you might want to pass.
I feel like that was an issue in their previous games too, but with rtwp it was slightly less bothersome. Even then, I sometimes skipped fights by using toybox to cheat. With RT I didn't need to because thanks to bugs (I hope) I got a near limitless attacks (benefit from solving some high int riddle stacked with bounty hunter ulti) with a ridiculous damage (plasma gun that had int instead of int bonus to damage) so I could end most fights in one turn if I wanted to.
It was a good game. Solid B- game.
The ship battle fights was a mediocre to bad experience; only the first few fights were actually fun.
SPBP. I know better than to play an Owlcat game without waiting for the “enhanced edition” and buying it on sale half off

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Was thinking of getting NWN2 just to play Mask of the Betrayer (given its reputation). I've never played a NWN game though. Should I be fine to skip the OC? I watched an hour or two of both on YT and the OC looks like the cheesiest fantasy schlock, whereas the opening section of MotB was kino as fuck. Also, more importantly, the modules for these games are a big selling point, so are there any that you guys like?

Basically discussion both NWN games, which expansions you like, and which modules. I'm open to trying out both games
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unless you're using a keen falchion you're not going to be a doing a significant amount of dps over a keen scimitar
NTA, but I'd say that the difference in shield AC increases further with levels, if one gets +1, +2, etc., meaning one can get up to, like, +8 difference thanks to tower shields.
It's just that the difference is high enough only on later levels. Still, enemies' AB by 3d edition's design grows too fast compared to AC, and it remains a question not of full mitigation but of making enemies hit you on 15+ rolls rather than on 10+ or even lower. That is why HP gets so bloated and early levels are so bad.
Well, the OCs of both games are a bit bland, and is a little more than a showcase for the capabilities of the Aurora toolset. But Hordes of the Underdark and the Mask of the Betrayer are the best expansion, imho.

But I've enjoyed playing through both games and all their expansions (and other content, both official and unofficial) several times during the last twenty odd years, so I think it's worth it to play through them all regardless of their perceived difference in quality.

So yeah, just play the games through and through, if you feel like it. That's my advise.

I also don't care if anyone thinks my opinion is retarded and my advise sucks, so fuck off already.
I'm inclined to agree with you.
Fucking love the DM of the Rings xD

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Why are modern RPGs so long?

Jeez. Don't they understand that after 20-30 hours the average player gets bored of the same setting with the same faces? And that it is better to improve re-playability, and not the length of hours?

I will play with pleasure for 20 hours. Then I'll take a break, forget about the plot, come back after a while and play again with pleasure with another character with a different role-playing style.

If the game is long, I will get tired of the monotony for a maximum of 50 hours, drop it and never come back, because the game will be etched in my memory as boring shit.
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but wizardry is a dungeon crawler,this is like saying gta is an rpg because there is growth stats and customization or saying "look this first person shooter is an rpg" just because has stats.
Suit yourself, not every game should appeal to everyone. If I truly like a game I can easily put 100+ hours into it, even as an adult working 50 hours a week
As a kid, I only had access to a handful of games, so you were happy to have long games. And even smaller games, I'd find a way to stretch out their playtime exploring every nook and cranny. Game enjoyment wasn't purely consumptive back then.
Because they need more time for degeneracy. 10 hour is not enough for gay bear westerners like. Wwsterners want 100 hour of degeneracy propaganda to children.
If you're concerned with "bloated" game lengths because you're an adult with responsibilities, then maybe it's time to STOP PLAYING VIDEO GAMES RETARD. What are you doing on 4chan? What the fuck is wrong with normalfags like you when you have facebook and shit?
>oh no this new game will take me 90 hours to beat!
>still have to pick up jimmy after hockey practice and susie needs to go to the dentist, no games for today
>have to go the miller's barbecue on saturday, no time for games
>late night at the office, no games for me
>date night with the wife, out to the lounge we go, no games there
Go live your life and do stupid mundane shit you niggerworm, and leave rpgs alone.

What are some RPGs where I can be evil?
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This only really becomes pertinent right at the end. During the game proper you can be as loathsome of a cunt as you want.
I don't get paid to shill games, just making an objective reply to his post. If you can name a more iredeemably evil joinable faction than The Board, go ahead and name one, I'm genuinely curious
If you just admitted to being a shill it would be easier than whatvever coping mechanisms you're cooking up back there
You completely failed to answer my question regarding a more vile joinable faction. You also completely failed to provide any evidence I get paid money to post on 4chan. Can you do better than dodging my simple questions whilst repeating your same baseless accusations?
All western games. You always do degeneracy and gay.

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Never trust anyone who would sing you a song for money or says that they know many tales
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Well shit. Wish I knew about this earlier
what did you ship to get that offered? i wasn't able to get any progress on the dress shirt -> acrylic charm/etc path but i only tried the charms so far
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Just trading a bunch of 3 max upgraded weapons. However pic related is much cheaper to do
Probably collect 3 of them and see if they can't trade up into something else.

This seems like it should be the limit unless 3 80power weapons trade into something special
hmm, i already have one obsidian frontlet made, and i should still have 2 unused plumed hairpins, pretty steep cost but i'll go for it, thanks
3 tengu cloak also work. Not a lot of 3 maxed out armor seem to work. But I could also just be unlucky, and there's no way I'm going to cycle my Pulchran robes

I don't think there's a cheap weapon to max out though. The cheapest is definitely armor and accessories given you can trade up into most of this crap

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>want to play PoE with a cool skill i like
>theorycraft about how to spec my character and how to play it
>can't come up with anything so i google it
>see a video of an optimized build that fullclears the entire screen in 0.01 seconds dashing from one map to the next
>realize i will never create something this good on my own meaning i'll either just copy the optimized build 1 to 1 or play something that's 100 times worse
>why even play it then?
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What's the appeal of clearing the screen with one spell? Where's the gameplay?
>What's the appeal of clearing the screen with one spell? Where's the gameplay?
Yeah that's also a problem. There is no appeal or gameplay once your character becomes this op. Not like the base gameplay of ARPG's of mindlessly clicking the same mobs over and over and over again is appealing gameplay to begin with...
There's an interesting mod for Grim Dawn called "Dread" that makes monsters much stronger and reduces their number. It pretty much concentrates the combined strength and health of a large mob into a few creatures. You have to make use of more than one skill to kill them.
It's not a solution to the problem, and I wouldn't even say it was good, but it's different.
Sounds cool i'll give it a try. Thanks!
Play ruthless it solves the zoom zoom problem if that is something you despise about modern PoE.

New Thread for shit talking NWN RP Servers and it's players like POTM, Arelith, TDN.

I feed off of the gossip and hatred.
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You mean "just released" again, after several times, over the last 6 years. They hype themselves up but their weird ideas is going to doom them.

They'll keep doing this because the discord hype is the point of the pw instead of the pw itself.
Can't wait for you to lose your RDD beslyth you faggot!
Dear god, you're right. That and over-decorating areas with no substance of world building or RP gameplay.
That's not a very nice thing to say, my guy. I believe most of the playerbase have relatively ordinary lives and normal. Maybe even a house, a spouse and kids.

I still play on the RP servers from time to time; maybe mostly because I miss the haydays of NWN in the 00s and wish to reminisce of the good times that were had.

I dearly miss 3kds and TWI with their fantastic communities.

It may look like shit but it will offer a choice of real RPG (that is realtime) combat instead of strategy game combat, which is so rare these days. It also takes inspiration from the best RPG of all time, BG1. Hopes, fears, dreams?
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>obviously disregarding your pathetic attempt to include games that are US legal drinking age
Woah, it's almost like my entire point was always that DEX = king stat that governs literally everything and/or is required for every "build" has been dominant design ever since 3rd edition D&D aka almost 30 fucking years, zoom-zoom.
DnD3e is 2000
so thanks for acknowledging you are a retard and included fallout 1/2 for the sake of making the list longer

let's recap on your words, didn't you say
>that has plagued every single CRPG's ever since third edition D&D rolled around
so we've pretty much established it's not "every single one" it's just those using retarded DnD system and retarded DnD-based systems, innit?
>They fixed... That alone makes this game the single best CRPG released in decades
yeah let's just forget that almost every out of numerous non-DnD based crpg of 2010 have already fixed that

>just those using retarded DnD system
oh yeah and that one slavshit-gaem-no-white-people-play from the same devs that I keep forgetting was also guilty of the same flaw as DnD games but to a greater extent

lol you keep getting pwned in the ass, starting to think that's what you are coming here for
They literally did on the demo release day. Which you didn't participate in because you don't pay attention. Look up the last thread in the archive.
i don't remember them crying, they came in and took their licks saying they didn't expect anything else from this place.
yeah looked it up.

There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy. Shepard sacrificing the alliance fleets to help the destiny ascension escape has him put the lives of three politicians above the lives of the entire galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a paragon option. Saving a few of elites is the good boy option. So dumb. The choices in mass effect make nonsense. Just like curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with.
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cant spell mass effect without massive fucking plot holes
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I was considering posting a thread listing all the plotholes of the trilogy but remembered they only allow 500 posts per thread and 2,000 characters per post, so I wouldn't even be able to adequately describe even half the plotholes in the permitted 1,000,000 characters. So I said fuck it, it isn't worth posting 6 seperate threads to elaborate about literally every damn plothole. However not everything is a plothole, so no need to move goalposts looking for even more plotholes than we already got. Pretending the Citadel Council aren't (unwittingly) mildly Indoctrinated sleeper-agents would be a plothole in theory, except they are actually Indoctrinated so there is no plothole in actual practice

Ffs we already have more than enough real legitimate plotholes to cope with and ruminate over without you inventing fake plotholes in your mind. For example, remember in ME1 when Femshep and Liara T'soni kindly offer to invite Kaiden Alenko into a 2 female 3some? And Kaiden strangely says fuck no? That is a fucking outright offensive plothole! like Bioware heretics wiping their shitty assholes with the Lore itself! Kaiden isn't retarded, if they wanted to make ME1 more realistic he would have said fuck yes!

I can prove how it is a plothole, consider this... If Femshep offered any anon lurking here an invitation to enjoy a 3some with herself and Liara, I'd imagine 99% of us would happily accept her offer, right?
Don't care about them plot holes. I just play it to pound the squadmates' holes.
>If Femshep offered any anon lurking here an invitation to enjoy a 3some with herself and Liara, I'd imagine 99% of us would happily accept her offer, right?
I don't have sex with aliens. They will NEVER gain access to my precious seed.
It is incredibly weird how the ME1 Salarian councilor is male, the ME1 codex makes it clear only the female cast of Salarians are allowed to serve in government. Equally weird how a Vorcha leads the blood back in ME3, wtf?

This software isn't the best, but are you making an RPG, anon?
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Yes the style and expressions are very anime-like
> We want our own safe space
> But other people are bad if they don't let us invade theirs
Fucking 100% already.
That market is dominated by gacha. High barier to entry I'm afraid.
Anybody got some cracked/free plugins for MZ?
I'm looking for the ones that change the gameplay style into a strategy rpg or sidescroller?
Well, you can just download MZ games and copy the plugin files.

Plugins aren't cracked, that said, some are obfuscated making them useless; unless you abite by the developer of that plugin and only use their plugins. You're going to encounter issues with conflicts due to unnessecary bloat in plugins and won't be able to fix them when they're obfuscated.

SigmaSuccour kept a list of all plugins for MZ that he could find in a spreadsheet.
Here's a free one from it: https://github.com/Ohisama-Craft/SRPG_GearMZ
(steam link)

Yes, there is a competitor on itch.io that google, etc. prioritize (because western) which costs 25 dollar. (the western plugin community sucks due to the devs feeling entitled, are money greedy and obfuscate shit)

Anyway, find sigma's list and you'll find plenty of side scroller helpful plugins.
Look up Side on youtube if you want to see how to make a side scroller in MV/MZ

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This is the most weirdest dungeon crawler I have ever played in my life. But I love it.
I like that It has a parlay option, something severely lacking in games like wizardry and Elminage.
>most weirdest
Oh shut up nerd who gives a fuck
You've peaked my interest OP, but what makes it so weird?
um the art style is quirky just like me

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I just want a small farm with khajiit slaves
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>Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul for Morrowind?
IDK, just want something different after literally hundreds of hours of vanilla. I don't mean a literal 1:1 copy of OOO for Morrowind. I just mean a large-scale overhaul that changes the game.
I don't think so? Maybe Adventurer's Mod, but I think it's old as fuck at this point and nowhere near as encompassing.
Morrowind Rebirth. Some people shit on it but that's usually because retards often suggest it for a first time playthrough. But it adds a ton of shit, expands towns, new dungeons, new enemies, and thankfully it doesn't really touch quests, so the writing isn't tainted by "harry potter is my favorite book" modders like Tamriel Rebuilt is.
>and thankfully it doesn't really touch quests, so the writing isn't tainted by "harry potter is my favorite book" modders like Tamriel Rebuilt is.
Kekkles. I'll have to check it out.

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what are your thoughts on the mana series? is it better than tales? what is your favorite game in the series?
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>is it better than tales
Why did you include this in your post?
They're very different games, with vastly different goals in terms of their gameplay, themes, and story designs. This really feels like useless flamebaiting.
I'll be real with you, Children is pretty shit. It's absolutely fine staying where it is on the DS, and Heroes isn't that much better.
Not everything needs rereleases and remakes
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Yeah, it released a while ago actually, I think in 2022. It was pretty bad if you ask me, just a bore to sit through.
Playing through Trials one last time with Kevin as my main as I haven't seen Mirage Palace yet. Riesz and Duran are my companions. Thinking of going Dark Riesz since the first time I played I made her a Starlancer. Thinking of making Duran an Edelfrei for partywide Saber buffs, and have Kevin go Light for the healing. I'm on Hard mode if that matters.
I cannot have a party without Angela.

How is this? Is it shit? Is it good?
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Okay. Well I guess the thread is over then.
You gain me calling you a niggerfaggot.
You niggerfaggot.
Please don't make any more threads like this.
Ha ha based
Or maybe just don't reply you toxic piece of garbage kys

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